Approved The Heart of Agony

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Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits
  • Intent: To create a dark artefact for the Kuonjan race
  • Image Source: Hau Tran
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Esthorhiel, Tzar Arakx
  • Origin: Unknown Witch, after finding it in recent years it was restored by Tzar Arakx himself
  • Current Holder : Tzar Arakx
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: No, the items used to make this cursed object have been imbued with dark forces and are unique to this one incident
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: One Heart, Spikes of Iron
  • The ability to make the user immune to pain and extremely robust against any kind of physical damage for a duration of time lasts up to two-hour maximum, however, the user can choose to end the frenzy early if wanted
  • After activating the ability of The Heart of Agony it will start looming over the ground at the site you triggered it in
  • Once the duration of one hour runs out all previously taken attacks will all at once steamroll over the users inflicting all the physical and mental injuries at once
  • Savagery - Being able to go all out without ramifications of your actions for a short duration of time allows for one's self to be particularly aggressive
  • Transport - The item due to its small size is easy to carry and store
  • Range - The user must stay within 80 meters of the item to have its effect remain
  • Lack of Light needed - Being an ancient Kuonjan artefact one could have guessed its activation only works in the darkness
  • Recharge - The Heart of Agony should be activated at strategic points in a battle as it can only be used once every twenty-four hours (once per thread)
  • Repercussions - The damage taken during this time will swiftly return to the user all at once, this can cause death in the most extreme situations
  • Force Nullification - Under the effects of force nullification the artefact will malfunction and not absorb any of the injury inflicted
The object consists of one seemingly freshly harvested heart impaled outwards with a plethora of iron spikes, back in its early days these thorns to the heart were silver and polished but, with time the iron rusted and turned reddish-brown and the heart rotted to a whitish-grey colour. Now the heart is dry and crusty yet it feels alive as the day it was painfully taken from its owner, and the tips of iron are sharp as a dagger.

The Heart of Agony originated on the distant planet of Esthorhiel. Long ago when the night-dwelling Kuonja brooded underneath the surface of their home planet, they would often create crypt-like structures to store their treasures. This alchemy-imbued heart is one of those treasures, hidden underneath the icy plains of Astorus within the cold crypts of a horrid Witch who'd use her slave's hearts as vessels for ancient magic.

During the era of growth in the Cha Kale system, many archaic crypts were explored by platoons of the newer generations, amongst one of these companies was a youthful Kouanjan warrior dubbed Tzarthyx. The soldiers met many obstacles in their uncovering of the cursed tomb and numerous souls were lost but the expedition stood firm as they were gutsy warriors eager to fall in battle and not some decrepit vault. Numerous days had passed within the neverending ruins of the long-dead Witch when the platoon reached the resting chamber, filled with ancient treasures ready to be uncovered and used once more. Amongst these discoveries was the Heart of Agony, named so by its finder Tzar Arakx. After that, the Heart of Agony dwelled once more amongst the living and served its master well in his ambitions.

In the battle to claim the title of Champion of Zamani. Tzar Arakx utilised this cursed object in order to fight a considerable crowd of opposing warriors, this allowed him to not take a single scratch as he ploughed through the rows of the armoured Kuanja. However, after the battle ended and the duration of the ability was met, the Champion was overcome with an insatiable amount of agony as all the previously neglected attacks swiftly struck him, his body within a blink of an eye was coated with cuts gushing with blood. Yet this only covers a sliver of its potential to how this tool was used before its uncovering. Suicidal combatants were allowed to go out with one last push, as they were able to overcome normally dooming geographical obstacles such as height, temperature and pressure yet the second the timer met its end so did the users swiftly meet their inescapable fate. Torture in addition was a common use of this tool, allowing for unimaginable amounts of non-fatal blows to be struck at once inflicting misery to the unfortunate victim.

The Heart of Agony can either be a tool of savagery and survival, or a final call to action as veterans resist death one last time without restrictions.
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