Approved State Starborn Sect


Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

Faction Name: Starborn Sect
Leader/Leadership Council: Lyanna Starborn, Darth Fauste
Alignment/Ideology: Warband Sith
Purpose/Objectives: The Starborn Sect, led by Darth Fauste, is a secretive and enigmatic faction within the Sith hierarchy, distinguished by its unique beliefs, principles, and values. Rooted in Darth Fauste's insatiable curiosity and passion for learning, the Starborn Sect embraces knowledge as the ultimate source of power and seeks to unlock the secrets of the Force and the galaxy itself. Here are the key beliefs, principles, and values of the Starborn Sect:

- The Pursuit of Knowledge - At the core of the Starborn Sect's philosophy is a relentless pursuit of knowledge in all its forms. Members believe that true power comes from understanding the mysteries of the universe, and they dedicate themselves to uncovering hidden truths through study, experimentation, and exploration.

- Curiosity as a Virtue - Darth Fauste instills in her followers the belief that curiosity is not only a virtue but also a driving force for growth and enlightenment. They are encouraged to question conventional wisdom, challenge boundaries, and seek out new experiences in their quest for understanding.

- Adaptability and Versatility - The Starborn Sect values adaptability and versatility, recognizing that the ever-changing nature of the galaxy demands flexibility in thought and action. Members are trained to excel in a wide range of skills and disciplines, from infiltration and espionage to combat and diplomacy, allowing them to thrive in diverse situations and environments.

- Secrecy and Subterfuge - As masters of infiltration and information gathering, the Starborn Sect embraces secrecy and subterfuge as essential tools in their pursuit of knowledge and power. They operate in the shadows, gathering intelligence, manipulating events, and influencing key players from behind the scenes to further their agenda.

- Individuality and Self-Expression: Unlike some Sith factions that emphasize conformity and obedience, the Starborn Sect encourages individuality and self-expression among its members. Darth Fauste believes that diversity of thought and perspective fosters innovation and creativity, empowering her followers to harness their unique talents and insights in service of the Sect's goals.

- Ethical Pragmatism - While the Starborn Sect is driven by ambition and a desire for mastery, its members adhere to a code of ethical pragmatism, recognizing that the pursuit of knowledge and power must be tempered by wisdom and responsibility. They are not bound by arbitrary notions of good or evil but instead seek to achieve their objectives through calculated means that serve the greater good of the Sect.

- Echani Martial Tradition - Rooted in Darth Fauste's Echani heritage, the Starborn Sect incorporates elements of the Echani martial tradition into its teachings. Members are trained in hand-to-hand combat, swordsmanship, and other martial arts, emphasizing discipline, precision, and fluidity of movement as a means of achieving harmony between mind, body, and the Force.

Overall, the Starborn Sect represents a dynamic and intellectually vibrant faction within the Sith Order, driven by a deep reverence for knowledge, a commitment to individuality, and a willingness to embrace the shadows in pursuit of enlightenment. Under the leadership of Darth Fauste, they stand poised to reshape the galaxy according to their vision of a future guided by wisdom and understanding.

Membership: Currently Two Hundred Thousand (200,000). Admittance into the Starborn Sect is strictly on a recruitment basis. They find potential members or the exceptional find them.

Territory/Base of Operations: Migrant Fleet - Ahch-To System

Key Figures/Notable Members:

Fleet Commanders:
- Commander Xeros Thrax (Deceased): A seasoned tactician and strategist, Commander Thrax leads the naval forces of the Starborn Sect with precision and cunning. His tactical brilliance and mastery of fleet engagements have earned him the respect of allies and the fear of enemies alike.

- Commander Lyra Vex: Commander Vex is a skilled pilot and commander who specializes in hit-and-run tactics and surgical strikes. Her daring leadership and unwavering resolve make her a formidable adversary in space combat, as she leads the Starborn Sect's fleet to victory against overwhelming odds.

