Duel Titanomachy, a Clash of Bitter Enemies


Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

In the desolate void above a dead world, two titans of the Force find themselves on a collision course that spans a lifetime of rivalry and ambition. Darth Fauste, Sovereign of the Starborn Sect, and Darth Malvus, Dark Lord of the Obsidian Court, navigate their sleek starfighters amidst the debris and decay of the barren planet below.

Their history is a tapestry of enmity and power, woven through the trials of their training and the clashes of their respective factions. Now, as they face each other above the desolate world, the gravity of their confrontation is palpable, a silent storm brewing amidst the silent ruins of a forgotten civilization.

Darth Fauste's starfighter, adorned with the symbols of the Starborn Sect, cuts through the darkness with an ethereal glow, a reflection of her mastery over the arcane depths of the Force and her unyielding determination to uphold the ideals of her sect. Opposing her, Darth Malvus pilots a vessel shrouded in shadows, its hull bearing the twisted insignia of the Obsidian Court, a testament to his embrace of the darkest facets of the Force and his relentless pursuit of dominion.

As they approach each other above the lifeless world, the air crackles with anticipation, each combatant channeling the raw power of the Force into their weapons systems, primed for the inevitable clash. With a surge of energy, they unleash the full extent of their abilities, the void erupting into a dazzling spectacle of light and destruction as the confrontation between Darth Fauste, Sovereign of the Starborn Sect, and Darth Malvus, Dark Lord of the Obsidian Court, reaches its zenith.
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In the cold, void-filled expanse of space above a desolate world, the darkness was pierced by the eerie glow of two fleets locked in a deadly dance. Swarms of Sith starfighters zipped and twisted through the void, their crimson lasers streaking against the backdrop of the distant, lifeless planet.

Aboard his sleek, obsidian-hued starfighter, Darth Malvus tightened his grip on the controls, his eyes narrowing as he scanned the chaotic battlefield. The Obsidian Court's forces were holding their own, but Malvus knew this conflict would not be settled by mere soldiers. His senses stretched out, seeking the presence of his rival.

Darth Fauste, the self-proclaimed Dark Lord of another Sith faction, piloted her own sinister craft through the fray. Her presence in the Force was a turbulent maelstrom of rage and ambition, a stark contrast to Malvus's calculated malevolence.

Malvus's ship twisted through the debris of a recently destroyed cruiser, his mind focused, his heart a cold engine of purpose. He activated his communicator, his voice a low, commanding growl.

"Focus fire on Fauste's command ship," he ordered, his tone brooking no dissent. "Draw her out. This ends today."

Responding to their master's command, the Obsidian Court's starfighters regrouped, their assault converging on the flagship of Darth Fauste's fleet. Explosions rocked the dark void as the targeted ship's defenses struggled to repel the concentrated attack.

As if sensing the culmination of their duel, Fauste's starfighter broke formation, speeding towards Malvus. The two Sith Lords' paths intersected, their starfighters swirling in a deadly dance of dark side energy and lethal skill.

Malvus smirked beneath his helmet, feeling the thrill of the impending clash. "So, you finally show yourself," he muttered, maneuvering his ship with precision.

Without further words, the two starfighters engaged in a high-speed dogfight, their crimson lasers and Force-enhanced maneuvers lighting up the dark sky. The dark side of the Force crackled between them, an unseen storm of power and fury.

Malvus spun his ship, dodging a barrage of laser fire, and retaliated with a volley of his own. The two ships circled each other, neither giving an inch, both masters of their craft. The battle raged on, the dark lords testing each other's resolve and skill in a deadly dance above the ancient world below.

In the heart of the chaos, as their starfighters spiraled closer, Malvus reached out with the Force, sending a wave of pure dark energy at Fauste's ship.

The true battle was only just beginning. The space above the desolate world bore witness to the epic confrontation, the fate of the Sith hanging in the balance as two of the galaxy's most powerful dark lords fought for supremacy. The echoes of their battle would reverberate through the Force, a testament to the relentless struggle for power that defined the Sith.
White and black peppered the void, a maelstrom of motion and carnage. Laserfire filled the space between as the Starborn Sect and the Obsidian Court waged war on one another. Lyanna herself had taken to the field to help minimize the casualties. Her unparalleled connection to the Force steered her hand, allowing the white TIE Interceptor that she piloted to pick off the enemy one by one. It wasn’t making much of a difference.

