Work in Progress Thorondir 'Aumont'

May 13, 2024
Galactic Credits
Full Name: Thorondir Aumont
Name: Thorondir
Surname(s): Aumont
Age: 200
Title(s):Baron, Count, Earl, Master, Thief- It depends on his disguise
Nickname(s): The Shifter
Sex: Male
Appearance: Depending on his disguise, his true form is flowing blonde white hair and pointed ears, but Thorondir prefers a human guise in order to better fit in with variations on it.

Some of his favourite guises are.


The Baron-A Solemn Knight- Usually a Baron if he needs to hold some sway. Baron often disappears for twenty or 30 years at a time reappearing in a new region as the former Baron’s long lost son. This guise sired a line of warriors noble’s the descendants of whom still serve him.


Captain Johnny Eagle- Often when travels the sea’s this his preferred guise and has developed a near mythical reputation as the captain who never dies, sometimes as a ghost ship or necromancer of some sort.


Count Quintas-The Merchant Prince and Count in any guise that needs affluence and riches, a play boy, dandy and effacious figure also a fine swordsmen with light blades and marksmen ‘the gentlemen’ spots. Often seen at balls, gala’s, hunts and garden parties. The Merchant Prince has various contracts strewn throughout the world and is always looking for more. Thorondir’s main source of funding a tribute of which goes to the Night Court and Night king himself.


A peasant and low thief for when Thorondir needs to interact in low places. Networks of thieves and beggars are often the best for spy networks.


The Guise he’s most secretive about is that of the Night King himself. Started as a child trying to emulate his hero. Thorondir knows it’s a dangerous one and only uses it rarely or when he’s sure no one will find out about. Sometimes however the presence of the Night King himself opens certain doors.
Magic Affinity: Strong
Strengths: Shapeshifting- Usually only slightly in order to appear mostly human and various disguises within that. He can also shapeshift into various birds his favourite being an Eagle.

Spying-A master spy and one of the Night King’s chief agents when he needs someone to go to a region whether to gather information, sow discord or strengthen a region and sometimes just be a presence or representative.
Weaknesses: Magic Block- Although Thorondir doesn’t know it his magic has a block to be restrained only to his minor shapeshifting abilities and longevity.

Mortality- Other than his longevity and shapeshifting, Thorondir is limited to mortal means of fighting, travel, knowledge. Although he’s made a habit of collecting magical artifacts to compensate.

Biography: Thorondir’s mother was Fae but he never knew her. Thorondir was born to a long line that serve the Night King. In fact his line directly descends from him. While this gives them some infamy at the Court. Thorodnir believes the Night King may even be his progenitor but he doesn’t know for sure or if that’s just a fantasy. Thorondir was givne no last name but called himself Aumont, the family that raised him believes in service to the Night Court and Night King himself and have served him for generations.

Thorondir believes the Night Court is the guiding hand of the world for the better that through it’s manipulation the course of civilisation continues. How else would so many fractured races have survived and continue to survive?

Still he had a mischievous side and liked to play pretend often as the Night King himself or as various heroes and characters as all boys do. Even developed a bit of thievery. Due to his limited shapeshifting abilities he was mockingly called ‘The Shifter’ by the other kids.

Thorondir grew up belieiving this and worshipping the Night King his ancestor as a hero, his upbringin however was far from privileged he was expected to earn everything he had and would do so. Thorondir knew that for the Night King himself Thorondir was a minor aspect of his ever growing empire and Thorondir strived to one day be a member of the Court itself. Unfortunately despite his initial shapeshifting abilities his magic never grew beyond that and he despaired of ever being powerful enough to be a member of the court.

Thorondir grew up learning the history, geography and ways of the world. Wishing to some day see it all, bring the guiding hand of the Night Court to it. When reached of age he was sent as an agent across the world.

In his travels he found just how chaotic, and brutal the world could be reinforcing his belief that the Night Court was necessary not just the guidance but survival of the world itself. Thorondir’s first mission to dismantle a troublesome network of corruption and thievery was a success.

Thorondir developed a hobby of collecting ancient, sacred and magical artifacts, potions, weapons as a means of making up for his magical limitations. Thorondir developed his own useful network of spies, informants and agents. Few of whom new of the nature of the Night Court they were actually working for. Taking lessons from his own ancestor, he even developed a few sire lines himself.

The reward for work well done is more work and he was sent out again and again. As he did so he became one of the better agents of the Night Court and the mocking childhood name of The Shifter took on a new meaning.

Having a few firmly placed covers often within the family lines he himself sired in order to explain the similarities to his appearance.

Now Thorondir has is eye on becoming the true Spymaster for the Night Court and may just be in sight of his goal. In the meantime he continue’s to travel the world enjoying the adventure’s and the new disguises.
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