- Advisor Elysia Ren: A former lover of Darth Fauste, Advisor Nethos is a female Echani renowned for her intellect, strategic acumen, and deep understanding of Sith philosophy. Despite their past, she remains a trusted confidant of Fauste, providing invaluable counsel on matters of diplomacy, espionage, and galactic politics.

- Champion Kaelen Drayven: Champion Drayven is a formidable warrior and champion of the Starborn Sect, renowned for his prowess in combat and unwavering loyalty to Darth Fauste. As her personal champion, he serves as both a symbol of the Sect's strength and a deadly enforcer of its will, striking fear into the hearts of their enemies.

Security Detail:
- Lieutenant Sariah Voss: Leading the security detail tasked with protecting Darth Fauste, Lieutenant Voss is a skilled warrior and expert in close-quarters combat. Her unwavering loyalty and dedication to her duty make her a trusted guardian of the Sect's leader.

- Ensign Tali'ra Korr: As a member of Darth Fauste's personal security detail, Ensign Korr is responsible for ensuring the safety and security of the Sect's leadership. Trained in advanced combat techniques and surveillance tactics, she is a vigilant defender against threats both within and outside the Sect.

- Operative Rhyssa Kyra: A skilled operative trained in the arts of espionage, infiltration, and subterfuge, Rhyssa Kyra is the top agent of the Starborn Sect's clandestine operations. With a background in intelligence gathering and a mastery of disguise and deception, she excels in infiltrating enemy organizations, extracting valuable information, and manipulating events to further the Sect's agenda. Resourceful, adaptable, and utterly devoted to the cause, Operative Kyra is a formidable asset in Darth Fauste's arsenal, playing a pivotal role in shaping the Sect's strategies and objectives from the shadows.

Allies: N/A
Enemies: The Obsidian Court, Athysian Raider Fleet

- Intellectual Superiority: The members of the Starborn Sect possess a deep reverence for knowledge and learning, making them formidable adversaries in matters of strategy, diplomacy, and manipulation. Their intellectual prowess allows them to outmaneuver and outwit their enemies, uncovering hidden truths and exploiting vulnerabilities with cunning precision.

- Versatility and Adaptability: The Starborn Sect values adaptability and versatility, enabling its members to excel in a wide range of skills and disciplines. From espionage and infiltration to combat and diplomacy, they are capable of navigating diverse situations and environments with ease, ensuring success in the face of adversity.

- Mastery of Espionage and Subterfuge: As experts in infiltration and information gathering, the Starborn Sect possesses unparalleled expertise in the arts of espionage and subterfuge. They excel at operating in the shadows, manipulating events from behind the scenes, and gathering intelligence through covert means, giving them a strategic advantage over their adversaries.

- Strategic Leadership: Under the guidance of Darth Fauste and her inner circle, the Starborn Sect benefits from strategic leadership and tactical brilliance. Their ability to anticipate and counter enemy movements, exploit weaknesses, and capitalize on opportunities ensures the Sect's continued dominance in the ongoing power struggles of the galaxy.

- Technological Advancements: The Starborn Sect has access to advanced technology and equipment, including state-of-the-art surveillance systems, stealth technology, and cyber warfare capabilities. These resources enhance their ability to gather intelligence, disrupt enemy communications, and maintain operational security.

- Ancient Knowledge and Artifacts: Through their relentless pursuit of knowledge, the Starborn Sect has acquired a wealth of ancient texts, artifacts, and relics imbued with the power of the Force. These artifacts provide valuable insights into Sith lore and philosophy, as well as potent tools for manipulation and coercion.

- Alliances and Connections: The Starborn Sect maintains a network of alliances and connections throughout the galaxy, ranging from influential political figures to powerful crime syndicates. These alliances provide access to resources, information, and opportunities that further the Sect's goals and ambitions.

- Echani Martial Arts: Drawing upon Darth Fauste’s Echani heritage, members of the Starborn Sect are trained in the ancient martial arts of her people. This includes techniques focused on discipline, precision, and fluidity of movement, making them formidable warriors in hand-to-hand combat.