People from both factions were dying by the dozen. It would take time to replace the starfighters, even more to mourn the dead. Rage tickled at the edges of her mind. Experience kept the emotion at bay. Her eyes looked across the expanse for the one man that could threaten her in this battle. She need not have bothered as the Obsidian Court broke off to concentrate fire on the Machiavellian. Lyanna found her attention drawn to Malvus.

“Protect the Machiavellian,” the Sith Lord ordered as she broke off from the Starborn Sect’s formation.

Her starfighter sped across the empty gap.

Darth Fauste felt a sense of excitement course through her veins. As much as she openly disliked the man, Darth Malvus had more than proven himself as her equal on multiple occasions. They regularly tried to outdo one another, both on and off the battlefield. It had almost become something of a game between the two. A game with the final price to pay for losing.

“You won’t escape from me today.”

They separated from the rest of the battle, committing to a dogfight all their own. Their starfighters streaked across the atmosphere in a dance of lightning and laserfire. Her hands kept a firm grip on the controls, opening manipulating the Force in her favor. Neither could get a decisive blow on the other, experience allowing them to continue far past the limitations of any normal pilot. Frustration bubbled beneath the surface.

Lyanna gritted her teeth.

Her senses jolted the Sith Lord back into the heat of the moment, warning her of the field of energy heading in her direction. Cursing, Fauste shoved the controls forward and sent her Interceptor into a nosedive toward the desolate planet. Not a moment too soon as the attack passed harmlessly overhead. The starfighters shook slightly. Danger averted, she pulled out of the dive and cut a trail toward Malvus.

Eyes the color of silver glimmered with energy as she gathered the Force. Concentrating it at the front of her ship, she dipped further still into the dark emotions that were kept locked away. Lightning arced toward Malvus with extreme prejudice, nature taking course as it sought out the durasteel of his ship.

One way or another, their rivalry would end today if she had any say in the matter.
Darth Malvus watched as Darth Fauste's starfighter lunged towards him, her ship an aggressive blur against the star-streaked void. His senses tingled with anticipation; he could feel the dark currents of the Force gathering around her. She was about to unleash something potent.

"Fauste, your desperation will be your undoing," Malvus muttered, his voice a dark whisper lost in the cockpit of his starfighter.

Suddenly, arcs of brilliant, crackling Force lightning surged from Fauste's ship, lancing through the void towards Malvus. The energy crackled with malevolent intent, a storm of pure dark side power aimed to disable and destroy.

With a swift movement, Malvus's hands danced over the controls. His starfighter veered sharply, but the lightning grazed the hull, sending a shudder through the craft. Warning lights flashed, and systems strained under the assault, but Malvus remained unfazed.

"Impressive, Fauste," he growled, stabilizing his ship. "But you should know better than to think such parlor tricks would best me."

Channeling the Force, Malvus reached out with his will, drawing on the dark energies that surged within him. His fingers clenched, and with a surge of power, he diverted a portion of the energy from Fauste's lightning back towards her. The redirected bolts arced through space, threatening to strike her ship in retaliation.

At the same time, Malvus initiated a series of rapid maneuvers, his ship spiraling through the void with unnatural agility. He closed the distance between them with lightning speed, positioning himself for a counterattack.

"Let's see how you handle true power," Malvus intoned, his voice dripping with cold menace.

With a flick of a switch, his starfighter's weapon systems unleashed a torrent of laser fire, aimed directly at Fauste's cockpit. Each shot was precise, guided by his mastery of the Force, seeking to overwhelm her defenses and bring this duel to a swift, decisive end.

As the lasers streaked towards her, Malvus felt the dark side thrumming in the space between them. This was more than a battle of starships; it was a contest of wills, of power, of destiny.

"You cannot win, Fauste," he declared, his voice echoing with the certainty of the dark side. "Your fate was sealed the moment you challenged me."

The two Sith Lords, locked in their deadly duel, continued to clash above the ancient world below, their conflict a testament to the unyielding struggle for Sith supremacy.
It took all of a second to undertake evasive measures. The Interceptor banked to the right, her own lightning narrowly striking the underbelly of her ship. Her cockpit lit up as warnings flashed to notify the Echani woman of the damage. She took it all in with seasoned grace, eyes darting to and fro as she took in the information. The lightning had hindered some of the sensors, forcing the Sith Lord to rely more on her connection to the Force.

