Approved The Unseen Wyrm: Nimbus

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Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits

: Nimbus

Type: Wyrm Race

Credits: Picture 1 / Picture 2 / Picture 3 / Picture 4 /

Consolidation Thread: N/A

Intent: To make clouds and misty areas dangerous

Description: Nimbus are a race of a colossal wyrm that dwell within the clouds that shroud the peaks of the highest mountains. Its body, coiled and sinuous, are covered in iridescent scales that shimmer with the colours of the sky. With a length that stretches across vast expanses, Nimbus are capable of navigating the skies with unmatched agility. These wyrms possesse an innate ability to manipulate the clouds, causing them to thicken into dense fog or to churn into violent storms at their whim. Within these misty domains, Nimbus becomes an unseen predator, lurking within the vaporous veils to strike at unsuspecting travellers.

  • Name: Nimubs
  • Designation: Wyrm
  • Countries: N/A
  • Provinces: East of Terra
  • POIs: N/A
  • Average Lifespan: 800 years
  • Estimated Population: Unkown, they are seen as more of a myth than a real being to worry about


  • Average Height of Adults: 10 - 20 meters
  • Average Length of Adults: 850 meters
  • Skin colour: White or Grey
  • Hair colour: Some individuals have white main growing on their backs and heads.
  • Distinctions: Nimbus are characterized by its iridescent scales that reflect the colours of the sky and clouds, giving it a majestic appearance. Its long, serpentine body, reaching lengths of up to 850 meters, moves with remarkable fluidity and grace through the skies. Nimbus glide effortlessly, navigating high-altitude winds and clouds. Its head are distinguished by sharp horns, ridges, and spikes, adding to its intimidating visage. The wyrm's eyes emit a luminous glow, allowing it to see clearly in dark, misty environments. Armed with powerful claws and teeth, Nimbus are a formidable predator, protected by its thick, scaled hide against physical harm and harsh mountain climates. Additionally, its buoyant physiology enables it to float upon clouds without sinking, further enhancing its aerial prowess.
  • Size: Its massive size allows for powerful attacks with its tail, claws and even head if needed.
  • Hidden: Its innate ability to produce mist and hide in it has given it an edge in survival over the decades.
  • Mental Manipulation: Despite its intelligence, Nimbus can be susceptible to mental manipulation or psychic attacks. Skilled individuals with psychic abilities or magical talents may be able to influence its thoughts or actions.
  • Physical Exhaustion: Despite its immense strength, it can become physically exhausted after exerting itself in battle or during prolonged flight. When fatigued, its movements become sluggish, and its attacks less precise. Needing a long nap before being able to exert itself again.
  • Diet: Mostly cattle and other larger animals they can find in their mountainous territory, sometimes unsuspecting travellers could be swooped up.
  • Communication: They rarely communicate with anyone however if they do, these Wyrms use their telepathic abilities to whisper their words into our minds.
  • Technology level: These beings do not need technology and thus have yet to develop any
  • Religion/Beliefs: They do not believe in any higher being, however, due to their mythology some smaller villages might have shrines dedicated to these towering Wyrms.
  • General behaviour: Nimbus, the wyrm of the mountain clouds, exhibits both solitary and territorial behaviours. They spend much of its time soaring high above the peaks, surveying their domain with keen eyesight. Despite its solitary nature, The Wyrms occasionally engages in dramatic aerial displays, spiralling and diving through the clouds in intricate patterns, possibly as a means of asserting dominance or attracting potential mates. When threatened or provoked, however, The Nimbus become fiercely defensive, unleashing its formidable powers with lightning-fast strikes and powerful gusts of wind. They fiercely guard their territory, especially its cloudy lairs, from intruders, using their control over mist and fog to disorient and deter would-be adversaries. Despite its fearsome reputation, Nimbus are not inherently aggressive and may only attack if provoked or if its territory is encroached upon. However, it is not beyond forming temporary alliances with other creatures, particularly if they offer resources or assistance in maintaining their domain.



Nimbus's history are shrouded in myth and legend, intertwined with the ancient tales of the mountainous realms it calls home. According to ancient texts and oral traditions, Nimbus have existed for millennia, revered as a guardian spirit of the highest peaks and the clouds that cloak them. It is said that Nimbus emerged from the primordial mists at the dawn of time, born from the union of sky and earth, a living embodiment of the elements.

Throughout history, Nimbus have been both feared and revered by the mountain-dwelling peoples. Some cultures view it as a benevolent deity, bringing rain and fertility to the land, while others see it as a wrathful force of nature, capable of unleashing devastating storms and tempests upon those who dare to anger it.

Legends tell of epic battles between the race of Nimbus and other ancient beings, both mortal and divine, shaping the very landscape of the mountains with their clashes. It is said that Nimbus's scales hold the echoes of these ancient conflicts, shimmering with the colours of battles long past.

Over the centuries, The Nimbus have watched as civilizations rise and fall, the mountains serving as silent witnesses to the passage of time. Yet through it all, These Wyrms have remained a constant presence, a guardian of the clouds and misty realms that define its domain.

Despite their longevity, the Wyrm's true origins remain a mystery, lost to the mists of time. Regardless of their origins, These majesties of the sky continue to soar through the heavens, a living embodiment of the untamed wilderness and the enduring spirit of the mountains. Its legend lives on, whispered in the winds and woven into the fabric of mountain folklore, a testament to the enduring power of nature and the mysteries that lie hidden within its depths.
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