- Force Concealment: The Starborn Sect has developed techniques for concealing their presence in the Force, allowing them to operate undetected by enemy Force users and evade detection during infiltration missions.

- Mind Manipulation: Skilled practitioners within the Starborn Sect possess the ability to manipulate minds and influence thoughts, allowing them to plant suggestions, extract information, or control the actions of others through the power of the Force.

- Advanced Stealth Technology: The Starborn Sect utilizes advanced stealth technology to cloak their vessels and operatives, enabling them to operate covertly and avoid detection by enemy sensors and surveillance systems.

- Overreliance on Secrecy: The Starborn Sect's emphasis on secrecy and subterfuge, while advantageous in many situations, can also leave them vulnerable to isolation and distrust. Their clandestine operations may strain relationships with potential allies and hinder their ability to form lasting alliances.

- Intellectual Arrogance: Members of the Starborn Sect may become overconfident in their intellectual superiority, leading to hubris and complacency. This arrogance could blind them to potential threats or weaknesses, leaving them unprepared for unexpected challenges.

- Inherent Division: While united in their pursuit of knowledge and power, the diverse backgrounds and perspectives within the Starborn Sect could lead to internal divisions and conflicts. Rivalries, disagreements, and personal agendas may undermine cohesion and cooperation within the faction, weakening their collective strength.

- Reliance on Information Gathering: The Starborn Sect's primary focus on infiltration and information gathering may leave them ill-equipped to confront more overt displays of force or aggression. They may struggle in direct confrontations with enemy forces that prioritize brute strength over subtlety and deception.

- Limited Resources: Despite their access to advanced technology and ancient artifacts, the Starborn Sect may face limitations in terms of resources and manpower. They must carefully allocate their resources and prioritize their objectives to maximize their effectiveness in the face of competing demands.

- Vulnerability to Betrayal: The secretive nature of the Starborn Sect's operations makes them susceptible to infiltration and betrayal from within. A single traitor or double agent could compromise their operations, undermine their security, and sabotage their plans, posing a significant threat to their stability and survival.

- External Threats: The Starborn Sect operates in a galaxy fraught with danger, facing threats from rival Sith factions, powerful Jedi adversaries, and other hostile entities. They must remain vigilant and adaptable in the face of these external threats, constantly evolving their strategies and defenses to survive in a hostile and unpredictable environment.

- Ethical Dilemmas: The pursuit of knowledge and power may lead the Starborn Sect into moral gray areas, forcing them to confront difficult ethical dilemmas and compromises. Their actions could have far-reaching consequences, both for themselves and the galaxy at large, testing their principles and integrity in the pursuit of their goals.

- Information Dominance: The Starborn Sect seeks to solidify its position as a premier source of intelligence and knowledge within the Sith hierarchy. They are actively engaged in gathering, analyzing, and disseminating information on rival factions, political adversaries, and potential threats, leveraging their expertise in infiltration and espionage to maintain a strategic advantage in the ongoing power struggles of the galaxy.

- Alliance Building: Recognizing the importance of alliances and connections in achieving their goals, the Starborn Sect is actively pursuing diplomatic and political initiatives to forge strategic partnerships with like-minded individuals and organizations. They seek to cultivate alliances that bolster their influence, enhance their resources, and provide opportunities for collaboration in pursuit of shared objectives.

- Technological Advancements: The Starborn Sect invests in research and development initiatives to advance their technological capabilities and gain a competitive edge in the ever-evolving landscape of galactic warfare. They are focused on developing cutting-edge surveillance systems, stealth technology, and cyber warfare capabilities to enhance their intelligence-gathering capabilities and maintain operational security.

- Expansion of Influence: In addition to consolidating their influence within the Sith hierarchy, the Starborn Sect aims to expand their reach beyond traditional power structures and establish a presence in key sectors of the galaxy. They seek to exert influence over influential corporations, criminal syndicates, and independent worlds, leveraging their resources and connections to further their agenda and advance their long-term interests.