Amidst all of this, Malvus had repositioned his starship and began firing on her. Laserfire rushed toward the cockpit at several hundred meters per second. There wasn’t enough time to avoid the attack. Instead she reached for the Force, silently delighted to find the energy answering the call. It swirled around the cockpit, deflecting the laserfire to less important parts of the ship.

The warnings were starting to pile up.

Lyanna weighed her options. She could continue the dogfight in hopes of sneaking a victory from the jaws of defeat… or take a path that would surprise even her fellow Sith Lord. In the end, the choice proved simple. Reaching to her belt, Darth Fauste dawned her respirator mask. Fresh air flowed and she inhaled greedily.

“There is no time like the present, I suppose,” the woman murmured.

As Malvus cut a direct path toward her, Lyanna guided the Interceptor for a head on collision. Placing the control on autopilot, her hand hit a switch and parted the windows of the cockpit. Each hand came forward to grip the window edges. The Force swirled beneath her feet. Ten seconds before impact, Lyanna jumped from her ship. With just the concussive force alone, her ship shifted enough to the right to take out one of Malvus’ wings.

Weightlessness gripped her for a brief minute.

It almost felt like time stood still in that moment.

Then it resumed as she landed roughly atop the enemy starfighter. Her hand gripped the closest edge to keep herself from flying off. Without one of his wings, Malvus’ ship fell into a tailspin toward the planet below. Reaching to her belt, the Sith Lord drew her lightsaber with a hiss. Red light reflected off the cockpit window as she stared down at her enemy, casting an ominous glow across her face mask.

Spinning the lightsaber around to point downward, Lyanna tried to slam it home.
Fauste had an air for the dramatics it seemed. She had not only used the force to reallocate the lightning force damage through her ship, but also wildly acted on her Sith impulse and sacrificed her very ship to ensure that she would take him out of the space fight. Darth Malvus's eyes widened slightly as the starfighter veered sharply, colliding with one of the wings of his ship. The impact sent a violent shudder through his craft, alarms blaring in protest. Before he could react to the collision, Darth Fauste had ejected herself from her ship and using her momentum from the jump, landed on the hull of his ship!

Through his window, he could see her igniting her crimson lightsaber, her eyes intent on ending him through the hull of metal. With Fauste's attempt at his life, she would bring her blade downwards towards him easily cutting through the transparent material with ease.

Malvus's instincts immediately kicked in, fueled by the dark side. He unfastened his harness and sprang out of his seat, his own lightsaber snapping to life with a brilliant glow. With a surge of force enhanced speed, he leapt out of the cockpit, meeting Fauste's strike head on with a dazzling clash of the two crimson blades.

"Your arrogance blinds you , Fauste." Malvus retorted as their sabers locked in with a crackling display of power. "You overestimate your strength!" Using the force, he propelled himself upwards, pushing Fauste back onto the hull of his ship. Their sabers danced and clashed in a flurry of sparks.

The two dark lords battled fiercely atop the damaged starfighter, the void of space around them silent witness to their deadly dance. As they continued their battle atop of the damaged ship however, it would race down towards the desolate planet beneath them, the ship aiming to crash into the world beneath them. In a last ditch attempt, Malvus would pour his energy into a powerful force push to hopefully send Fauste off the ship and down to her doom, while also making sure to utilize his own force jump to vacate the ship's haul before it crossed paths with the very ground beneath them. With ferocity however the man would attempt to race towards Fauste to ensure her demise was certain by aiming his blade at her frame. "This is your end, Fauste.... Your ambition has led you to your doom." With that the Dark Lord would used his momentum to try to end the Darth right then and there and initiate his first step towards supremacy among the lords of darkness.

Tag: @Darth Fauste
Darth Fauste stood her ground.

“Arrogance? No, Malvus, it is clarity that guides me. Unlike you, I do not let sentiment cloud my judgment. And as for strength, you underestimate the depths of my power. Beware, for your lack of vision may lead to your downfall." It was almost instinctive, lightsaber meeting lightsaber in a shower of sparks. Neither giving nor losing ground in each exchange.

