Approved Towton, the Jewel of Eirlunn


Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

POI Name: Towton
Credits: Made in Midjourney
Type: City
Position: South-east Laighin province
Consolidation Thread: NA
Architect: Kingdom of Eirlunn
Description: Towton is a rather sizeable port that beams with life. Merchants from all over the West sail to Towton to sell their goods or services to the many nobles and craftsmen in Laighin, while ships come and go from the large port. The architecture of the buildings is visibly more well-designed, contrary to the average Laighin structures, signifying the modern character of Towton's overlords, House Marletenn. Towton's Economy is heavily based on trade, being the major trading port of the entire island, while there are local productions of agricultural and other products to support local economy.

  • Main Stats
    • Defence: Average 2
      • Defensive Elements:
        • Stone Wall
        • Moat
        • Wooden Wall Ramparts
    • Offence: Average
      • Offensive Elements:
        • Naval Base
        • Basic Garrison
    • Durability: High
    • Scarcity: Unique
  • TvM Requirement: 4v2

+ Trade Centre. Towton has flurishing economy, being a major trading port in the Eilean Sea.
+ Controlls access to the Eilean Sea. Due to its positioning, the naval elements that are docked in Towton are capable of engaging any unwanted fleets or ships that attempt crossing the Eilean Sea, as well as launch raids in the Brythonic coasts.

- Too Crowdy. In the case of a siege, Towton relies heavily on external support, as the population within it are far more than what the warehouses can supply, should a blockade is formed around the settlement.
- Ill-defended. Being a trading hub, unlike most Eirish settlements, not much attention has been given to the defenses of Towton, making it one of the significantly vulnerable cities of Eirlunn.

Historical Information
Towton was one of the many ports of Laighin, built by the Eirish that inhabited the land since antiquity. During the 4th and 5th century several tribes begun adopting the lifestyle that derived from the Northern part of Laighin at the time ruled by House Ulfbitenn. Islandic populations eventually started settling along the coast of Towton, while the settlement was developped into a rather sizeable stronghold.

During the 8th Century, Towton was among the many strongholds of Laighin, and a trading hub of Eirlunn. After the death of Duke Crocmac, and the rise of Duke Sichfrith the Cruel, Towton was weighted by taxations and faced a number of religious purges, that saw unrest in the surrounding counties of Oirtheroch.
Peasant revolts and religious violence became more and more frequent, until the inevitable outbreak of the Suthran Secession, which saw the entire realm divided. House Marletenn, at the time rulers of Towton, remained loyal to the House Ulfbitenn, and were reinforced by Edrich Ulfbitenn and an Ulfbitenn contingent, with the Marletenn taking part in a massive onslaught that saw the Secessionists almost unmade.
Emathil Malretenn, having been raised in velvet by his overprotective father, saw to use his keen mind to ensure his lifestyle wasn't threatened by the wars that seemed almost unavoidable in Eirlunn.
After several years as the ruler of Towton, Emathil developped a huge network of trade with both the Isles and Pottaun, seeing to establish himself as the economic powerhouse of the whole realm.
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