Character Vyona of the Wolf Clan-Phionas Gladiatrix

Nov 28, 2023
Galactic Credits
Full Name: ‘Vyona of the Wolf Clan’ ‘Phionas Gladiatrix ‘
Name: Vyona, Phionas
Surname(s):Gladiatrix, She-Wolf
Age: 22
Title(s): N/A
Nickname(s): She-Wolf
Sex: Female
Magic Affinity: Average
Strengths: Combat- A Fierce Warrior

Shaman- Her magic is an asset, particularly when it comes to Beasts.
Weaknesses: Pride- Her pride get’s the better of her at times.

Direct- Vyona often doesn’t have the patience or times for schemes and plots. Strategems she understands but she prefers to tackle her problems head on. Preferably with the blade of her axe.

Biography: Vyona was born to the Wolf Clan on the Steppe’s her early days of childhood were simple but happy, her Father was Chieftain, She enjoyed pretending to be a great warrior, hunter and shaman. She could roam through the camp free.

They were a nomadic people, she could ride before she could work, and was quickly discovered to have some magical ability with Beasts, being able to talk to and command them. She had dreams of being a great Dire Wolf. Got the nickname early ‘She-Wolf. First as a pet name, then as the tribal name she claimed with Pride.

She was trained to fight, her favourite weapons being great Warhammers, Mace and Axe. She wasn’t going to be heir, her older brother was. She was however expected to marry for the good of the Clan. She was engaged with someone from the Lion Pride. At first she objected, but eventually she decided to do her duty.

The wedding was an ambush, a blood bath. The demon king slaughtered everyone he could, rumor is some escaped. Vyona was captured. She was sold to a slaver, at first thinking she’d make an exotic addition to a brothel, that was before she castrated her first client. She was then sold on to a Gladiator troop.

Vyona has vowed to get revenge on the demon king. Even if she has to unite all the Tribes, Clans and Horde’s of the step to it.
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