Character 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐢𝐤

Jul 26, 2023
Galactic Credits

Name: Valkyrie Henrik
Alias(es): Spearkiller
Age: 29
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Ethnicity: Lavaria,Baragnia

Physical Information
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Shining Orange
Skin Tone: Fair Skinned
Height: 5'9
Weight: 120 LBS
Brief Description: Wavy Red hair green eyes woman in her late 20s with orange face makeup has a black necklace made of obsidian stone.

Social Information
Affiliation(s): High Kingdom of Eirelunn
Ranks and Titles: Noble - Captain
House: Henrik
Skills: Spearmanship and battle and trade stratagist and has great Tradesmanship skills.


Master Spearmanship
Master hand to hand Combatant
Highly talented in trading
Master battle and Economical Strategist
Enhanced Stamina through training.

Inexperienced in fighting against magic related attacks
weak against heavy artilleries all at once
Anxiety due to PTSD
As a mercenary, she can be targeted by bounty hunters and enemies.
Insomnia due to past trauma.
Bloodlust and violent Mood swings
Hatred for men in general.

She was not a citizen of Garðar or even somewhere nearby. Her story is only known to Baron Ragnar who once was her raid captain during their mercenary days.She was once a daughter of a wealthy and rather greedy merchant,who was ransacked by the invading army. The army gave the man an offer.The man can take all the money they ransacked along with a bit more. But in exchange they asked for her. The greed of the man knew no bounds and so he agreed after bargaining and striking a good deal. She was young and naive and this was about to be exploited by her father as he left the poor helpless girl inside a tent along with a small group of about 6 people. The merchant was given half of the money they owed him that night and half of it was promised to be given the next day. So when the Merchant returned the next morning expecting more gold. He was not bothered about the state of his daughter who was expected to be ravaged by the beasts in human skin. Gold….it was the one thing that mattered to the old and cunningly greedy merchant. But much to his dismay he found the tent completely bloody with bodies of the soldiers piled up and his daughter on top of it sitting with a sword in her hand. He was right about one thing, she did change that day. She finished that day’s killing spree with her father and she boarded a carriage taking all the wealth there was in the camp with her along with weapons. She hid all the treasures in a cave and traveled far and wide expecting to make more money from what she now did best. Killing people. She was still kind hearted to people and she helped the poor and needy from her treasure and she found a band of mercenaries and led them. But fate led her and her band to Ragnar and his men who assisted them during a tough fight which would have been fatal if Ragnar’s band didn’t interfere. From that day she and her band tagged along with Ragnar.

Holdings / Possessions: Long Spear which is made by stone smith Elves who made it long enough to keep enemies at a distance and also it has additional features such as making it longer and shorter according to the needs of its user.
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