Approved The Vermin Riders: Broodwranglers

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Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits

Unit Name: Broodwranglers
Credits: Image 1/
Consolidation Thread: N/A
Unit Description: Broodwranglers are ruthless Eshkin who control and lead swarms of giant rats into battle, riding on the backs of these massive, vicious creatures. Clad in ragged armour and wielding barbed whips, they command their ferocious mounts with cruel efficiency, tearing through enemy ranks with speed and ferocity. Their presence on the battlefield amplifies the effectiveness of their beastly minions, making them a terrifying cavalry force. Broodwranglers are not just giant rat riding Vermin, but also beast tamers, who are trained in the management and control of the various beasts of Eshkin creation.

  • Armour: Average
    • Gear: Crude Iron armour some riders also carry shields
  • Speed: High
  • Melee: Extreme
    • Weaponry: Barbed whips, spears for close combat and the claws and bites of their mount
  • Ranged: Low
    • Weaponry: Throwing Nets
  • Morale: Average
  • Size: Average (13-25)
  • Number: Regional
    • Recruitment & Replenishment: Recruited from the Hell home where most vermin beasts are bred. Replenishment is dependent on the availability of the giant rats, and Eshkin skilled enough to not fall victim to their mounts.
  • TvM Requirement: 2v1


Mounted Speed and Mobility: Their giant rat mounts provide them with high speed and manoeuvrability, allowing them to quickly flank and harass enemy forces.

Beastmaster Control: Broodwranglers can command other beast units, enhancing the effectiveness of nearby monstrous allies.


Unstable Mounts: Giant rats, while ferocious, can be unpredictable and difficult to control, sometimes turning on their masters.

Limited Defense: Despite their crude armour, they lack significant protection against sustained ranged attacks.


As more and more beasts were added to the roster of units available to the Eshkin lords, it became evident that their creations more often than not caused increasing damage to their own soldiers rather than the enemy's forces. To counteract these beasts and make once more get them under control the creation of the Broodwranglers was ordered. Eshkin who where instructed to ''tame'' these beasts and harness their power. At the siege of the Bamberg it was noticed too late that not enough food was brought to sustain the various beasts brought along to siege the walls, this problem was swiftly solved by feeding the Broodwranglers to their beasts in order to keep them from starving. This later backfired when there was no one left to calm and control the beasts during the siege.
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