Realm Application The Yoru

Marcus Aumont

King Of Vampires
Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

Name: The Yoru
Starting Provinces: Maura, Numira, Carathaga
Brief Description: The witchdom was formed by the Vodou Queen Nephali and has been a prominent Kingdom for more than 500 years. All residents are of magical descent mostly comprised of Witches, Warlocks, Witch doctors, and other of the magical community. It is said that the Vodou Queen has dominated the areas around her and is very territorial to those that enter her kingdom that are of non magical backgrounds. The Kingdom is heavily centered and fortified with magic as the main Kingdom where the Queen resides is centered on a magical fortress in the the sky, with parts of her Kingdom remaining on the ground level with different sub territories. Every component of the kingdom has high magical defenses as well as weaponry for offense.
TvM: 1-5 High magic faction.
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