Approved The Eshkin Horrors: Hydrats

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Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits

Unit Name: Hydrats
Credits: Image 1/ Image 2
Consolidation Thread:
Unit Description: Hydrats are abominable creations of Hell Home, twisted hybrids born from dark experimentation. These grotesque creatures combine features from multiple beasts such as the heads of rats, serpents, and other vile animals fused into a single, monstrous form. Their bodies are a chaotic patchwork of fur, scales, claws, and fangs, designed for maximum destruction on the battlefield. Hydrats are often equipped with crude armour, and their riders Eshkin Broodwranglers wield cruel whips to steer these abominations into combat. However, these beasts are not always used as mounts, as their power can still be increasingly effective without a ridder. The creation of a Hydrats is a nightmarish blend of sorcery and forbidden science. Deep within Hell Homes' flesh pits, captured beasts are subjected to horrific mutations, stitched together with rituals. These creatures are then augmented with mechanical grafts or surgically enhanced to increase their lethality. The process is fraught with failure, often resulting in unstable monstrosities. However, when successful, the Hydrats become powerful war machines, embodying the Eshkin's disregard for life and nature in their pursuit of power.

  • Armour: Very High
    • Gear: ArThick Hides, reinforced scaled, and harnesses for control by Broodwranglers
  • Speed: Low
    • Weaponry: Multiple heads each equipped with dagger-sized teeth and even bigger claws for devastating melee attacks
  • Morale: Average
  • Size: Low (4-12)
    • Recruitment & Replenishment: Amongst the breeders of Hell Home one can rarely find the engineered Hydrats, their replenishment is slow due to the complexity of their creation.
  • TvM Requirement: 4v1


Multifaceted Combat: The Hydrats multiple heads and limbs allow it to attack in several directions at once, overwhelming enemies.

Terror on the Battlefield: Their nightmarish appearance and ferocity instil fear, often causing enemies to flee.


Unpredictable Behavior: The unstable nature of their hybrid forms can make them difficult to control, potentially turning on their handlers.

Slow Speed: While powerful, their hybrid nature makes them less agile compared to other cavalry units.



In the great days of the Eshkin under empires, their wealth was abundant and their pens flowed over with rat abominations. The lords grew fat, and the warriors grew lazy, no one to fight against but this caused a major issue of overpopulation amongst the many cities of the ratmen. The easiest solution to this was fighting pits where rats would kill other rats, this would both lower the population, strengthen the warriors and entertain the Lords. Soon it became too boring watching two regular-sized Eshkin beat into each other with clubs and cleavers, vermin beasts were introduced. Pitting lowly slaves against giant rat Ogres, and even this did not please the Eshkin tribes, more death, more abomination they screamed. In the deepest of pits of Hell Home the maddened scientists conducted the most inhumane procedures known, things that even the average ratmen would not think of. On the rainiest of days emerged a being, a being no one could stand against, the Hydrats. The Hydrats have earned a fearsome reputation throughout the history of the Eshkin wars. Their first major deployment was during the infamous Battle of Bamberg, where vermin forces unleashed these nightmarish hybrids against the Human defenders. The Hydrats tore through the human lines with terrifying efficiency, using their multiple heads and savage claws to scatter the defenders. The city's walls, once considered impenetrable, crumbled under the relentless assault. Nowadays these beautiful creations are seen less and less due to their costly upkeep and even more difficult creation process.
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