Approved The Devils in the Night: Kuonja


Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits



  • Name: Kuonja (Khu - on - jaa)
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Esthorhiel
  • Average Lifespan: 30 - 50 years standard time
  • Estimated Population: Planetary, Luckily both the birthing place of this horrid race and their current homeworld is the only place to find these beasts. There are, however, a few that travel close to their system of origin looking for their next battle or subsequent raid.
  • Description: A never-before-seen race of undead resembling insectoids. Predatory and voracious devils, Kuonja engulf the souls of the newly demised and consider it their hereditary reward for a victorious fight. Doing this is a necessity in their cruel existences, though they show no qualms in devouring the wretched souls of the lost lives. These gothic vermins have birthing ceremonies which are quite disturbing for members of the wide galactic community. Kuonja possess a two-stage life cycle, in which the first step consists of them fermenting in their cocoon-like eggs as grey fat larvas in clutches of up to 40. And the second stage in which they take the form of bipedal insectoids with hard exoskeletons shielding their bodies, these exoskeletons take the shape of ancient armours. The seemingly purely evil race of warmongerers has a surprisingly praising attitude to respect and honour. In addition, these insectoids like many races have their own religion which is dedicated to their planet's moon Zamani which many zealously follow. Whilst others of their kind would rather believe in darkness overall as their God and, guide through their cruel existence.


  • Breathes: Though the Kuonja breathe the standard Type I atmosphere in recent years they have evolved to be able to sustain themselves in type II atmospheres such as their moon Zamani. In addition to their high tolerance to low oxygen atmospheres Kuonja's carapace, eyes, and lungs are all highly resistant to low-pressure environments, enabling Kuonja to survive in some Type IV environments (including the vacuum of space) with little more than an air tank for protection. However, they can not sustain themselves for long periods of time in type IV atmospheres due to the intense pressure.
  • Average Height of Adults: 180 centimetres / 5,10 feet
  • Average Weight of Adults: 1250 Kg / 275 pounds
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin colour: Different Shades of Grey, albinism possible but extremely rare (0.05%)
  • Exoskeleton Colour: Ebony Purple, matt Black, bone White, Blood Red, dark grey
  • Hair colour: N/A - The Kuonja lack a presence of hair
  • Races: The Kuonja have evolved over time due to fast reproductive cycles and so came the creation of the Nuru. The Nuru are stronger, taller and winged versions of the Kuonja
  • Force Sensitivity: Standard, although the female variant tends to have a higher chance of being force-sensitive
  • Distinctions: The Kuonja possess unique physical traits that set them apart from more common species like humans. Both male and female Kuonja have an insectoid appearance, with chitinous exoskeletons that provide natural armour. They are typically heavier and more imposing than humans, with elongated limbs and sharp, angular features. Females, known as Wizards, often have additional appendages. Hive larvae undergo a metamorphosis into different castes, with Knights being among the most common. Knights have large, powerful frames and are often seen wielding heavy weapons or dark magic. As Hive specimens age and mature, they grow larger and more formidable, with some developing additional armour plating or spines. High-ranking members of the Kuonja, exhibit even more pronounced physical mutations, with some growing to immense sizes or gaining unique abilities granted by their connection to the Darkness. Regional variations among the Kuonja are minimal, with most adhering to a similar insectoid physiology regardless of their location. However, certain Kuonja sects may exhibit slight differences in colouration or armour patterning depending on their allegiance or role within the Kuonja hierarchy.