- Ascendancy within the Sith Order: Ultimately, the Starborn Sect aspires to ascend to the highest echelons of power within the Sith hierarchy, eclipsing rival factions and establishing themselves as dominant players in the galactic stage. They seek to shape the destiny of the Sith Order, wielding knowledge, cunning, and influence to reshape the galaxy according to their vision of enlightenment and mastery.

- Uncovering Ancient Secrets: Driven by a thirst for knowledge and understanding, the Starborn Sect is dedicated to uncovering the mysteries of the Force and the galaxy itself. They seek to unlock the secrets of ancient civilizations, unearth lost artifacts, and unravel the enigmas of Sith lore, believing that the knowledge they acquire will grant them unprecedented power and insight.

- Galactic Influence and Hegemony: Beyond the confines of Sith politics, the Starborn Sect harbors ambitions of galactic influence and hegemony, envisioning a future where they wield unrivaled power and authority over the destiny of countless worlds and civilizations. They seek to establish themselves as arbiters of galactic affairs, shaping the course of history according to their will and guiding the galaxy toward a new era of enlightenment and prosperity.

Founding and History:
- Founded in 8 ATC by Darth Fauste, the Starborn Sect emerged as a beacon of intellectualism and power within the Sith hierarchy.
- Over nineteen years, the Sect grew in strength and influence, guided by Fauste's strategic brilliance and commitment to knowledge and enlightenment.
- The Sect challenged traditional Sith doctrine, embracing a pursuit of knowledge and power unbound by conventional dogma.

Major Events:
- The Duel of Coruscant (10 ATC): A rival Sith Lord, envious of Darth Fauste's rising influence, slandered her name and challenged her to a duel on the streets of Coruscant. Refusing to tolerate such disrespect, Fauste accepted the challenge, and the two engaged in a brutal lightsaber duel that shook the city to its core. Despite the odds stacked against her, Fauste emerged victorious, displaying her mastery of the dark side and asserting her dominance over her rival. The duel served as a chilling reminder of Fauste's power and ruthlessness, earning her a reputation as a terrifying Sith Lord not to be trifled with. From that day forth, her name struck fear into the hearts of all who dared to oppose her, solidifying her position as a force to be reckoned with in the Sith hierarchy.
- The Betrayal at Dathomir (12 ATC): A significant betrayal orchestrated by a rival Sith faction on Dathomir, testing the Sect's resolve and fortitude.
- The Battle of the Hyperspace Junction (15 ATC): A decisive battle fought against a coalition of rival Sith factions, solidifying the Sect's control over strategic territories.
- The Unveiling of Ancient Knowledge (18 ATC): The discovery of ancient texts and artifacts imbued with the power of the Force, enhancing the Sect's understanding and capabilities.

Acquisition of the Migrant Fleet:
- In 17 ATC, the Starborn Sect acquired the Migrant Fleet, a versatile armada specializing in infiltration and information gathering.
- Integrated into the Sect's operations, the fleet bolstered their capabilities in covert operations and strategic mobility, shaping the course of galactic events.

Throughout their history, the Starborn Sect remained steadfast in their commitment to knowledge, power, and enlightenment. Navigating the treacherous currents of galactic politics and warfare with cunning and foresight, they left an indelible mark on the galaxy, shaping its destiny according to their vision of mastery and ascendance.

Culture and Society:
- The Starborn Sect operates as a hierarchical organization, with Darth Fauste at the apex as the supreme leader and Sith Lord.
- Beneath Fauste, there are various ranks and positions within the Sect, including commanders, advisors, operatives, and disciples, each fulfilling specific roles and responsibilities.
- While Fauste holds ultimate authority, she relies on a council of trusted advisors and commanders to assist in decision-making and strategy formulation.
- The Sect operates with a degree of autonomy, allowing its members to pursue their individual goals and interests within the framework of the Sect's overarching objectives.