Malvus’ upward momentum pushed the Sith Lord back, her eyes squinting as wind rushed past them. They were tumbling to the ground below at a rapid pace. It was only a matter of time. As dangerous as it was to split her attention, she kept stock of where they were in the sky at all times. Due to this, Lyanna found herself unprepared for the Force push that came her way.

Tumbling toward the edge of the ship, Fauste struggled to find a handhold anywhere. Too little, too late. Her frame vanished over the edge and she tumbled toward the earth in a free fall. Grunting, the woman reached out with the Force and ripped off a panel from the underside of Malvus’ starfighter. It came spinning toward her quickly.

As soon as she got a hold on the plate, she used it to help steady herself. Not a moment too soon as the dirt rushed upward to meet her. She leaped from the piece of scrap and landed roughly, a gasp escaping as she felt something in her chest give under the pressure. Lyanna rolled across the ground before coming to a stop.

There was no time to gauge the severity of her injury. Malvus rushed to close the distance with sword in hand. Lying flat, Darth Fauste raised her lightsaber to meet his own. Sparks flew as she glared up at him. “You are a decade too young to think you are capable of killing me, Malvus.”

Lyanna channeled the Force into the palm of her hand, thrusting it up under the lightsaber deadlock toward his chest. She released the pent up energy in a mighty push at point blank range to create some room between them. If she succeeded, she would rise to her feet and twirl the lightsaber in her dominant hand in an excessive show of talent. Spotting a small outcropping behind her, Lyanna would step back into the shadows before vanishing. Blade and all.

Being the Sovereign of the Starborn Sect, a Sith faction primarily based on stealth, she had long since mastered the Force Cloak technique. Rendering herself invisible had proven a simple matter. It would hopefully give her a much needed second to catch her breath, the pain in her chest revealing itself to be a broken rib. With a soft groan, Lyanna tapped into her Shi’ido heritage. Using the extra muscle in her body, she forcefully popped the rib back into place.

Light flashed across her vision.

Gritting her teeth, Lyanna circled her opponent.

Analyzing him.

Satisfied, the Sith Lord charged forward quietly and ignited her lightsaber once more as she came in with an overhead strike.

Tag; @Darth Malvus
The ancient sands of the desolate surface whispered of countless battles fought and lost, and today, they would witness another clash of Sith titans. Darth Malvus and Darth Fauste, having crash-landed from their starfighter duel, now faced each other amidst the ruins of a long-forgotten Sith temple.

Malvus's lightsaber hummed ominously as he circled his opponent, eyes locked onto Fauste's every movement. The dark energies amplified their powers, and the air crackled with malevolent intensity.

"You've managed to survive this long, Fauste," Malvus taunted, his voice echoing through the temple ruins. "But your end is inevitable."

Malvus's senses sharpened. He could still feel her presence in the Force, a dark ripple in the currents around him. He remained poised, his lightsaber at the ready, turning slowly to anticipate her next move.

Suddenly, he felt a subtle shift behind him. Fauste, expertly concealed, was circling him, her lightsaber poised for a lethal strike. Malvus spun around just in time to intercept her blade with his own, the collision of crimson sabers sending a shower of sparks into the air.

"You can't hide from me, Fauste," Malvus growled, pushing her back with a powerful surge of the Force.

The duel raged on, each combatant pushing themselves to their limits, drawing deeply on the dark side to fuel their relentless onslaught. The sands, stained with the blood of ancient Sith, would soon be marked by their struggle.

Malvus, sensing an opportunity, channeled the dark side into a massive Force push, sending hoping to send Fauste crashing into a crumbling pillar. Malvus would follow up immediately and advance forward with his lightsaber glowing menacingly in the dim light reaching out to impale her.

"This ends now, Fauste," Malvus declared, his voice echoing with the finality of the dark side's judgment. "Your ambition has led you to your doom."

With a final, decisive strike, he brought his lightsaber down towards Fauste, determined to end their conflict once and for all.

Tag: @Darth Fauste
Malvus had a point.

Her death would come eventually. It was the inevitable moment that she could no more run from than anyone else. However, the rival Sith Lord had a single flaw in his logical assessment. He would not be the one to kill her. Time itself held that special honor, as far as she felt concerned.

