Approved Guild Submission The Arathgolethski Coven

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Aug 28, 2024
Galactic Credits
“Like ink spilled on paper, so too did the dove’s feathers turn black. Their blood is tainted. Thus, the world must be tainted as well…”


NAME: The Arathgolethski Coven
TYPE: Guild/Coven


Currently located on the southern coast below Lavaria, the Arathgolethski Coven are families of witches shrouded in dark legacy and ancient witchcraft. This secretive coven moves stealthily from one sanctuary to another, leaving behind a trail of whispered legends and bad omens.

Originating from the archaic tribe of Slavary, the Arathgolethski witches possess an uncanny appearance distinct from those residing further north. Usually taller and more slender, they carry a pallid skin that mirrors the moon’s glow, often with an almost silver undertone. Their build is more fragile yet deceptively nimble and athletic. Although varying in appearances, their faces are usually elongated with prominent chins and high cheekbones, frequently described as androgynous. But what stands out the most are their slightly protruding, short and oval, but clearly pointed ears, which they so oftentimes adorn with pearls and silver jewelry.

Rumored to have once been regular families, some among them even holding a more noble standing among the southern provinces, the original members of the Arathgolethski coven mysteriously vanished almost 80 years ago. Some were never seen again, while others returned forever changed. Their estates, lands and properties, fell into ruin, crumbling along with their reputation, leaving nothing but desolation in their wake.

When the members resurfaced, it was not as regular families and nobles, but as a coven. How and why this transformation took place remains a mystery, a story speculated, but never fully told. The true purpose of their current journeys remains shrouded in secrecy. However, those who have glimpsed the silver dove symbol associated with the coven whisper rumors of their sinister ambitions. Some say the Arathgolethski seek to reclaim their place in the political seas and hold a standing among those on the table of power and rule. Others speak they seek an ancient and powerful artifact, a relic whose nature is as obscured as their intentions. Individuals who have come into closer, more intimate contact with the coven, swear their purpose is much more dark—the spread of a curse.

It is said those that spend too much time with them
often exhibit increasingly distant behavior, plagued by unsettling thoughts about the world. They also develop an alarming affinity for the darkest of arts—black magic, which the Arathgolethski refer to as The Mora.
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