- Darth Fauste leads the Starborn Sect with a combination of intellect, charisma, and ruthlessness. She values loyalty and competence, rewarding those who serve her faithfully while swiftly dealing with dissent and betrayal.
- Fauste encourages innovation and creativity, empowering her followers to think independently and adapt to changing circumstances. However, she demands absolute obedience and loyalty, expecting her orders to be carried out without question.
- Despite her authoritative demeanor, Fauste is known to foster a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect among her followers, inspiring loyalty and dedication through her actions and leadership.

- At the top of the hierarchy is Darth Fauste, the supreme leader and Sith Lord of the Starborn Sect.
- Beneath Fauste are her council of advisors, comprised of individuals with expertise in various fields such as diplomacy, espionage, and warfare.
- Commanders oversee the Sect's military operations and strategic initiatives, leading fleets and ground forces in service of the Sect's goals.
- Operatives are skilled agents trained in espionage, infiltration, and combat, tasked with gathering intelligence and carrying out covert missions.
- Disciples are aspiring Sith acolytes who undergo training and education under the guidance of more experienced members of the Sect.

- The Starborn Sect values knowledge above all else, believing that true power comes from understanding and mastery of the Force and the secrets of the galaxy.
- They hold a reverence for ancient Sith lore and artifacts, viewing them as repositories of wisdom and power to be sought out and studied.
- Honor and loyalty are prized virtues within the Sect, with betrayal and treachery regarded as unforgivable offenses punishable by death.
- Rituals and ceremonies play a significant role in Sith culture, serving to reinforce hierarchy, celebrate achievements, and mark important milestones in the lives of its members.
- The Sect maintains a sense of mystique and secrecy, guarding its knowledge and operations closely from outsiders and rival factions, while fostering a sense of camaraderie and unity among its members.

Overall, the social structure, government, leadership style, and hierarchy of the Starborn Sect reflect their commitment to knowledge, power, and enlightenment, shaping a cohesive and formidable organization dedicated to shaping the destiny of the galaxy according to their vision.

Military/Combat Forces:

- Sith Acolytes: Disciples undergoing training in the dark side of the Force, serving as the Sect's frontline troops and aspirants to Sith power.
- Operatives: Skilled agents trained in espionage, infiltration, and covert operations, gathering intelligence and carrying out missions behind enemy lines.
- Assassins: Specialized operatives trained in assassination techniques, eliminating high-value targets and striking fear into the hearts of their enemies.
- Dark Side Adepts: Force-sensitive individuals attuned to the dark side, wielding potent Force abilities in combat and bolstering the Sect's ranks with their power.
- Warriors: Elite soldiers trained in martial combat and armed with advanced weaponry, serving as the Sect's mainstay ground forces in conventional warfare.

- Migrant Fleet Ships: Versatile vessels outfitted for infiltration and information gathering, equipped with stealth technology and surveillance systems.
- Heavy Cruisers: Powerful capital ships serving as command centers and mobile bases of operations, capable of engaging enemy fleets and deploying ground forces.
- Interceptor Craft: Fast and agile starfighters used for reconnaissance, interception, and hit-and-run attacks against enemy vessels.
- Troop Transports: Dedicated vessels for deploying ground forces into combat zones, equipped with defensive armaments and landing capabilities.

Weapons and Equipment:
- Lightsabers: Iconic weapons of the Sith, wielded by Force-sensitive members of the Sect, capable of cutting through virtually any material and deflecting blaster bolts.
- Blaster Rifles and Pistols: Standard-issue firearms used by Sect soldiers and operatives, ranging from compact pistols to powerful rifles.
- Stealth Tech: Advanced cloaking devices and camouflage systems used to conceal vehicles and operatives from enemy detection.
- Cyber Warfare Tools: Hacking devices and cybernetic implants employed for infiltrating enemy networks, disrupting communications, and sabotaging enemy systems.
- Ancient Relics: Powerful artifacts imbued with the power of the Force, wielded by Sith Lords and adepts to enhance their abilities and influence.

