Approved Ukuaji, The Pale Men

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Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits


: Ukuaji

Type: Race

Credits: Picture 1 / Picture 2 / Picture 3 / Picture 4 /

Consolidation Thread: N/A

Intent: To create a weird, unique and grotesque race of inhuman beings.

Description: The Ukuaji are horrid beastial creatures of the night. These beings are often recognised by their abnormal amount of limbs pale skin and white eyes. They feed on living beings and use their magical abilities to ensnare their victims. Their bodies are incredibly weak and brittle leaving them to rely on magic to win their fights. Most Ukuaji are mentally unstable and lack simple abilities such as reason, communication and being able to make clear thoughts. These abominations are psychotic and unstable beings of pure deceit and disgust which should be avoided by all means.

  • Name: Ukuaji
  • Designation: Humanoid Abominations
  • Countries: Unknown
  • Provinces: N/A
  • POIs: N/A
  • Average Lifespan: 40 years
  • Estimated Population: ~ 1,000
  • Average Height of Adults: 5 - 8 feet
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin colour: Pale White and variations of grey
  • Hair colour: Black, White, Grey
  • Distinctions: The Ukuaji are born with numerous extra limbs and body parts. This can range from having a multitude of arms, legs, eyes, organs, mouths, heads, and in some cases even whole torsoes. These creatures are known for their cannibalistic tendencies, which are often directed towards children and the sick. Ukuaji have milky white eyes, which might leave some to believe they are blind, which, however, is far from the truth. In addition, these beasts are equipped with magical abilities that mirror those of great wizards and witches.
  • Multiple Limbs - The more the merier is something that can also be applied to the number of limbs you have. Being able to grab and hold down victims better, walk faster and kill efficiently.
  • Magical inclination - These creatures have incredible magical aptitude, allowing them to harness a variety of spells and elements. Under the right mind, these powers can be on par with great wizards and witches.
  • Intelligent - Although their minds are rotting and lacking simple communication at times, these abominations are insanely smart. Being able to utilise this skill for their hunts.
  • Eye Sight - Their pale white eyes can be compared to those of eagles whose sight allows them to spot mice from miles away, just as the Ukuaji can see you fall asleep by the fire even in the darkest of nights.
  • Glass Body - The Ukuaji have no natural healing process in their bodies, meaning even the simplest of scratches will remain as a permanent wound for the rest of their short lives.
  • Crazed Minds - These beasts are not to be reasoned with, most of them even lack simple communication and only care about their next meal. Any human or normal behaviour seen by these creatures should be pointed out as an illusion to lure in unsuspecting travellers. This, however, should not be seen as a lack of intelligence.
  • Culinary Specification- Ukuanji have an unsatisfiable, and primal need for living flesh. Their prey must be alive as the Ukuaji tear through their tendons and skin. The pheromones released through the incredible pain felt by the victims while being tortured are necessary for the Ukuaji to feel satisfied after their meal.
  • Weak Body - These abominations are physically weak beings, relying on tricks and magic to overwhelm their victims, however, should they be left without their magic abilities they would be rendered helpless, and defenceless.
  • Diet: Meat, The Ukuaji purley eat meat from any living being, raw or cooked it matters little to these abominations. They tend to favour the flesh of the young and innocent over older prey.
  • Communication: This can vary between every Ukuaji, as the rate of their mind deterioration differs from each individual. Some of these beats only being able to give singular verbs, and others being able to master multiple languages. The Ukuaji have no language of their own and communicate through the usage of their vocal cords.
  • Technology level: The Ukuaji care little about technological advancement. Using only what they find on the corpses of their meals, and whats abandoned in the wilderness.
  • Religion/Beliefs: Ukaji will pray to nothing, the only thing they will ever worship is their next meal.
  • General behaviour: They hunt, eat, sleep almost living the life of bears. Ukuaji are solitary creatures and rarely interact with others of their species. More stable individuals of this species build homes in the forest, to give the illusion of a civilised individual as they invite travellers inside, others live in caves and and burrows in the ground. The Ukuaji stay far from crowded and packed locations often confiding themselves to the wilderness of forests and mountains. Although these beings crave their next meal, they have been seen ignoring individuals they believe to be too strong for them to kill.
Some say they were created through an experiment of a crazed wizard wishing to bring back his dead loved ones. Creating them out of the body parts of his deceased friends and family, which eventually once he ran out of limbs led him to turn insane and massacre villages to collect their bodies and increase the size of his new family. Others say they once existed as humans only to be cursed as a punishment from their Gods, now tasked with guarding the secrets of their God. It, however, doesn't matter anymore for it is the past, and in the present, these beings are nothing less but nightmares told to children to keep them out of the forest during the night. The Ukuaji are a rare sight in the modern day, leaving many to think they are nothing more than legends and made-up devils for the stories.
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