Ready for Review The Juggernauts: Rat Ogres


Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits

Unit Name: Rat Ogres
Credits: Image 1/ Image 2
Consolidation Thread: N/A
Unit Description: The Rat Ogres consists of towering, grotesque Rat Ogres bred and engineered lords of Hell home. These massive beasts are heavily mutated and often enhanced with mechanical implants, giving them an intimidating presence on the battlefield. With hulking frames, oversized claws, and crude armour plating, they charge into battle with unrelenting fury. Their appearance is a nightmarish fusion of flesh and metal, with bionic limbs and mechanical augmentations adding to their already terrifying strength. Rat Ogre Cavalry is the epitome of brute force and ferocity in the Eshkin army.

  • Armour: High
    • Gear: Argumentation to their flesh increases its density and robustness, in addition, they wear crude armour-plating
  • Speed: Average
  • Melee: Very High
    • Weaponry: Claws, Clubs, Blades and Mauls
  • Ranged: N/A
    • Weaponry: N/A
  • Morale: Average
  • Size: Low (4-12)
  • Number: Regional
    • Recruitment & Replenishment: Bred and enhanced by the lords of Hell home, requires access to Eshkins laboratories for augmentation and breeding.
  • TvM Requirement: 2v1


Immense Strength: Rat Ogre Cavalry could crush enemies with sheer power, making them effective at breaking through enemy lines.

Resilience: Their size and mechanical enhancements provide them with significant durability on the battlefield.


Uncontrollable Fury: Their rage can make them difficult to control, potentially turning on allies or ignoring commands.

Slow Maneuverability: Though powerful, they lack the agility of lighter cavalry units.



The Eshkin used to fear the cavalry charges of any enemy they faced, this worry was well deserved as much more than a pike line and some trenches could not be mustered by the vermin lords. horses were too large for the ratmen and after various tests, it was concluded younger foals did even worse in combat than a rat with a pike. The Lords gathered after these trials and forth came one, the Warmaster of Hell home the centre of most horrid experiments, this individual promised to deliver a solution, but in return, he would wish to lead the council of rats. Faced with extermination the other lords agreed to name this one vermin the King of all Eshkin. His promises were not empty as in the next battle he brought his troops and among them stood rats so tall even humans on their horses could not reach its height. From that day on the breeding of Rat ogres began and has yet to stop due to their high demand amongst all the tribes of the Eshkin. However, the King of the Rats did not remain, they called him the King of a day. At the completion of his research, the lord of Hell home was swiftly assassinated as there can be no King of all rats.
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