Approved The Lonely Keep: Blackstone Castle


Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits

POI Name:
Blackstone Castle
Credits: Image 1 / Image 2
Type: Castle
Position: Lone island left to the Italian peninsula
Consolidation Thread: N/A
Architect: Unknown
Description: Blackstone Castle is a foreboding, ancient castle carved from the dark volcanic rock of the island it sits upon. The castle features dragon-themed architecture, including fierce dragon statues and dragon-shaped gargoyles. The overall appearance is menacing, with sharp angles and a dark colour palette, evoking a sense of ancient power and mystery. It is situated on a craggy island with natural defensive advantages, making it a formidable fortress. The castle's design emphasizes grandeur and ancient power, with its high towers and formidable battlements. Situated atop a mountain of obsidian, it overlooks the turbulent waters of the Eastern Erovian Sea, adding to its natural defences and sense of isolation. A long narrow stone road slithers along mountains from the beach of the island to the entrance gate of Blackstone Castle., this is the only safe known path one can take to enter the keep.


  • Defence: High
    • Defensive Elements:
      • Thick walls of volcanic stone
      • Elevated position on a rocky island, difficult to assault
      • Natural sea defences and treacherous waters surrounding the island
      • Narrow, easily defensible causeway connecting the island to the Castle entrance
  • Offence: Average
    • Offensive Elements:
      • Strategic position for launching naval attacks
      • Well-equipped garrison with siege engines and artillery
  • Durability: High
  • Scarcity: Unique
  • TvM Requirement: 2v1


- Impenetrable Fortress: The combination of natural defences, thick walls, and elevated position make Blackstone Castle extremely difficult to conquer.

- Strategic Location: Positioned at the opening of a large bay in the eastern Erovian Sea, Blackstone serves as a crucial point for controlling naval routes in the region and launching military campaigns.


- Supply Chain Issues:
Its isolated location can make resupply difficult during prolonged conflicts.

- Limited Population Support: The island's rocky terrain restricts agricultural activities and limits the ability to sustain a large population, making it dependent on external supplies for food and other necessities.


A former ancestral seat of great dragon lords, Blackstone was their home and where they ruled over their dominion. Due to many generations of infighting and political strife, the once prominent dragon lords have fallen into decay, now all that's left of their once glorious image is a lesser house of weak and begrudged highborns. The only thing that did not decay over the years was their home, the stone did not give in to its old age and many rebellions, unlike its owners. Some say old dragon magic keeps the stones in place, and that this same magic drew the Lords of its keep into madness and jealousy. The great halls of Blackstone used to flicker with bright flames, flames visible through all windows of this stone castle creating an image similar to a dragon's flame bursting out from within their scaled chest. These flames have long gone out and only the smoldering candles remain as the number of loyal servants who once serviced Blackstone diminished with each passing lord. The keep sits upon an obsidian mountain with large caverns beneath it. These caves once housed the large dragons that gave these lords their power. Some say the caves still house these beasts, but no sightings have been made in over a hundred years. Fishing boats that pass the castle believe these are just rumours created by the scared lords of Blackstone to keep invaders far away. The lords of this castle survive solely due to its advantageous location, reaping the taxes of sailors and traders who wish to pass into the bay. Blackstone Castle now stands almost empty, and with every year its inhabitants grow older and fatter, a ripe fruit ready to be picked for those who do not fear the madness of the stone castle.
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