Approved Warpeyes: Long Range Musket

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Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits
Name: Warpeyes
Type: Weapon
Credits: Image 1, Image 2
Consolidation Thread: N/A
Description: The Warpeyes are a large, unwieldy firearm resembling a cross between a musket and a long rifle. It has a distinctive barrel, with a faint green glow, and its stock is adorned with Eshkin iconography. It requires a sturdy bipod for stability, and its firing mechanism emits a loud crack when discharged.

  • Main Stats
    • Defence: Average
      • Defensive Elements: Iron armguard and a reinforced shield witch can hide the shooter behind it
    • Offence: Extreme
      • Offensive Elements: Once the rifle is fired, the weapon unleashes a single bullet made entirely of refined toxic stones at such velocity that it strikes with a force capable of penetrating through even the thickest of armours.
    • Durability: Low
    • Scarcity: Uncommon
  • TvM Requirement: N/A


The Warpeyes are capable of hitting targets at extreme distances due to its long barrel and precise scope, making it an effective sniper weapon.

Power: This instrument of war can penetrate almost any element if the shot hits, making it an incredibly powerful weapon


Slow Reload: Reloading the Warpeyes between shots takes considerable time, making it less effective in fast-paced battles.

Susceptible to Misfire: Due to its complex firing mechanism and the volatile nature of the toxic stones, the Warpeyes are prone to misfires or malfunctions, potentially injuring or incapacitating its user.

The Warpeyes were developed deep underground by the ingenious Eshkin tech researchers, a race of ratmen known for their ingenuity in war technology. Originally created as a means of thinning out enemy ranks from a distance, it has since become a staple in Eshkin warfare due to its effectiveness and overall advantage over other ranged weapons. The Warpeyes have seen action in numerous battles. Despite its drawbacks, its devastating firepower and ability to take down heavily armoured foes have earned it a fearsome reputation on the battlefield.
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