They entered in a brief deadlock, the Force Cloak fading away. Her eyes bore into his own, a controlled tempest that threatened to rob him of everything that he held sacred. Both became lost in a blur of motion. Lightsaber against lightsaber as they strove to outperform one another. The Force guided her actions and enhanced her physical prowess.

Lyanna felt the disturbance in the Force. A warning of Malvus’ next actions. Instead of countering, she allowed the Force push to connect and throw her back. Expectant of the attack, she was able to orient herself midair to land feet first on the pillar. Between the force of his attack and her own weight, the pillar collapsed. She landed softly on her feet and used her lightsaber to destroy the debris that threatened to crush her.

“Very well. No more hiding,” the Echani conceded.

Lyanna diverted his strike to the left, embedding his lightsaber in what was left of the pillar. Her mouth turned up in a mocking smile. She cupped his cheek with a soft hand, almost comforting in a way. “It is adorable that you think so, Malvus. We both know how this game ends.”

As he came back around with an overhead strike, Lyanna reached up with her free hand. His weapon would find itself stopped abruptly half a foot from rendering her a cripple. The Force kept the glowing red blade away and she continued her speech, eyes glowing a radiant silver. Fauste stepped in close. Almost nose to nose with her opponent.

“I will leave here with what I came for and you will watch me as I do, unsatisfied. As you always are.”

Her piece said, Fauste would use the Force to propel her jump and create distance between them. She eyed their surroundings. Of all the places to land, an abandoned Sith temple had not crossed her mind. Lyanna and the Starborn Sect would have loved to delve deep into the ruins in search of knowledge at any other point in time. It was truly a shame that they were stuck in this situation instead.

Reaching out with the Force once more, the Sith Lord picked up several pieces of debris and flung them at Malvus.

Tag; @Darth Malvus
The ancient sands seemed to whisper the secrets of the Sith as Darth Malvus and Darth Fauste faced each other amidst the ruins. The air was thick with tension, the dark energies of the planet amplifying their powers.

Malvus's eyes narrowed, his grip tightening on his lightsaber. "You underestimate me, Fauste. Your arrogance will be your downfall."

With a fierce cry, Fauste extended her hand, summoning the dark side to her will. Debris from the crumbling ruins around them lifted and shot towards Malvus, propelled by her forceful command.

Malvus, anticipating the attack, reacted with the cold precision that marked his mastery of the dark side. As the debris hurtled towards him, he extended his own hand, dark energy crackling at his fingertips. With a snarl, he unleashed a torrent of Force lightning, the brilliant arcs of electricity meeting the flying debris mid-air.

The clash of energy and matter created a dazzling explosion of light and sound. The debris shattered and disintegrated under the assault of Malvus's lightning, fragments raining down around them. The sheer power of the attack illuminated the ruins, casting sharp, eerie shadows across the ancient stone.

"You will not escape me, Fauste," Malvus growled, his voice resonating with cold fury. "Your quest ends here."

Malvus, using the cover of the explosion, lunged forward with his lightsaber, his strikes fast and furious. The Force lightning still crackled around them, adding a dangerous, unpredictable element to their duel.

The two dark lords moved with the grace and speed of seasoned warriors, each seeking an opening, each refusing to yield. Malvus channeled his rage, his disdain for Fauste fueling his strikes. He pushed her back step by step, his eyes burning with the promise of retribution.

"Your defiance will be your undoing," he hissed, their sabers locked in a deadly embrace. "You will leave this place in defeat, or not at all."

Their duel continued with unmatched ferocity, the ruins of the Sith temple bearing silent witness to the struggle for Sith supremacy. The ancient planet, steeped in the dark side, seemed to echo with the power of their conflict, a reminder of the endless cycle of betrayal and ambition that defined the Sith.

Tag: @Darth Fauste
“You are beginning to sound like a broken record,” the Sith Lord retorted. Her eyes glimmered in the shadows of a dead planet. Force energy swirled around her in a violent tempest. It soothed her nerves and became a source of strength, allowing her to stand firm in the face of opposition. Her free arm came up to shield her face as lightning met debris and set off a chain reaction.

Light filled the area, revealing the symbols and words of wisdom of a bygone era.

