Work in Progress The Estranged Dagon Erh

May 24, 2024
Galactic Credits


Full Name: Dagon Erh
EYES: White
SKIN: Snow White
AGE: Unknown
TITEL(S): The Pale one, Rat Singer, IT
SEX: Male
MAGIC AFFINITY: Most Definitely

A face-swapping opportunist who uses his extended mana pool to control reanimated heroes of the past, through a self-developed spell that combines necromancy and control magic.

This behaviour is seen when he uses his puppets and gets a bit too much into character. Sometimes he believes himself to not be Dagon Erh but the champion which he controls

Ambitious and Power-Hungry: Dagon Erh is driven by an insatiable thirst for power. He is one of the few characters who, from humble origins, manages to rise to great heights through his own machinations. His ultimate goal is to climb the social and political ladder, no matter the cost.

Cunning and Manipulative: One of this devil's most defining traits is his intelligence and ability to manipulate others. He often plays people against each other, subtly influencing events from behind the scenes while maintaining an appearance of harmlessness. His schemes are intricate, and he is always thinking several steps ahead.

Charismatic and Deceptive: The Rat Singer is charming and knows how to present himself in a way that makes others underestimate him. He uses his charm to gain the trust of powerful figures while secretly plotting their downfall. He often hides his true intentions behind a facade of helpfulness or loyalty.

Cold and Ruthless: Beneath his charming exterior, the Rat Singer is ruthless. He is willing to betray, manipulate, and even murder to achieve his goals. His lack of loyalty to anyone but himself makes him dangerous

Pragmatic and Opportunistic: Dagon is highly pragmatic. He has no qualms about shifting alliances if it serves his interests. He takes advantage of chaos and uncertainty, seeing opportunities where others see only danger.

Resentful and Vengeful: Dagon's ambition is fueled, in part, by the resentment he harbours from his youth. Born into an empty life, he was nothing and had nothing, an outcast of society and seen as evil even before he knew himself. His unrequited love for REDACTED and the humiliation he suffered because of it play significant roles in shaping his desire for revenge and power.

Calculating and Patient: Dagon understands that power isn't gained overnight. He is patient and willing to play the long game to achieve his goals. He carefully calculates every move and is always prepared to adapt his plans based on changing circumstances.

Dagon Erh is a master manipulator who thrives on deception and chaos. His ambition knows no bounds, and his ability to disguise his true nature makes him a formidable force in the political landscape of Terra.

Thin, Frail, Pale, No hair, constantly grinning, 2 meters tall, long arms, wears an old worn down witch hat and a robe of black feathers.

Dagon Erh prefers and almost needs to use illusion magic to turn into a human with slick coal-black hair a medium build, a lifeless face pale snow-white skin and glowing golden eyes in order to fit in with those around him. The appearance is of a younger man with no real unique features that would let him stand out in the crowd. Sometimes smaller details of his illusionary human form change as Dagon forgets or adds to his character, things like scars, the length of his hair or the roughness of his skin.

He woke up in the woods with no past memories, he was hungry so he started eating, but the hunger never left, the woods soon emptied for him so he went into the cities. He developed his human persona and integrated himself into their society while preying on the citizens, this is where he first laid eyes upon REDACTED.. He was instantly befallen by a feeling he had never felt before, and swore his undying loyalty to her, maybe not to her directly but with a whisper from across the street. From that day on he no longer lived only to feed and survive until the next day, he had a purpose, to serve his lady, to give her the world. Slowly Dagon began building up his reputation as a merchant of various goods. From there he plans to build up a house to be recognized as significant by the lords of the Land, but most importantly to be recognised by REDACTED.
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Old ruins of an orphanage in Pottaun


Greyskined child hiding in the hide and skin of a freshly skinned Hog, blood forever drips down his dagger and marks his innocence lost.

Legend of Origin:
In a grand palace, golden and wide,
Lived a king with a belly of pride,
He feasted on pheasant, on wine, and on cake,
While his people, they starved by the river and lake.

They called him the Hog, for his insatiable feast,
While his people grew thinner, their hunger increased.

He'd dine on fine wine, on pastries, and meat,
Unaware of the orphans who starved in the street,
But one boy remained, with vengeance to seek,
His heart full of fire, though his body was weak.

He crafted a disguise, with cunning and wit,
A pig mask he wore, a perfect fit,
With mud on his clothes and hunger in his eyes,
He entered the palace, a lamb in disguise.

The king laughed with glee at the sight of the swine,
"Another feast for me, how divine!"
But as the Hog reached for his next greedy bite,
The orphan struck swiftly, in the dead of night.

The Hog met his end with a terrified squeal,
No more would he feast, no more would he steal,
The kingdom was freed from his gluttonous reign,
But the tale of the Hog would forever remain.

The orphan stood tall, his vengeance complete,
As the kingdom rejoiced at the end of deceit.

They speak of the boy, now a legend in lore,
Who ended the Hog and his hunger for more,
A tale of a king, so fat and so cruel,
And the orphaned pig who made him the fool.​

Captain Drahar / The Crabfeeder

The Seas


Towering at 2.5 meters tall the Crabfeeder is a hulking beast with 6 arms and a chitinous body resembling a crab. His shell is a greenish blue and his eyes are red as blood.

Legend of Origin:
In the dark of the sea, where the waves crash and roar,
Sailed a pirate so cruel, feared on every shore,
Captain Dahar the Crabfeeder, they called him, with eyes cold as night,
And a hunger for blood that knew no delight.

Captain Dahar, a name whispered in dread,
For he'd feed his foes to the crabs 'til they bled.

With a hook for a hand and a heart made of stone,
He ruled the dark waters, claimed them his own,
His victims, they begged, but he'd never relent,
To the crabs, they were thrown, where their bones were bent.

On a lonely rock, in the dead of the night,
He’d laugh as the crabs began their grim bite,
They picked and they gnawed, while Dahar would grin,
Delighting in watching his enemies' skin.

But one fateful day, his luck came to end,
He was caught by the law, betrayed by a friend,
They dragged him to shore, with shackles and chains,
To the gallows he went, to pay for his pains.

Before the noose tightened, he let out a cry,
"I’ll return from the depths where the dark crabs lie!
You’ll wish you had drowned in the cold, bitter sea,
For I'll come back as something far worse than me!"

They laughed as he fell, his breath quickly ceased,
But the ocean still whispered, disturbed, never at peace.
For the sea doesn’t forget, and the curse it did keep,
As Dahar's body sank into the deep.

From the brine and the blood, a creature was born,
With claws like steel and a body misshapen, torn,
A crab monster rose from the abyss below,
With Dahar's eyes, filled with cruel glow.

He crawled from the ocean on nights thick with mist,
With a hunger for vengeance that could not be missed,
He hunted his captors, one by one,
No mercy, no quarter, until his task was done.

Now the sailors still fear, and the tales never cease,
Of Crabfeeder Dahar, who knows no peace,
Beware of the shore when the tide’s pulling back,
Or you’ll hear the scrape of claws on your track.​
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