Approved The Death Bearers: Flailing Plagues


Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits

Unit Name:
Flailing Plagues
Credits: Image 1
Consolidation Thread: N/A
Unit Description: Flailing Plagues are suicidal Eshkin fanatics, wielding massive, spiked censers filled with lethal toxic fumes. Their bodies are twisted and diseased, clad in tattered robes and armour, with their skin rotting from prolonged exposure to the poisons they carry. As they charge into battle, they swing their censers in wide arcs, releasing clouds of noxious gas that choke and corrode any living being nearby, including themselves. These individuals are bread up from small, they are broken mentally and rebuilt as fanatics who exist only to serve the greater will of their god. In addition to this, Flailing Plagues are altered genetically to withstand the contagions they wiled in battle. To be chosen for such a duty is a grand honour and one that is never refused, even though it will lead to the Flailing Plague's own demise. To die in the service of their god, swinging a smouldering Plague Censer with righteous zeal is compensation enough for these maddened cultists.


  • Armour: Low
    • Gear: Tattered robes, basic armour corroded by toxins
  • Speed: High
  • Melee: Extreme
    • Weaponry: Spiked censers infused with virulent diseases
  • Ranged: N/A
  • Morale: Extreme
  • Size: Low (4-12 members per unit)
  • Number. Regional
    • Recruitment & Replenishment: Recruited from the most fanatical corners of the Eshkin under the empire, only a few groups exist who train and breed these vermin due to their rate of mortality and toxic traits. They are an ever-dying species due to the dwindling believers of the great rat god.
  • TvM Requirement. 2v1


Lethal Gas Attacks:
The Flailing Plagues release toxic fumes that can decimate enemy units, especially in close quarters.

Fanatical Zeal: Flailing Plagues are driven by extreme devotion, making them fearless and relentless in battle.

Rotting: Their poisonous bodies continue to spread the plagues that fester in their blood and weapons after they die.


The toxic fumes from their own weapons can harm or even kill the Flailing plagues themselves.

Low Durability: Their armour offers little protection, and their bodies are weakened by disease, making them vulnerable to counterattacks.

Limited Numbers: Due to their high mortality rate and the extreme conditions required to produce them, they are few in number.


Flailing Plagues have been a terrifying force in the Eshkin armies since the introduction of their religion. In the early days of their creation, these vermins were significantly weaker and would more often die to their own toxins before even reaching the battlefield. Since then their ranks have improved thanks to the masterminds of the Eshkin breeders. Their willingness to sacrifice themselves for the glory of the god they love so much has made them both a feared and reviled unit, even amongst the other Eshkin. Due to their high mortality rate, not many famous Flailing Plague members have come to the attention of the world, yet each individual is buried after the battle and given a small pillar of dedication, mostly to stop their plagued bodies from spreading any more toxins but also to honour them and their service. A notable unit of these plague-bearing rats was used at the siege of Bamberg. The toxic vermins were instructed to infiltrate the sewers of the city and poison the water supply to draw out the defenders from their stronghold. It is said that the heroic act of their own sacrifice in these famous sewers of Bamberg ignited the initial battle, and forced the hand of the cowering humans pushing them on the offensive. Consequently allowing the Eshkin forces to take the first and most outer-ringed wall of the Bamberg.
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