Approved The Giant Rats: Queeks

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Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits

Unit Name: Queeks
Credits: Image 1/ Image 2
Consolidation Thread: N/A
Unit Description: Queeks are large, mutated rodents found within the Eshkin Empire. They are roughly the size of a small dog and possess grotesquely enlarged teeth and claws. Their fur is mangy and matted, often crawling with parasites, and their beady eyes glint with feral cunning. They swarm in large packs, driven by the commands of their Eshkin masters. Sometimes these vile creatures are kept as pets by Eshkin Warlords, used as entertainment in pit fights, or in dire situations they are made into a tasty stew. From a distance these creatures can be mistaken for a pack of wild dogs or wolves but as they come closer their foul and unnatural stench makes it clear what they are. Some Queeks have additional heads, sets of extra limbs, multiple tails, or even more monstrous additions. Spines, spikes, tusk-like incisors, or vast hunches of bony plates can be almost commonplace, while some of the more grotesque creations have exposed ribs, enormous mounds of throbbing buboes, or worse.


  • Armour: Low
    • Gear: The Queeks posses no gear besides their sharp teeth, dagger-like claws, and thick fur
  • Speed: Very High
  • Melee: Average
    • Weaponry: Sharp Claws and Teeth
  • Ranged: N/A
  • Morale: Low
  • Size: High 26 - 50
  • Number: Regional
    • Recruitment & Replenishment: Queeks are bred in large numbers within Eshkin strongholds. They can be found in almost every Eshkin settlement and are quickly replenished due to their rapid breeding cycles and the ease of mutating ordinary rats.
  • TvM Requirement: 1v1


- Swarming Tactics:
These Giant Rats use their large numbers to overwhelm and swarm their enemies, making them effective in distracting and harassing more formidable foes.

- High Speed: Their agility and speed allow them to quickly close distances and outmanoeuvre slower opponents.


- Fragile:
Queeks are not particularly tough or resilient, making them vulnerable to enemy attacks and quick to perish in prolonged combat.

- Low Morale: Without the direct influence or command of Eshkin handlers, Queeks can easily panic and flee from battle.



What started as a cruel but contained project in the Eshkin laboratories quickly escalated into a widespread creation of these Queeks. These giant rats started out as the normal-sized and well-known vermin found in every cellar and alleyway, but once the Eshkin got their hands on technology and dark magic which allowed for mutations to be made on biological beings things went foul. Over the generations of their existence, these giant rats have been able to grow their population exponentially due to their innate ability to reproduce at extreme speeds, just like their normal rat counterpart. Soon the Queek's potential in warfare was discovered and quickly utilised. The rats turned into weaponized war beasts for the Eshkin, and ever since they have been a stable versatile and essential component of Eshkin's military strategy.
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