Military Capabilities, Strategies, and Tactics:
- Covert Operations: The Sect excels in covert operations, utilizing stealth technology, infiltration techniques, and subterfuge to gather intelligence, sabotage enemy assets, and undermine their adversaries.
- Information Warfare: Cyber warfare capabilities and espionage tactics are employed to disrupt enemy communications, manipulate information, and sow discord within enemy ranks.
- Force Augmentation: Force-sensitive members of the Sect harness the power of the dark side to enhance their combat capabilities, granting them superhuman strength, agility, and resilience in battle.
- Precision Strikes: Assassins and operatives are deployed for precision strikes against high-value targets, eliminating key enemies and destabilizing enemy operations.
- Adaptive Tactics: The Sect adapts their tactics to the situation at hand, utilizing a combination of guerrilla warfare, hit-and-run attacks, and frontal assaults to achieve their objectives.

Relations with Other Factions:
The Starborn Sect navigates a complex web of relations, alliances, conflicts, and diplomacy with various factions throughout the galaxy, including their biggest rival, the Obsidian Court led by Darth Malvus. Here's an overview of their interactions:

- Internal Cohesion: Within the Starborn Sect, there is a strong sense of unity and loyalty among its members, fostered by a shared dedication to knowledge, power, and enlightenment.
- Alliances: The Sect cultivates strategic alliances with like-minded individuals and organizations, leveraging their resources and connections to further their goals and objectives.
- Neutral Parties: They maintain diplomatic relations with neutral parties, seeking to avoid unnecessary conflicts and exploit opportunities for mutual benefit.
- Rival Factions: The Starborn Sect faces hostility and rivalry from competing Sith factions, who view them as threats to their own ambitions and agendas.

- Secret Partnerships: The Sect engages in secret partnerships with sympathetic individuals and factions, exchanging information and resources in pursuit of shared objectives.
- Diplomatic Initiatives: They employ diplomacy and negotiation to forge alliances with powerful entities, such as influential corporations, criminal syndicates, and independent worlds, seeking to bolster their influence and gain strategic advantages.
- Military Alliances: The Sect forms military alliances with factions aligned with their interests, pooling their resources and forces to confront common enemies and achieve shared goals.

- Rival Sith Factions: The Starborn Sect engages in open conflict with rival Sith factions, competing for dominance within the Sith hierarchy and asserting their influence over key territories and resources.
- Jedi Order: They clash with the Jedi Order, viewing them as obstacles to their quest for power and enlightenment, engaging in lightsaber duels and covert operations to undermine their influence and eliminate key Jedi targets.
- Independent Worlds: The Sect may come into conflict with independent worlds and organizations that oppose their expansionist ambitions or threaten their interests, employing military force and covert tactics to subjugate or neutralize their adversaries.

- Subterfuge: Diplomacy is often accompanied by subterfuge and manipulation, with the Sect using deception and coercion to achieve their diplomatic objectives and outmaneuver their rivals.
- Intelligence Gathering: They leverage their expertise in intelligence gathering and espionage to gather information on rival factions and potential allies, enabling them to tailor their diplomatic strategies to exploit weaknesses and exploit opportunities.
- Propaganda: The Sect employs propaganda and disinformation campaigns to sway public opinion and undermine the credibility of their enemies, shaping the narrative to their advantage and weakening the resolve of their adversaries.

Relations with the Obsidian Court:
- Rivalry: The Starborn Sect and the Obsidian Court, led by Darth Malvus, are bitter rivals vying for supremacy within the Sith hierarchy.
- Conflict: The two factions engage in open conflict, with skirmishes and battles erupting as they compete for territory, resources, and influence.
- Espionage: Both factions employ espionage and assassination tactics to weaken each other's positions and eliminate key leaders, engaging in a deadly game of cat and mouse across the galaxy.
- Diplomacy: Despite their animosity, occasional attempts at diplomacy may occur, with clandestine negotiations and backroom deals aimed at securing temporary ceasefires or alliances of convenience.

In summary, the Starborn Sect's relations, alliances, conflicts, and diplomacy with other factions are characterized by complexity, intrigue, and ambition as they strive to assert their dominance and shape the destiny of the galaxy according to their vision of power and enlightenment.

