Approved The Biggest Queeks: Wretchqueeks

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Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits


Unit Name: Wretchqueeks
Credits: Image 1/ Image 2
Consolidation Thread:
Unit Description: T

  • Armour: Average
    • Gear: Thick hides, spiked harnesses, enhanced claws and fangs
  • Speed: High
    • Weaponry: Powerful Jaws, honed claws, and potent tails that can tear through enemies with heavy swipes.
  • Morale: Average
  • Size: Average (13-25)
  • Number: Provincial
    • Recruitment & Replenishment: Engineered by Hell Homes finest, born in flesh labs deep underground. It is a complex procedure to breed these abominations, Queeks need to be pushed to their limit and undergo mutation of various sizes.
  • TvM Requirement: 2v1


Devastating Strikes
Their combination of powerful jaws and claws makes them highly effective at tearing through enemy units.

Rapid Regeneration: Brood Horrors possess regenerative abilities, allowing them to recover from wounds quickly, making them difficult to bring down in battle.

Pack Tactics: When grouped together, Brood Horrors can coordinate their attacks, overwhelming even the most disciplined units with their combined ferocity.


Unstable Mutations
The constant mutations can lead to sudden, uncontrollable fits of rage or even death.

Short Lifespan: Due to the unstable nature of their mutations, Brood Horrors have a limited lifespan, making them unreliable for prolonged campaigns.

Susceptible to Fire: Their regenerative abilities falter against fire-based attacks, which can cause lasting damage and prevent healing.


When Queeks live long enough to grow to their maximum size they gain a pheromone that marks them as pack leaders. This phenomenon was quickly observed and tested by Eshkin breeders. This developed into a full-scale breeding program where the aforementioned pheromones were injected into younger Queeks in the hope of somehow affecting their growth and strength. This turned out to be a great idea as further generations became larger and more ferocious which eventually led to the finalised unit called Wretchqueeks. Combining the traits of various fearsome creatures, Wretchqueeks were engineered through a gruesome process involving surgical grafting, dark alchemical experiments and infusions of pheromones. These horrifying beasts were initially created to serve as shock troops and mounts for elite Eshkin, ensuring total domination on the battlefield.
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