Approved Ystad Logistics Fort "Garvian"

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Jul 23, 2023
Galactic Credits


POI Name: Logistics Fort "Garvian"
Credits: Fort Picture
Type: A Logistics Fort
Position: Ystad near border with Sellath
Consolidation Thread: N/A
Architect: Foma, Teafa, as well as many builders from around Suthra
Description: Fort Garvian is a palisade fort with a small moat around it that allows the garrison to hold of an enemy attack until help can arrive. The area has significant build up of supplies and roads that are being brought to the area in preparation for the invasion into Sellath. In this vein the fort has a nearby army camp that has sprung up, requiring the place to grow from a small frontier outpost into the logistics fort that it is. This means that inside of the fort is actually more supplies, weapons, and other things needed for an army than one would expect for a fort this size.

  • Main Stats
    • Defence: High
      • Defensive Elements: Both the moat, as well as a large presence of troops that constantly patrol through the area, along with the large amount of supplies they keep inside for an extended siege.
    • Offence: Average
      • Offensive Elements: There are various places along the outer part of the fort for arches to use, as well as guard towers, it even has a few weapon emplacements in order to shoot back at the enemy and try and take down any siege weapons.
    • Durability: Average
    • Scarcity: Unique
  • TvM Requirement: 4v2
Spoiler: Point Allocation Chart: 8 Points
Depending the points spent across the Main Stats of a Submission, the requirements for creation change. The more special a POI is, the higher the requirements for a Consolidation Thread in which the existence of the POI is addressed and introduced in a narrative manner.
Points SpentRequirements
9-12Consolidation Thread (15+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)
13-16Consolidation Thread (20+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)


*It is at a well defended crossroads that is getting built up by the day, and the amount of well laid roads allows for any relief force to arrive quickly

*The amount of supplies in the fort allow for the defenders to hold out against an attacker, even longer than most forts of this size might be able to do normally


*Because of it's small size and small garrison, along with the large number of supplies on the inside. This makes the fort a perfect target for raiders, especially if they have boats to escape on.

*Being near the sea, and far from any major supporting city or fort means that any enemy who hits it and is able to quickly bring down its gates can plunder Fort Garvian and be gone before help arrives.

Historical Information

Fort Garvian was one of the earliest fort's build by the Ulfbitenn's as they conquered their way through Suthra during the early days of the invasion. After Almet Ulfbitenn landed his first ships the foundation of the fort was laid with the sole intention of defending the landing site and eventually it was turned by Sylvia into a way of supplying her troops as they moved inland. Over time the fort feel out of use, except as a garrison fort on the frontier, which unlike near Gent was actually rather calm. To be sent to Garvian was to be sent to the back end of nowhere and wasn't exactly the best sign for your career.

Despite the decrease in funding that went in the forts direction, the Trangaal Baroness did make sure to keep a small force there as well as keep the fort in decent repair so that it could fend off attacks from the southern boarder, or simply act as a place from which to watch the sea. True fort Garvian wasn't strategic by any means, but it had its purpose.

Recently this has changed as activity near the border with Sellath has grown. Not only from attacks by raiders, but also the increased build up of Sylvia's own forces in preparation for the invasion. This has brought changes to the fort and repaired it to its former glory that it had at the start of the Elirum incursions into these lands. Yes time has moved fast for the small fort, but it seems that given its position it is looking like it might grow into something more down the road. As it is close enough to the ocean side to probably defend a small fishing village or even a port one day... who knows...? Only time and the choices made by the Trangaals will tell.
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