Economy and Resources:

- Intellectual Capital: The Sect's greatest resource lies in its members' intellect, expertise, and knowledge. Scholars, scientists, strategists, and Sith Lords contribute their skills and insights to advance the Sect's agenda.
- Force-sensitive Individuals: Force-sensitive individuals within the Sect are a valuable resource, trained to harness the power of the dark side and wield it in service of the Sect's objectives.
- Ancient Relics and Artifacts: The Sect seeks out and acquires ancient relics and artifacts imbued with the power of the Force, using them to enhance their abilities and further their understanding of Sith lore and philosophy.
- Technological Assets: Advanced technology and cybernetic enhancements provide the Sect with a technological edge, enabling them to conduct espionage, cyber warfare, and research into cutting-edge innovations.

Economic Activities:
- Research and Development: The Sect invests heavily in research and development, exploring new technologies, Force abilities, and strategies to gain an advantage over their rivals.
- Information Brokerage: They engage in information brokerage, selling intelligence and espionage services to interested parties in exchange for credits, resources, or political favors.
- Artifact Trade: The Sect trades in ancient relics and artifacts, both as a source of revenue and as a means of acquiring valuable knowledge and power.
- Mercenary Work: In times of conflict, the Sect may offer its services as mercenaries, providing military expertise and Force-sensitive operatives to clients willing to pay for their assistance.
- Criminal Activities: They may engage in criminal activities such as smuggling, extortion, and piracy to supplement their income and acquire resources through less-than-legal means.

- Cybernetics and Biotechnology: The Sect invests in cybernetic enhancements and biotechnological research, developing advanced implants and enhancements to augment their members' abilities.
- Stealth and Surveillance Technology: They specialize in the development of stealth technology and surveillance systems, providing them with the capability to conduct covert operations and gather intelligence.
- Arms Manufacturing: The Sect produces advanced weaponry and equipment for its military forces, ranging from blaster rifles and lightsabers to starship components and armor.
- Relic Restoration: They operate facilities dedicated to the restoration and preservation of ancient relics and artifacts, unlocking their secrets and harnessing their power for the Sect's benefit.
- Intelligence Services: The Sect maintains intelligence services tasked with gathering information, conducting espionage, and analyzing data to support their strategic objectives.

Overall, the Starborn Sect's economic activities, resources, and industry are geared towards furthering their pursuit of knowledge, power, and enlightenment, providing them with the means to exert influence and shape the destiny of the galaxy according to their vision.

Current Status:
As the galaxy teeters on the brink of another Galactic War, the Starborn Sect finds itself in a position of strategic importance and heightened influence.

- Heightened Preparations: With tensions escalating and conflicts brewing across the galaxy, the Sect has intensified its preparations for the looming Galactic War. Military forces are mobilized, intelligence networks are expanded, and strategic assets are deployed to key sectors in anticipation of the coming storm.

- Strategic Maneuvering: Darth Fauste and her inner circle are engaged in strategic maneuvering, carefully assessing the shifting alliances and power dynamics among rival factions. They exploit diplomatic opportunities, forge alliances of convenience, and exploit weaknesses in their enemies' defenses to gain strategic advantages.

- Information Gathering: The Sect's information network is in overdrive, gathering intelligence on enemy movements, political developments, and military buildups across the galaxy. Operatives infiltrate enemy ranks, cybernetic spies hack into secure networks, and Force-sensitive agents probe the depths of the Force for insights into future events.

- Covert Operations: Covert operations are conducted behind enemy lines, targeting key assets, disrupting supply lines, and sowing dissent among enemy factions. Assassins eliminate high-value targets, saboteurs sabotage enemy infrastructure, and infiltrators gather vital intelligence on enemy strategies and vulnerabilities.

- Expansion into Unknown Regions: The Sect's territory within the Unknown Regions serves as a bastion of strength and secrecy, providing a safe haven for its forces and a strategic base of operations from which to launch operations into the wider galaxy. The Migrant Fleet, stationed within the Ahch-To System, conducts reconnaissance missions and gathers intelligence on potential threats from the shadows.

