Approved The Flying Vermin: Wyvern Rats

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Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits


Unit Name: Wyvern Rats
Credits: Image 1/ Image 2
Consolidation Thread: N/A
Unit Description: Wyvern Rats are grotesque, Wyvern-like creatures engineered by Hell Home breeders. These monstrous beasts combine serpentine bodies with rat-like features, creating a horrifying blend of reptilian scales and patches of matted fur. Their elongated bodies are equipped with leathery wings that allow them to soar through the skies, while their spiked tails and claws make them lethal in close combat. Wyvern Rats possess gaping maws filled with jagged, mutilated teeth, and multiple eyes that gleam with a malevolent intelligence. Bred for battle, their very presence instils terror in those who witness them. They are surprisingly large creatures considering they have the word rat in their names. These vermin carry some lighter body armour on their heads and chests, some even are infused with crude iron talons and arm patches.

  • Armour: Average
    • Gear: Thick hides and scales, spiked harnesses, enhanced claws and fangs
  • Speed: Extreme
  • Melee Extreme
    • Weaponry: Sharp Talons, Big Maw, whipping tails, Wind pressure from wings, crushing weight when landing on top of others
  • Morale: Low
  • Size: Average (13-25)
  • Number: Provincial
    • Recruitment & Replenishment: Bred by Hell Homes finest, born in flesh labs in the deepest rings of Hell Home. It is a complex procedure to breed these abominations and their high cost of creation makes replenishment slow and costly.
  • TvM Requirement: 3v1


Flying Rats
: These flying monsters are what some would call terrifying and dangerous, their attacks are savage and seeing your men get dragged away and eaten in the sky could cause even the bravest of men to second-guess their actions

They are Flying Rats: Rarely anyone suspects attackers from above, allowing these units too often advance in secret or be hidden by the clouds in the sky

Rats That Fly: Their manoeuvrability both horizontal and vertical makes them incredibly difficult to take down by melee weapon users, spears and bows have an easier time


Fragile Wings: Despite their tough bodies, their wings are vulnerable to damage, grounding them if injured

Fire is Scary: The Wyvern Rats don't fear much, but fire makes them go crazy, doing anything in their ability to put as much distance between them and the bright flames

Redhead sensitivity: Their skin is painfully unstable in the sunlight, often causing burns and immense pains


Size Accurate with Bloodskin Rider


Their war host marched across mountains and fields, the Eshkin made boats, and ''conquered'' the seas, the only thing out of their tiny claws reach was the sky. Not much is known of their exact origins, only that from one day to the other the richest of Lords found these beasts above their armies supporting them from the skies. Due to their natural intolerance to sunlight, it is a rare occurrence to witness these beasts out of Eshkin territory. It is said that these vermin are clear indicators of the borders in Eshkin-owned lands as they will never fly far from their underground homes which are located with their Rat lords.
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