Entering another deadlock, Lyanna stared him in the eye. There was not an ounce of weakness in her gaze. She even offered a chesire smile beneath the face mask. It was immediately obvious by the crinkling beside her eyes. Allowing his brief rebuttal, the pair traded blows once more. Neither conceding to the other.

Sparks filled the air with each inevitable clash. Focused, the Echani bobbed and weaved through the wreckage of a forgotten temple. She countered when she needed to, avoided when she could, and struck when the moment felt right. It was so easy to loose herself in the ebb and flow of battle. Being raised primarily on Eshan, she viewed battle as something of a conversation.

Echani culture believed that fighting someone could convey more information than a verbal conversation ever could. Here and now, Fauste reaffirmed her belief in the ideology of her people. In Malvus, she could feel the sheer ambition that coursed through his veins. The hatred for her that even now fueled his physical actions, setting the tone of this engagement.

Malvus had a hunger for power that rivaled her own hunger for knowledge. Ruthless, the enemy Sith Lord would have no reservations for the lives that he ruined. The families that he tore apart. He represented everything that she despised in the Sith. While considered one herself, Darth Fauste was an outlier in the Order.

Power was no more than a side effect of the knowledge that she obtained. It had even crossed her mind in days past that she was limiting herself by sticking to one side of the Force. As long as she survived here, plans were in place to begin experimenting with the Light. It would open doors that seemed permanently barred by the Dark. Eyes widening a fraction, Fauste ducked below a strike aimed at her neck.

Training forced her to swing with a left jab and step forward, her dominant right leg slipping between both of his and hooking a leg. If successful, it would serve to trip the opposing Sith Lord. Fauste would then lash out with her lightsaber, aiming not for Malvus himself but the hilt of his weapon.

“I have allowed you to ramble on long enough, Malvus.” Fauste took in a deep breath, a light sheen of sweat coating her exposed skin. “I will allow you to leave… your head is a far smaller prize to the knowledge that could potentially be found here. Retreat now or continue to resist. It makes no difference to me.” As she finished speaking, one of the Obsidian Court’s starfighters suffered a crash landing a few dozen feet to the side. The resulting explosion illuminated the area in bright orange before settling into a dull tone as the ship burned.

Tag; @Darth Malvus
The clash of lightsabers rang out through the ruins, a symphony of violence that echoed the ancient battles fought on this desolate world. The air around Darth Malvus and Darth Fauste crackled with dark side energy as their duel intensified.

Malvus's eyes burned with cold fury, each strike of his lightsaber aimed to overpower and annihilate his rival. But Fauste's determination was equally fierce, her movements quick and aggressive.

In a sudden, unexpected maneuver, Fauste aimed a left jab at Malvus, her fist connecting with a jarring impact. Before he could recover, she stepped forward, hooking her leg around his and tripping him. Malvus stumbled, his balance disrupted, and fell to the ground.

Seizing the opportunity, Fauste aimed her lightsaber at the hilt of Malvus's weapon, intending to disable it and leave him defenseless. But Malvus, drawing deeply on the dark side, reacted with lightning-fast reflexes. He extended his hand, a powerful surge of the Force arresting Fauste's movement in mid-strike.

"You will not defeat me so easily," Malvus growled, his voice a menacing whisper that reverberated with dark power.

With a burst of strength, Malvus pushed Fauste back, using the Force to throw her off balance. He rose to his feet, his eyes locked onto hers, and reignited his lightsaber with a hiss of malevolent energy.

"Your attempts to best me are futile," he declared, advancing on her with renewed determination. "I will see you broken at my feet."

Fauste, regaining her stance, met his onslaught with a fierce resolve. Their sabers clashed once more, the crimson blades dancing and sparking in the dim light of the ruins. Each strike was a test of skill and will, each movement a calculated effort to gain the upper hand.

Malvus pressed his attack, his strikes powerful and relentless. He channeled his disdain for Fauste into each blow, seeking to overwhelm her defenses. But Fauste's agility and cunning kept her in the fight, her movements fluid and unpredictable.

"You cannot win, Fauste," Malvus taunted, his voice dripping with contempt. "You will fall like all who challenge me."

The duel raged on, their movements a blur of deadly precision and dark side energy. The ancient stones trembled beneath their feet, resonating with the power of their battle. The outcome of this epic clash would shape the future of the Sith, a testament to the unyielding struggle for power that defined them.

