Approved Starborn Warriors

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Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

Unit Name: Starborn Warriors

Unit Type: General, Cannon Fodder, Infantry

Affiliation: Starborn Sect

Unit Size: One Hundred Ten Thousand (110,000)

Role/Function: The primary role of the Warriors within the Starborn Sect is to serve as the backbone of the Sect's military forces, providing the necessary infantry support and combat prowess to carry out the Sect's objectives on the battlefield. While they lack Force sensitivity, Warriors are trained to excel in martial combat, wielding a variety of weapons and tactics to overcome their enemies with brute force and determination.

As infantry units, Warriors are often deployed en masse beneath the command of Acolytes or Adepts, who provide strategic direction and coordinate their movements to achieve tactical objectives. Their duties include frontline combat, defending key positions, conducting assaults on enemy fortifications, and engaging in skirmishes to disrupt enemy operations.

In battle, Warriors exhibit unwavering loyalty and discipline, following orders without question and fighting with ferocity and resolve to further the goals of the Sect. They are trained in various combat techniques, including hand-to-hand combat, marksmanship, and squad-based tactics, allowing them to adapt to a wide range of battlefield scenarios and overcome adversity through sheer strength and tenacity.

While they may lack the supernatural abilities of their Force-sensitive counterparts, Warriors make up for it with their physical prowess, resilience, and unwavering commitment to the Sect's cause. Whether storming enemy positions, holding the line against overwhelming odds, or supporting their allies in battle, Warriors play a crucial role in ensuring the Sect's continued dominance and ascendance in the galaxy.


Primary Weapons:
- Blaster Rifles: Standard-issue blaster rifles are the primary ranged weapons used by Warriors, providing them with firepower to engage enemies at medium to long ranges.
- Vibroswords: Vibroswords are the primary melee weapons employed by Warriors, capable of delivering powerful strikes and slashing through armor with vibrating blades.

Secondary Weapons:
- Blaster Pistols: Blaster pistols serve as secondary weapons for Warriors, offering them a backup option for close-quarters combat or when their primary weapon is unavailable.
- Combat Knives: Combat knives are carried by Warriors as secondary melee weapons, useful for situations where silent, close-quarters combat is required.

Armor and Protection:
- Combat Armor: Warriors wear durable combat armor designed to provide protection against blaster fire and physical attacks. The armor is lightweight and flexible, allowing for freedom of movement while still offering adequate defense.
- Helmet: A helmet is worn by Warriors to protect their heads and provide additional protection to their faces and necks. It may include a visor for enhanced visibility and communication systems to coordinate with allies on the battlefield.
- Shield Generator: Some Warriors may be equipped with personal shield generators, providing temporary energy shields to deflect incoming blaster fire and absorb damage during combat engagements.

Special Training/Skills: The Warriors of the Starborn Sect undergo specialized training to hone their combat skills and martial prowess, preparing them for the rigors of battle and the challenges they may face on the battlefield. Their training regimen includes a combination of traditional martial arts techniques, modern combat tactics, and specialized instruction in Echani martial arts, passed down by Darth Fauste and her advisor, an Echani warrior renowned for their mastery of combat.

Specialized Training:
- Echani Martial Arts: Warriors receive instruction in Echani martial arts, a combat discipline known for its fluid movements, precise strikes, and focus on balance and agility. These techniques emphasize the use of the body as a weapon, incorporating strikes, blocks, and grapples to overwhelm opponents with speed and efficiency.
- Weapons Proficiency: Warriors are trained to wield a variety of weapons, including blaster rifles, vibroswords, blaster pistols, and combat knives, with proficiency. They learn to adapt their fighting style to different weapons and combat scenarios, maximizing their effectiveness on the battlefield.
- Tactical Maneuvers: Warriors learn tactical maneuvers and squad-based tactics to coordinate with their fellow soldiers and adapt to changing battlefield conditions. They are trained to work together as a cohesive unit, employing cover, flanking maneuvers, and suppressive fire to gain the upper hand against their enemies.
- Physical Conditioning: Physical fitness and endurance are emphasized in the training of Warriors, with rigorous workouts and conditioning exercises designed to build strength, stamina, and resilience. They undergo grueling training sessions to push their bodies to the limit and prepare them for the demands of combat.

Skills and Abilities:
- Agility and Speed: Warriors are known for their agility and speed on the battlefield, capable of evading enemy attacks and closing the distance with their foes quickly and efficiently.
- Close-Quarters Combat: They excel in close-quarters combat, using their mastery of Echani martial arts to overwhelm opponents with a flurry of strikes and precise movements.
- Marksmanship: Warriors are trained in marksmanship with blaster rifles and pistols, allowing them to engage enemies at range with accuracy and precision.
- Adaptability: Warriors demonstrate adaptability and resourcefulness in combat, able to assess situations quickly and adjust their tactics accordingly to achieve their objectives.

Leadership/Command: Starborn Acolytes, Starborn Adepts, Champion Kaelen Drayven

History/Background: The Warriors of the Starborn Sect have a rich history within the faction and the broader galaxy, serving as the stalwart defenders and frontline combatants of Darth Fauste's dark empire. From the earliest days of the Sect's inception, Warriors have been instrumental in advancing its agenda and solidifying its influence across the stars. Deployed in various capacities, Warriors have been at the forefront of numerous campaigns, both overt and covert, shaping the Sect's destiny and leaving their mark on the galaxy.

Notable deployments have seen Warriors spearheading assaults against rival Sith factions, engaging in skirmishes with planetary forces, and carrying out targeted strikes against key adversaries. Their presence on the battlefield is a testament to their unwavering loyalty to Darth Fauste and their willingness to lay down their lives in service to her vision of galactic domination.

One of the most notable engagements involving Warriors was the Liberation of Mandalore, where they played a crucial role in overthrowing a rival Sith warlord who had seized control of the Mandalorian homeworld. Through their valor and martial prowess, Warriors reclaimed Mandalore for the Starborn Sect, securing a strategic foothold in the Outer Rim and bolstering Darth Fauste's influence in the region.

In addition to their combat prowess, Warriors have been deployed on covert missions to gather intelligence, sabotage enemy operations, and eliminate high-value targets. Their ability to blend into their surroundings and operate with stealth and precision has made them invaluable assets in the Sect's ongoing struggle for supremacy.

Throughout their history, Warriors have earned a reputation as formidable adversaries and unwavering loyalists, feared by enemies and respected by allies alike. Their achievements on the battlefield have bolstered the Sect's reputation and solidified its position as a force to be reckoned with in the galaxy. As the vanguard of Darth Fauste's dark empire, Warriors continue to stand ready to defend the Sect's interests and crush any who dare oppose its ascendance to ultimate power.
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