Approved The Elite Vermin: Bloodskins

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Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits

Unit Name: Bloodskins
Credits: Image 1/ Image 2
Consolidation Thread: N/A
Unit Description: Bloodskins are the elite soldiers of the Eshkin army, towering over their lesser kin with sleek, black fur that marks them as superior. They are clad in superior armour and wield deadly halberds or other high-quality melee weapons. Their disciplined ranks and ferocious combat skills make them a terrifying sight on the battlefield. Only black-furred Eshkin are allowed to join the ranks of the Bloodskins. As such, there is a certain air of ego shared by all Bloodskins that is lacking in other Eshkin groups. Of course, this camaraderie will only stretch so far. Bloodskins are constantly on the lookout for any weakness in their peers, and those who show such flaws will be mercilessly cut down by their brothers. Position in the ranks of this unit is achieved through a series of duels, though it occasionally falls on the last remaining survivor of a unit to take command.


  • Armour: High
    • Gear: Bloodskinsare equipped with heavy armour, including metal breastplates, shoulder guards, and helmets. They carry sturdy shields and are armed with halberds, swords, or other high-quality melee weapons.
  • Speed: Average
  • Melee: Very High
    • Weaponry: Bloodskins primarily use halberds, which allow them to strike with both the blade and the spike, providing versatility in combat. Some may also carry swords or other hand weapons for close-quarters fighting.
  • Ranged: N/A
  • Morale: High
  • Size: Average 13 - 25
  • Number: Regional
    • Recruitment & Replenishment: Bloodskins are selected from the largest and strongest Eshkin warriors within any given ratmen settlement. Their training is rigorous, and they are often replenished through intense competition among the ranks, where only the fittest survive to join this elite cadre.
  • TvM Requirement: 2v1


- Elite Combat Skills:
Bloodskins are highly trained and disciplined fighters, capable of taking on much tougher opponents than regular Eshkin warriors.

- Superior Equipment: Their heavy armour and powerful weapons give them a significant advantage in melee combat, allowing them to withstand and deal substantial damage.


- Limited Numbers:
Compared to the vast hordes of lesser Eshkin, Bloodskins are relatively few in number, making them a precious resource on the battlefield.

- Higher Maintenance: Their superior equipment and training require more resources and time to maintain, making them less expendable and harder to replace quickly.



When the rat lords first declared themselves to the world no one took these critters seriously. Their armies were weak and would fall apart at the first sight of defeat. No other race saw these ratmen as worthy of mention, they were just seen as an itch that could be ignored by the majority. The Eshkin would however not give up, this clear understatement of their power would be used as an advantage over the years, they could breed and fester in their underground empires without any worry of being attacked. This allowed the Eshkin to strengthen their military power, new weapons were developed and new units were trained. With this development, the Eshkin once more merged from their wholes, this time to the surprise of all with properly formatted armies, equipped with armour and real blades. Leading these armies from the front were the Bloodskin, a unit of rats chosen because of their genetically larger build pitch black fur, and equipped with blood-red armour to easily distinguish them apart from the slaves and ruts of the Eshkin. Throughout their history, Bloodskins have been the embodiment of Eshkin's martial superiority, demonstrating the peak of what Eshkin warriors can achieve through strength, training, and brutality. Their contributions to Eshkin's victories have cemented their status as one of the most feared and respected units in the Empire that was being built.
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