- Positioning for Influence: Darth Fauste and her followers maneuver to position themselves for maximum influence and power in the coming conflict. They seek to exploit divisions among their enemies, manipulate events to their advantage, and emerge from the chaos of war stronger and more dominant than ever before.

Role in the Universe/Setting:
As an independent Sith faction in the galaxy, the Starborn Sect occupies a unique and influential position, wielding power and influence that rivals that of established Sith orders and factions. Here's an overview of their role and impact:

- Challengers to Tradition: The Starborn Sect challenges traditional Sith doctrine and hierarchy, embracing a pursuit of knowledge, power, and enlightenment unbound by conventional dogma. They reject the rigid structures and dogmatic teachings of established Sith orders, forging their own path guided by intellect, ambition, and a thirst for mastery.

- Agents of Change: The Sect serves as agents of change within the Sith hierarchy, advocating for new ideas, strategies, and approaches to the pursuit of power and domination. They seek to revolutionize Sith philosophy and practice, pushing the boundaries of what it means to be a Sith and challenging the status quo at every turn.

- Contributions to Sith Lore: Through their research, exploration, and study of ancient Sith lore and artifacts, the Sect contributes to the expansion and deepening of Sith knowledge and understanding. They uncover hidden truths, unlock ancient secrets, and harness the power of the dark side in ways previously unimagined, enriching the collective wisdom of the Sith.

- Masters of Covert Operations: The Starborn Sect excels in covert operations, espionage, and infiltration, leveraging their expertise to gather intelligence, manipulate events, and undermine their enemies from within. They operate in the shadows, striking swiftly and decisively to achieve their objectives while remaining undetected and enigmatic.

- Strategic Players in Galactic Politics: Despite their status as an independent faction, the Sect plays a strategic role in galactic politics, forging alliances, manipulating events, and exerting influence behind the scenes to advance their interests and shape the course of galactic events. They are adept at playing both sides of conflicts, positioning themselves as kingmakers and power brokers in the struggle for dominance.

- Pioneers of Dark Side Knowledge: The Starborn Sect pioneers the exploration and mastery of dark side knowledge, pushing the boundaries of Sith magic, alchemy, and rituals to unlock new powers and capabilities. They delve into forbidden arts and ancient rituals, tapping into the darkest corners of the Force to expand their own power and influence.

The Starborn Sect's reputation across the galaxy is shrouded in mystery, fear, and intrigue.

Among their enemies and rivals, the Sect is feared as a shadowy and enigmatic force, capable of striking from the shadows with ruthless efficiency and devastating power. Their mastery of the dark side and expertise in covert operations make them formidable adversaries, inspiring dread and trepidation wherever their name is whispered.

The Sect's reputation is steeped in mystery and intrigue, with rumors and legends swirling about their origins, capabilities, and goals. Their secretive nature and enigmatic leader, Darth Fauste, only serve to fuel speculation and fascination among those who seek to unravel the secrets of the Sith.

Despite their fearsome reputation, the Sect commands respect and admiration from those who recognize their achievements and capabilities. Their contributions to Sith lore, mastery of dark side rituals, and strategic acumen earn them the begrudging respect of even their most bitter enemies, who acknowledge their prowess and cunning.

Scholars, historians, and seekers of knowledge are drawn to the Sect's reputation as pioneers of dark side knowledge and arcane rituals. They seek to uncover the secrets hidden within the Sect's archives, hoping to unlock the mysteries of the Force and gain insights into ancient Sith lore and philosophy.

Some factions may seek to form cautious alliances with the Sect, recognizing the strategic advantages of aligning themselves with a powerful and influential force in the galaxy. However, such alliances are often fraught with peril, as the Sect's allegiance is ultimately to their own goals and ambitions, and they are not to be trusted lightly.

Overall, the Starborn Sect's reputation across the galaxy is one of fear, respect, and fascination, as they wield their dark power and knowledge to carve out their own destiny amidst the chaos and conflict of the galactic stage.
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