Approved The Long Lived Slaves: Busara


Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits

  • Intent: To create a more intelligent and science-driven race for my planet Esthorhiel.
  • Image Credit: Ian Barker
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Esthorhiel, Kuonja
  • Name: Busara
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Esthorhiel
  • Average Lifespan: 100 - 140 standard galactic years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary, Their kind was never gifted the chance of expansion and as such were not able to grow in population or territory.
  • Physical Description: Busara are a friendly race of bird-insect-like creatures that live only to learn. They often distance themselves from society in order to be left alone however, they are very accepting of their own and like-minded individuals. Busara are pacifists and have sworn never to pick up any weapon and most cling to this belief. The bird-insect-like aliens have long been pressed by creatures who share a home planet with them and such have formed to be timid and submissive beings who lack the confidence to rise up to power.

  • Breathes: Standard Type I atmosphere
  • Average Height of Adults: 200 Centimetres / 6.5 Foot
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin colour: Brown shades
  • Hair colour: The feathers of these creatures can vary in all colours
  • Distinctions: The existence of these creatures marvel those ingrained in the studies of species. This is because of the unique distinctions that make these beings look both part of the insectoid families and simultaneously part of the Aves distinction. Busara carry the common distinction of Aves such as a beak and feathers dotting the body, in addition, they are warm-blooded and have vestigial structures that hint these beings could have formally possessed wings. On the other hand, the long and limber limbs are divided into three segments and jointed legs and arms categorize these creates into the insectoid field. Adding to the confusion Busara foster a slight exoskeleton on their arms, legs and chest areas it, however, is so thin it barely protects the species and has little use other than containing their bodies. Males and females are barely distinguishable only having barely noticeable differences such as larger bodies and reproductive organs. This does not include the mammary glands as children of this species feed on alternative sources to sustain themselves.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Low, Almost none of them are sensitive towards the force. Most that are prone to the force never acquire training in their abilities resulting in the loss of control of their powers.
  • Abilities and traits: The Busara have no innate unique abilities, besides their hard chitin armour and larger-than-normal legs, and telepathic communication wich allows them to move faster survive longer, and be more secretive with whom they talk.
  • Intelligent - Busara were born with larger brains and due to millennia of evolution, they have been able to unlock 75% of their brain capacity.
  • Runners - Being equipped with long legs allows the weak and fearful Busara to run faster than most.
  • Chitin Protection - These creatures possess very thin and brittle exoskeletons that can aid in the protection against natural obstacles.
  • Weak - Their bodies were not built to be physically strong and even the most minimal physical activities can be difficult for this race.
  • Soft bodies - The delicate bodies of the Busara are extremely easy to break and they can not withstand much pressure put on their bodies without being damaged.
  • Timid - The soft nature limits the Busara by making them natural cowards that can not stand up for themselves and even less for others.

  • Diet: Herbivore. the Busara have bodies that can not process meats and as such, they live a vegetarian lifestyle. Adding onto the biological dislike towards meat Busara also believe eating meat to be uncivilised and beastly.
  • Communication: Galactic Basic and Ulumi. Busara can communicate telepathically and favour this most of the time but they are also able to speak with the voices although this strains their airways.
  • Technology level: Galactic Standard, although the race has little contact with the outside world due to their oppression they have been developing their technology for centuries being the first on their planet to invent space travel.
  • Religion/Beliefs: The Busara are a race of scientific people, gods are a hox in their minds and all they believe in are the hard facts that can be proven through trial and error. Being forced into labour by a heavily religious race inserted a negative image into the mind of the Busara, from which sprung the deeply rooted hatred towards religion.
  • General behaviour: Busara rather than living in small families coexist amongst all their race, they see themselves as one large tribe existing only to study and invent. This has caused them to be very expecting of each other to a point where they live in an almost communist society where objects are passed along to all their kin in exchange for only favours or kindness is asked. This, however, is not the fact for other species, as they do not share a common goal of existence they will be slightly less trusting and kind to others. This wisdom striving species follows very few but specific values; Live to learn, peace is the only way of living, and their knowledge must never be lost. These values are heavily enforced amongst the Busara. The process of mating and reproduction is rarely discussed and slightly excluded from their existence, they see this process as a means of creating their future but do not attain pleasure from the procedure. The timid species of Busara try to limit their contact with outsiders, they have been abused before in their past due to reaching out to the Kuonja. This sad fate met by Busara in their past has made them very careful with their actions toward others and how their interactions with the world. In general, the Busara are investors by heart and spend the majority of their lives studying and growing their understanding. Due to this stride for mastery of all things, there is very little time to rest thus creating a very common factor of Busara not sleeping much and rather preferring to stay awake. There are those of the species that rather than spending all their time studying go out into the world and become merchants and storytellers, the nomadic blood in the Busara make them very well adapted to travel. The merchants of this race are not outsiders by their more knowledge-oriented brothers and are seen as brave and strong for wanting to explore and meet others.


Born on the planet of Esthohiel the Busara were one of the dominant races and started cultivating the surfaces of the planet. From early in their existence the Busara had shown their intellectual skills, studying the skies and advancing quickly in the sciences. Society was growing as their culture started developing into one based on knowledge and peace. The idea of war and killing was a distant thought long forgotten by these pacific creatures however this eventually lead to their downfall. The downfall of these graceful people was due to the underground dwelling race of Kuonja, a waring race that claimed all things on Esthorhiel as their own. The intelligent bird-like creatures knew of their existence however they were also aware of the critical weakness of sunlight which protected all living beings on the surface of Esthorheil.

One dreadful night the sun seemingly disappeared as the daytime was without its accompanying light. For only one day the sun had been blocked by one of the moons, this was the downfall of the great Busara culture and their style of living. Rushing out of their underground kingdoms the Kuonja rampaged the planet claiming as many lives as possible. Although the Busara were technologically advanced they had never built weapons as it was a waste of resources and time in their eyes. This began the era of slavery, Kuonja would force the bird-like Busara to create technology and teach them their knowledge. Everything that the Busara worked for over a thousand years was taken from them by their oppressors. Using the knowledge taken by the Busara the nocturnal Kunoja were able to dominate and expand their territory. After many years of destruction and slavery, the Busara were given more freedom, thus they moved to the nameless desert planet and established new homes, Everything they had built before had been taken but it did not take long for the Busara to establish new outposts and are on their way to regaining their former glory.
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