Approved The Running Rats: Dusk Prowlers

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Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits

Unit Name: Dusk Prowlers
Credits: Image 1 / Image 2
Consolidation Thread: N/A
Unit Description: Dusk Prowlers are Eshkin skirmishers. Clad in dark, lightweight armour and hoods, they move through shadows with deadly grace. Their small, wiry frames allow them to slip into enemy lines unnoticed, striking with precision and retreating before the enemy can react. They are the embodiment of stealth and speed, often seen wielding poisoned weapons and using traps to neutralize their foes.

  • Armour: Low
    • Gear: Dark lightweight armour for stealth in addition to hoods and face masks
  • Speed: Extreme
  • Melee: Average
    • Weaponry: Poison daggers, Traps,
  • Ranged: Average
    • Weaponry: Throwing stars, Slings, Poison darts, Smoke bombs
  • Morale: Average
  • Size: Average (13-25)
  • Number: Regional
    • Recruitment & Replenishment: Recruited from the Eshkin of a specific clan that specialises in the training of assassins and skirmishers, this can limit the amount an army can recruit before and after battle. Dusk Prowlers are trained in secret hideouts in the deeper layers of most sewers or under cities keeping them far from all eyes.
  • TvM Requirement: 2v1


Stealth and Infiltration: Dusk Prowlers excel in sneaking behind enemy lines, striking with precision, and sabotaging key targets.

Speed and Agility: Their high speed allows them to evade capture and retreat quickly, making them difficult to pin down.


Low Armor: While quick and stealthy, Dusk Prowlers lack substantial protection and can be easily dispatched if caught.

Fragile in Prolonged Combat: They struggle in prolonged melee engagements, where their hit-and-run tactics are less effective.



With the creation of different Eshkin tribes, came clan Wraithclaw a secretive and reserved collection of rat-men that preferred to operate in the shadow, even more than most of their kin. These vermin as all vermin had representative warriors that reflected the clan's preferences. Thus the Dusk Prowlers an ancient unit was established as the spearhead of the clan Wraithclaw. In the battle of the Bamberg, these ratmen were nowhere to be seen, of course, this might have been due to their stealth skills. Others say the Dusk Prowlers were fahr of raiding villages and attacking supply chains heading to the Bamberg. Where these vermin actually acted no one knows, not even the Clan leaders of the Wraithclaw.
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