Approved The Unloved Rats: Eshkinruts

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Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits
Unit Name: Eshkinrut / Ruts
Credits: Image 1/ Image 2
Consolidation Thread: N/A
Unit Description: Eshkinruts are the lowest of the low among the Eshkin hierarchy. They are small, hunched ratmen with filthy, matted fur and pitiful expressions. Often seen in ragged clothing, they are armed with crude weapons and are typically forced into battle through fear and coercion by their Eshkin masters.


  • Armour: Low
    • Gear: Eshkinruts are typically equipped with makeshift weapons and tattered armour, if any. This often includes rusty blades, wooden clubs, and metal scraps fashioned into primitive armour.
  • Speed: Average
  • Melee: Low
    • Weaponry: The offensive weapons of the ruts are rudimentary at best. They wield whatever they can find, including clubs, rusty swords, and sharpened sticks.
  • Ranged: N/A
  • Moral: Low
  • Size: Extreme 76 - 100
  • Number: Global
    • Recruitment & Replenishment: Eshkinruts can be recruited from any Eshkin settlement. They are plentiful and can be quickly replenished due to the high birth rate of the ratmen and the low status of slaves within their society.
  • TvM Requirement: 1v1


- Numerical Advantage:
Eshkinruts are extremely numerous, allowing them to overwhelm enemies through sheer numbers.

- Expendability: They are easily replaceable and considered expendable by their Eshkin masters, allowing them to be used in high-risk situations without significant loss to the ratmen war effort.


- Low Combat Effectiveness:
Eshkinruts are poorly trained and equipped, making them ineffective in direct combat against more disciplined and better-equipped troops.

- Poor Morale: They are easily frightened and prone to fleeing the battlefield, especially when faced with formidable opposition or significant casualties.

Eshkinruts have been a staple of Eshkin society for as long as the ratmen have existed. They have been involved in countless battles, often being driven ahead of the main Eshkin forces to soak up enemy attacks and exhaust the opposition. Notable appearances include their role in the Siege of Bamberg, where thousands of Ruts were sacrificed in an attempt to breach the city walls. Their presence in any Eshkin army is a grim reminder of the ruthless and hierarchical nature of ratmen society. Throughout their history, Eshkinruts have been a symbol of the Eshkin's willingness to use any means necessary to achieve their goals, showcasing the brutality and relentless ambition of their society. Despite their lack of skill and poor equipment, their overwhelming numbers and sheer expendability make them a fearsome element on the battlefield.
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Great! More skaven! I see no reason to be worried about a rat apocalypse...!

Loved the read and I am curious to see more about that Bamberg place... And rat aggers!! ;)

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