Approved The City of Fuernburg

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Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

POI Name: Fuernburg
Credits: Header
Type: Capital City
Position: Oldenn
Consolidation Thread: NA
Architect: Iron Cult

Description: A massive city, Fuernburg stands as the very pride and beating heart of the Iron Cult, being the largest and most important of their settlements. Barracks, trainning grounds, grand markets, shipyards as well as universities and factories dot the near-endless sea of buildings that stretch like a foul lake held only by the strength of the Outer Walls that block any ill-willers from entering the grand settlement.
Whilhelmstein's Street
Honourary named after the first of the Grand Architects of the Iron Cult, Whilhelmstein Niclonher, Whilhelmstein's Street is actually the oldest district of the city, renovated to the image of the Cult after the capturing of the settlement, of which the old name has been forgotten. Whilhelmstein's is a district filled with luxurious clockwork shops, restaurants of freshly slaughtered exotic beasts brought by the many explorers and colonies of the Cult, as well as grand estates and tall buildings, most ironically refered to as "Little Palaces". Citizens of grande status and recognition are allowed to enter the district, which is protected by the lesser swine of society via a wall built as secondary defensive measure along the fringes of the district.
The Underearth District
A place of darkness, misery and misfortune, the Underearth spans like a blighted swamp beneath the city, consisting of endless slums, shanty towns amidst toxic waste and sewage dumps, and underworlder gangs holding sway over mini-empires on their own outside the grasp of the Iron Cult. A place of exile and savagery, the Underearth spans within the many halls that once were dug by dwarf miners exploiting an iron vein discovered beneath the surface. Due to the excess mining operations of the Iron Cult that invaded the site after their surface rebellion, the Underearth was transformed into an abysmal prison in all but name, with the few mages and outlaws that sough freedom finding their way into this place. It is said that the Underearth is the very weakness of Fuernburg, as some have claimed that certain narrow dwarf tunnels lead outside the limits of the surface city. Alas, the size of those that do, the composition of the peoples in the Underearth, and the arguable existence of most tunnels themselves, made any attempts of undermining the city's surface defences vain....
Industrial Districts
The very core of Fuernburg is located at the site where the long chimneys of the factories are dense the most, popping in flocks like abysmal trees of stone, and a canopy of black ash instead of leaves. The industries that operate in Fuernburg are numerous, most of which dedicated in providing the Cult's most powerful branch with enough fuel for its cogs to remain unstoppable: The War Machine. From uniforms and armours, to rifles and cannonballs, and highly sophisticated machines of destruction, Fuernburg is the largest production settlement of the Cult. Slave labour, as well as paid civilians swarm the narrow dirty streets of the Industrial sectors to find work in one of the many factories, production plants and laboratories that operate non-stop day after day...
The Imperial Spires
In the very centre of Fuernburg, above the citadel of the city, stands proudly the domain of the Iron Cult's supreme command: The Imperial Spires. A complex of several structures that resemple twisted versions of palaces, the Spires are the very command centre and centre of worship of the Iron Cult. In the labyrinthic halls of the Spires, the many orders of the Cult hold council, initiate their neophytes and write charters of the Cult's operations and future. Only Cult members have access to these spires, with the most elite troops in the Cult's disposal being the protectors of the site which is said to house many artefacts, mystic mechanisms, and plundered treasures brought to Fuernburg from across the known world...

  • Main Stats
    • Defence: High
      • Defensive Elements:
        • Pulse4.jpg

          The Outer Wall. A massive construction project that seems to be in a perpetual state of renovation after renovation, as new inventions of the Iron Cult find their way on the defensive line. The walls themselves are mainly made of stone, dressed with iron plates, comprising a rather formidable defence network of turrets, artillery emplacements, murderholes and observation posts.
    • Offence: Low
      • Offensive Elements:
        • weta-workshop-design-studio-shield-wall-nk.jpg

          The Artillery Emplacements. Situated mostly at the highest point of the Outer Wall, the artillery emplacements of Fuernburg are long range cannons that can engage targets kilometers away from the city. Of course, the further a target is, the less the accuracy of these blackpowder behemoths...
    • Durability: High
    • Scarcity: Unique
  • TvM Requirement: 5v1

+ Impregnable. The high investment into the city's defenses makes the settlement most tough nut to crack in a siege.
+ Hive City. Unlike many of its kind, Fuernburg is a capital of industry as well as production, with the twisted technomaniacs of the Iron Cult being able to sustain the city's population for a significant period of time even if the city is under blockade, due to the recycling and production capacity of the settlement itself.

- Gargantuan. Being the "Ecumenopolis" as refered to by the Iron Cult, Fuernburg is meant to be the very centre of the world in the image of the Cult. This means, the city is massive, with millions of residents, which in and of itself makes maintaining safety and hunting individual targets a difficult task for the authorities. Not few are the criminal and rebel factions that remain active within Fuernburg, relentlessly procecuted by the Iron Cult's enforcers, and yet, in the sea of buildings, to find a singular target can be near impossible, in certain occasions...
- Vital Supply Depot. The very gravity of Fuernburg in terms of the Iron Cult's supply chain is irreplacable. The city provides for the majority of the production in both terms of trade, and most importantly, war supplies, also serving as a military headquarter of the cult's highest of officers. To lose grip over their very capital is a tremendously painful blow that, arguably, could jeopardize the very stability of the Cult as a whole.

Historical Information
In 826 AOD, the Iron Cult gained control of what once was the capital of Oldenn after two years of siege, claiming it as their own headquarters under a new leadership and a new name: Fuernburg. Determined to make Fuernburg a shinning example of the new order they willed to bring upon Terra Firma, the Iron Cult's leaders undertook several renovation projects, tirelessly herding more and more slaves to work the exhausting iron and the many machineries that were required to bring their plans into fruition.

After decades of works, Fuernburg became a massive fortress-city that represented the Iron Cult's will of domination over the world around them. A place without Gods, but the Machine. A place without magic, but Innovation. It became the very symbol of the black cause of the organization, which the cultists and their myriad of agents did not hesitate advertising.
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