Tag: @Darth Fauste
Fauste stumbled.

Her eyes narrowed, a hint of frustration in her stare. As much as she relished the challenge represented by Malvus… the call to explore burned all the brighter within her. He willingly chose to stand between the Starborn Sect and the attainment of knowledge. Eyes the color of bright silver began to sour into an unholy yellow as the Sith Lord called on more and more of the Dark. The sheer amount of animosity that came with the power briefly threatened to overwhelm her.

Lyanna need only fall back on her training to quell the tempest within. Instead of succumbing, she channeled all of that negativity into her strikes. Malvus advanced upon her and she mirrored his actions to meet him in the middle. They clashed violently with one another, creating a shower of sparks wherever they met. Her churning yellow stare bore into the rival Sith Lord.

“Do you not tire of being so… edgy, all the time?”

Grunting, the white haired woman deflected yet another strike.

“You must have a high number, Lord Malvus,” taunted the Echani.

Fauste sucked in a breath as one of his strikes got too close and seared a laceration into her shoulder. It burned horrendously but she kept a tight lid on her reaction. All of her attention had to remain on Malvus and their surroundings, injuries no more than a minor inconvenience at that point in time. Anything less could result in her untimely demise. Her teeth clenched tightly behind her respirator mask as she staved off yet another attack.

They went back and forth like that, giving and taking ground as they could. No real progress found itself made. They were too evenly matched. Both of them were equally as powerful in the Dark side of the Force, yet equally as talented in lightsaber combat. The true deciding factor in this fight, like most of their fights, was simply luck. A lucky hit here, a lucky hit there.

While inconsequential on their own, together they would begin to add up. Almost forty five minutes into the encounter and Fauste was beginning to tire. Her skin carried a heavy blush coated with a thick sheen of sweat. As powerful as she was, she did not possess a bottomless pit of energy to call upon to fuel her movement. In that regard, she was no better than anyone else.

Malvus should be getting tired as well, she noticed. They had not stopped to rest for even a moment. Raging against one another like two opposing storms, threatening to overwhelm and subsume one another. Neither Sith Lord would ever yield to the other. Not in this life or the next.

Even as her body waned, her effort remained stalwart. She met the opposing Sith with equal ferocity, leaning on experience to see her through the extended battle. There had been days on end that she had spent on the run and fighting to stay alive. To live as a Sith, one had to be ready for betrayal from anywhere. Growing complacent had but one end; a swift knife to the back and a shallow grave.

Becoming the Sovereign of the Starborn Sect did nothing more than increase the burden on her shoulders. They all looked to her for guidance, a sentinel to protect them. Lyanna had failed them a handful of times over the years. Conflict that she had unwillingly asked them to aid her in, mistakes that cost the lives of honorable folk. It drove her even further in her pursuit of knowledge.

The answer.

Power with which she could use to insure that she never made another mistake.

Her strength and resolve never wavered, even as fatigue invaded her body.

Lyanna forced her opponent into another deadlock. Her stare bore into his own. “Malvus, surely even you can not keep this up forever? Fatigue makes a mockery of us all. I offer you an accord. Let us both leave, pick up the pieces of our factions… we can always continue this another time.”

Unspoken went the fact that the Starborn would return to delve through the ruins.

Tag; @Darth Malvus
The clash of lightsabers echoed through the dark, ancient chamber as Malvus and Fauste continued their ferocious duel. Each strike was met with a parry, each thrust with a counter. The blades hissed and sparked, illuminating the fierce determination in both their eyes. The power of the Force crackled around them, each drawing on the depths of their dark side abilities to gain an advantage.

Finally, with a forceful clash that sent shockwaves through the chamber, the two Sith Lords broke apart, each breathing heavily but neither willing to show weakness. They stood facing each other, blades at the ready, a tense silence hanging in the air.

Malvus's eyes narrowed, considering Fauste's words. A draw might end their immediate conflict, but it would resolve nothing in the grand scheme of their power struggle. An idea formed in his mind, one that could potentially reshape their futures and the fate of the Sith Empire.

"A draw?" Malvus repeated, his voice a low, thoughtful murmur. "No, Fauste. I have a better idea."