  • Night vision - Living centuries in the hollow caves of Ethorhield has evolved these monstrosities allowing them to have normal vision in the dark
  • Quick Reflexes - Due to having three eyes the Kuonja can focus on multiple things at a time, in addition, they possess extremely quick neurons that afford the species rapid and complex autonomous movement to base stimuli.
  • Complex Musculature - Like many insectoid creatures, Kuonja are exceptionally strong concerning their body mass. The species possesses very powerful and energetic muscles as well as wide, reinforced bones at each joint. The limbs of the Kuonja possess a highly complex musculature system with some muscles anchoring to the bones of the internal skeleton and some muscles anchoring to the carapace of the creature's exoskeleton. This enables a Kuonja to possess comparable strength to similarly-sized mammalian and reptile species (relative to their own age/size).
  • Exoskeleton - The Kuonja were gifted with an exoskeleton to certain parts of their soft bodies. The hard Chitin armour that can anchor to the bones can safeguard them against harsh environments and some aggressions.
  • Shifting Exoskeleton - Undergoing a painful and dangerous ritual known only by the Kuonja they can mend their exoskeletons to take different shapes and forms.
  • Limited Regeneration - Like most insects, Kuonja that survive severe wounds are capable of regenerating complex organs and limbs over time. While a thick scab of carapace will grow over the damaged area at first, every time the Kuonja moults (twice a year) the results of these ongoing regenerations will be exposed. In young Kuonja, entire limbs can be regrown in as little as eight months, while older and larger Kuonja can take as long as two years to regrow their limbs back to full size. Small organs like eyes can be regenerated in as little as two months, while larger organs such as lungs and kidneys can take four to eight months to regenerate. This process, however, requires both the brain and heart to be intact and functioning.
  • Prolific Breeding - The fast production of offspring can cause a shortage of supplies, infighting, and a higher chance of mutations growing in the populace
  • Sensitive Eyes - Centuries in the dark may have given them advantages eyes for the dark, but excessive light can easily blind and disorient these creatures, thus they tend to operate in complete or almost complete darkness.
  • Three Fingers - With only three fingers one can not adequately hold things in their hand or operate them, and it can make using tools that people with five fingers have incredibly difficult
  • Uncontrollable Thirst for War - The Kuonja live for war, their society is even based around it. This obsession with war has caused many casualties amongst the race and there is no end to their warring culture. This limits their growth as a society.
  • Sunlight Exposure - Living in the dark has made their bodies weak to the light, this means they can only maintain themselves during the day with protection. Otherwise, their bodies would burn under the extreme heat and light.
  • Short Lifespan - The undead-looking insectoids grow fast and reach sexual maturity before their second year of age. They reproduce often and create large clutches of young with each breeding. These attributes are rarely attributed to a species with a low mortality rate and the Kuonja are no exception.
  • Soul Batteries - Kuonja are ever thirsting for the force energy of those around them. They require the "souls" of those they kill to keep on living. As food is to humans the energy of the dead is to the beast called Kuonja. They require almost daily doses of their devilish food to sustain a healthy body and mind.



  • Flight - Nuru were born with a pair of butterfly structured wings that allow them to soar through the sky for up to a maximum of 8 to 9 hours a day.
  • Longer life span - Because of the organic structure of the Nuru, this relative to the Kuonja can survive up to 100 years at maximum.
  • Four fingers - Compared to the Kuonja the Nuru have access to a fourth finger which can make operating weaponry and other tools simpler.
  • Superiority complex - Because of their genetic differences to the base race of Kuonja, the Nuru believe that they were made to rule over all other races and thus act likewise.
  • Lower Physical strength - Being treated as higher beings and not having to do as much physical work has over the years lessened the muscle strength of these winged nightmares.
  • Rain - Because the wings of the Nuru are very thin and soft, rainfall can severely damage the tissue of their wings permanently damaging them.


  • Diet: With the increasing motivation to kill and wage wars, the hereditary obsession and need to consume the spirits of the fallen near them comes intrinsically. The strive for souls has always been a need for the Kuonja, without this demonic act of consumption they can not live, it is as if it fuels their bodies. The warmongering insectoids believe this to be a calling and justification to further extinguish those around them. Biologically Kuonja are only capable of surviving with this abnormal consumption, they consume significant amounts of spirits on a regular basis both to maintain their metabolism and to provide their body with their daily requirement. In addition to this Kuonja eat anything that is put in front of them including drinking various liquids. In the first stage of life as larvas, their diet consists of the thick liquid within their eggs which consists of mashed flesh. The flesh is inserted through an organic tube attached to the egg, from which it gets turned into the horrifying liquid meat
  • Communication: The language of the Kuonja is Ulimi, it consists of screeches and strangely phrased words. Between the male and female insectoid, one can clearly hear a tone difference of significant pitches, the voice of the females is a shivering somewhat high-pitched shriek and the male variant have a low raspy voice. Whilst these creatures can express themselves in galactic standard, and, are capable of learning other languages, it heavily discomforts their vocals and causes minor strains to their communication. When talking in this agonising way their voices are significantly lower than deemed customary amongst humans.

