Unit Creation Template

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Marcus Aumont

King Of Vampires
Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits
**Infantry Unit Template:**

**Unit Name:** [Enter Unit Name]

**Unit Type:** [Type of Infantry Unit, e.g., Rifleman, Scout, Heavy Weapons, etc.]

**Affiliation:** [Alliance, Faction, or Organization the unit belongs to]

**Unit Size:** [Number of personnel in the unit]

**Role/Function:** [Brief description of the unit's primary role or function in combat]

- [Primary Weapon]: Description of the unit's primary weapon, such as blaster rifle, sniper rifle, etc.
- [Secondary Weapons]: Description of any secondary weapons or equipment carried by the unit
- [Armor/Protection]: Description of the unit's armor or protective gear, if applicable

**Special Training/Skills:** [Description of any specialized training, skills, or abilities possessed by the unit]

**Leadership/Command:** [Name of Unit Commander or Leader]

**History/Background:** [Summary of the unit's history, deployments, notable engagements, and achievements]



**Special Forces Unit Template:**

**Unit Name:** [Enter Unit Name]

**Unit Type:** [Type of Special Forces Unit, e.g., Commando Team, Infiltration Squad, Reconnaissance Unit, etc.]

**Affiliation:** [Alliance, Faction, or Organization the unit belongs to]

**Unit Size:** [Number of operatives or members in the unit]

**Specialization:** [Description of the unit's specialized skills, training, and missions]

- [Primary Weapons]: Description of the unit's primary weapons, such as blaster pistols, vibroblades, etc.
- [Specialized Gear]: Description of any specialized gear, tools, or equipment used by the unit
- [Stealth Technology]: Description of stealth technology or techniques utilized by the unit, if applicable

**Mission Profile:** [Overview of the unit's typical mission profile, including objectives and tactics]

**Commanding Officer:** [Name of Unit Leader or Team Commander]

**History/Background:** [Summary of the unit's history, deployments, notable missions, and successes]


Feel free to customize these templates further to suit the specific units you want to create profiles for.
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