Malvus deactivated his lightsaber, the red blade retracting with a hiss. He took a step closer, his gaze piercing and intense. "We are both powerful Sith Lords, each with our own ambitions and strengths. But the Sith Empire is fractured, divided by petty rivalries and infighting. Alone, we can only achieve so much. But together..."

"A temporary alliance,"
Malvus continued, his voice growing stronger, more confident. "We unite our forces, bring the other Sith Lords under our control, and consolidate our power. Together, we can restore the Empire to its former glory and gain more power than either of us could alone."

A dark smile curled at the corners of his lips. "We focus on our common enemies first. We grow stronger together, and when the Empire is secure, we can decide the future of our partnership."

“Let the other Sith Lords tremble at our combined power."

The temporary alliance would be fraught with challenges and deception, but the promise of ultimate power was too great to ignore. United, Malvus and Fauste would reshape the Sith Empire, their dark partnership a force to be reckoned with.

And so, with a shared goal and an uneasy truce, they began to plan their next moves. The future of the Sith Empire rested in their hands, and together, they would forge a new era of darkness and dominion.

Tag: @Darth Fauste
Fauste marveled at the sheer audacity.

They had done this song and dance for what felt like time immemorial. Two kindred spirits lost in an eternal cycle of conflict and cooperation that spanned far beyond a single lifetime and entire galaxies.

Her response came with the dry humor of a longtime companion, “Always so dramatic, Malvus.”

Fauste clicked the switch on her lightsaber, the eerie red light dimming into a shadowed graveyard of a civilization long dead. Sickly yellow bled from her eyes as they returned to her genuine silver stare. They reflected a flat look that bordered on outright disappointment. Her lightsaber found itself once more nestled on her hip. Sighing, the woman shifted to cross her arms.

You know as well as I that a true Empire is out of the cards. Our people would sooner turn on one another in the pursuit of power and glory. You and I are not significant enough threats to force them to obey with fear. We are figures of power, authority, and resources. This’ true, but we do not hold the same sway as the Immortal Emperor did himself.”

Darth Fauste had toyed with such a notion once upon a time. Banding the Sith together to conquer the galaxy itself. They had come close, ruling half. The truth, however, painted a different picture. In the face of servitude, the Sith would resist every step of the way. They would plot and scheme and wait for the perfect moment to stab the person at the top.

It would take the likes of another Immortal to truly force the Sith to cooperate on a singular goal.

Lyanna, the beloved sovereign of the Starborn Sect, extended a hand. The proverbial olive branch. “I’ll entertain you… for now.”

Instead of waiting for him to reciprocate, the Echani woman would lash out at the most opportune moment. The offered hand became a fist aimed at the center of his chest, backed by a light Force Push. Just enough to send him careening into a nearby wall.

Smirking, the Sith Lord sauntered away.

I will send you the location of a rendezvous point sometime within a fortnight along with a time to meet. We will see how you feel then. In the meantime, try not to die or piss off the wrong person.”

Fauste brought her wrist bound comm link up to her face, a channel being made to the entirety of the Migrant Fleet. Troops aboard the Machiavellian transmitted it to the Obsidian Court in turn. “All forces are to immediately disengage. Lord Malvus and I have reached terms. Any who fail to obey will be met with punishment, regardless of loyalties… and get someone down here to pick us up.”

Tag; @Darth Malvus
Darth Malvus straightened up after the forceful strike, adjusting his robes with a slow, deliberate motion. He could feel the lingering sting from Darth Fauste's enhanced punch, but he hid any sign of discomfort behind a sharp smirk.

“A fortnight? I hope your timing improves by then, Fauste. Try not to let the galaxy crumble in your absence. I’d hate to have to clean up the mess alone.”

His words dripped with sarcasm, but beneath them was the unspoken acknowledgment of the temporary truce between the two Sith Lords. With a quick motion of his hand, he activated his comm, relaying his command to his forces.

"Stand down. Cease fire immediately. We wouldn’t want to upset our gracious ally, now would we?" Malvus' voice carried both amusement and warning to his crew.

He glanced back at Fauste with a raised brow, mocking a formal bow. “Until our glorious reunion, then. Try not to miss me too much.”

Malvus waited for the arrival of the transport, his mind already working through strategies, and wondering if this fragile cooperation would last past their next meeting.

Tag: @Darth Fauste
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