  • Technology level: Primitive at first and for many years they had ancient technology levels but they grew and now have Galactic standard
  • Religion/Beliefs: The majority of Kuonjans believe in the moon God that is based on their planet's moon Zamani but some groups believe in the darkness itself and all symbolic evil that comes with it. They call this presence they worship, the deep. The moon God teaches the zealot Kuonja to fight for power and the right to survival, this religion is not one for pacifists. 90% of the home planet of these insectoids follow this death-thriving religion. The other 10% believe in the darkness that comes with the night, most of these worshipers are part of the Nation of Astorus and are free to follow their beliefs in the various churches built for the deep god. The believers in darkness are taught to resent their ancestor's sins and the actions of war, yet they are also taught that only through cleansing and death can they be reborn into a new superior race. This belief in rebirth gives many worries a fearless ideology as their religion teaches followers the ideology of, rebirth as something pure if they have purified enough of the galaxy. The Kuonja and its relatives are waring creatures by heart. Since the dawn of time, they have fought battles. They fight to prove themselves amongst the hierarchy of the planet as only battle can prove one's might in their eyes. Ritualistic sacrifice is central to Kuonja culture. They believe that by offering the lives of others to their god, they strengthen their connection to their almighty deity and advance their own power. Dark Sorcery is a deeply associated and integrated practice in the Kuonja beliefs, and they are masters of dark magic, using it both in combat and in their religious practices. They believe that magic is a manifestation of the Deep's power, and through it, they can bend reality to their will.
  • General behaviour: The Kuonja live in a system where the weak are hated as they can not bring gains to their kin. Life in their eyes is about proving themselves worthy to their brethren and most live their entire lives proving this. The caste system that was created by the Kuonja and Nuru has existed for a long time and it is kept in place by the constant wars, as only the strong stay in power and the weak fall. Rituals are a central aspect of their culture, with sacrificial offerings and blood magic being commonplace. Kuonja combat tactics involve overwhelming their enemies with swarms, using dark magic to induce fear and crush the will of their foes. Their entire existence revolves around the reverence for death and the unyielding pursuit of power in the name of their dark gods, making them some of the most formidable adversaries in the universe. However, there is more than just waring in their culture. A sense of pride is instilled in younger warriors of this race through traditional arena fights, where multiple fights are held with only one survivor coming out of each battle as the worthiest victor. This also helps with the immense speed at which new children are born. This siphon of the weak is celebrated yearly and a big festival is made of this slaughter of the young. Many of the Kuonjan generals attend this show and if the champions please them, invitations are sent to invite them into their armies.


In the annals of Kuonjan history, the origins of their race lie in the shadows of their home planet, Esthoriel. Most of their history coincided with that of their home planet. The Kuonjans were a primitive species, dwelling in the dark and cavernous depths of their world. Their society was driven by a relentless struggle for survival and ever-lasting hunger. Wars were fought over limited resources, and only the strongest and most cunning survived. However, it wasn't until they discovered the ancient scriptures of Zamani, the moon God, that their society began to undergo a profound transformation.

Yet, even as the majority of Kuonjans embraced the teachings of Zamani, a minority began to question the nature of their existence. These dissenters, known as the followers of "the deep," believed that true power lay in embracing the darkness itself. They rejected the teachings of Zamani, instead worshipping a symbolic representation of evil and chaos. The followers of the deep built their own temples and secret societies, conducting dark rituals and communing with dark entities in their quest for power.

This division in belief led to centuries of conflict and turmoil within Kuonjan society. Wars were fought between the followers of Zamani and the followers of the deep, each side seeking to impose their beliefs on the other. Meanwhile, the caste system, established by the Kuonjans and the Nuru, became entrenched, with the strong ruling over the weak and the powerful maintaining control over their dominion.

Despite their internal strife, the Kuonjans continued to expand their influence beyond their home planet. They colonized nearby moons and asteroids, spreading their religion and culture to every corner of their star system. Their mastery of dark sorcery and blood magic made them feared adversaries, capable of bending reality to their will and crushing any who dared oppose them.

Today, the history of the Kuonjans is a complex tapestry of war, conquest, and religious fervour. Their society is built on a foundation of strength and power, where only the strongest survive and the weak are cast aside. Yet, amidst the darkness and chaos, there is also a sense of pride and honor, as the Kuonjans continue to strive for greatness in the name of their gods.
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