Approved Starborn Operatives

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Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

Unit Name: Starborn Operatives

Unit Type: Infiltration, Espionage, Covert Operations

Affiliation: Starborn Sect

Unit Size: Three Thousand (3,000)

Specialization: The Operatives of the Starborn Sect specialize in infiltration, espionage, and information gathering, honing their skills to become masters of deception and subterfuge. They operate in the shadows, blending seamlessly into their surroundings and manipulating events from behind the scenes to further the goals of the Sect. With a combination of advanced technology, covert tactics, and mastery of the dark side, they penetrate enemy defenses, gather intelligence on rival factions, and sow discord among their enemies with ruthless efficiency. Their expertise in infiltration allows them to infiltrate secure facilities, impersonate key figures, and extract valuable information without detection, making them invaluable assets in the Sect's pursuit of knowledge, power, and enlightenment.

- Primary Weapon: Shadow Blade
- Sleek and deadly instrument designed for silent elimination.
- Crafted from advanced alloys and infused with dark side energy.
- Capable of cutting through armor and flesh with eerie precision.

- Specialized Gear:
- Lightweight, form-fitting armor augmented with stealth technology.
- Integrated cloaking devices for enhanced stealth capabilities.
- Advanced sensory equipment and neural interface implants for navigation and evasion.

- Stealth Technology:
- Cloaking devices render operatives virtually invisible to sensors.
- Enables silent movement and evasion through enemy territory.
- Allows operatives to strike with deadly efficiency before vanishing into the shadows.

Mission Profile: The usual mission profile for operatives of the Starborn Sect involves conducting covert infiltration and information-gathering missions behind enemy lines. Their objectives typically revolve around acquiring valuable intelligence, sabotaging enemy operations, or eliminating high-priority targets to further the goals of the Sect. Operatives utilize a combination of stealth, subterfuge, and advanced technology to achieve their objectives, infiltrating secure facilities, impersonating key figures, and extracting information without detection. They rely on their mastery of the dark side to manipulate minds, sow discord, and evade detection, using Force abilities to overcome obstacles and adversaries as they navigate complex environments. With their primary goal being to gather vital intelligence and maintain the secrecy of their operations, operatives prioritize discretion and efficiency, striking swiftly and silently before disappearing into the shadows once their mission is complete.

Commanding Officer: Senior Operative Rhyssa Kyra

History/Background: The history of the operatives of the Starborn Sect is a tapestry woven with threads of intrigue, deception, and triumph. From the earliest days of the Sect's founding, operatives have been entrusted with missions of utmost secrecy and importance, serving as the invisible hand that guides the Sect's ascent to power. Deployed to the farthest reaches of the galaxy, operatives have infiltrated enemy strongholds, penetrated the inner circles of rival factions, and uncovered hidden truths buried beneath layers of deception and subterfuge. Notable missions include the theft of ancient Sith artifacts from heavily fortified vaults, the infiltration of enemy command centers to extract vital intelligence, and the manipulation of galactic events to advance the Sect's agenda. With each success, operatives have earned the respect and admiration of their Sith overlords, solidifying their reputation as elite agents of the dark side and key players in the Sect's quest for dominance and ascendance. Despite facing countless dangers and obstacles, operatives of the Starborn Sect remain undaunted in their pursuit of knowledge, power, and enlightenment, ever vigilant in their mission to shape the destiny of the galaxy according to the will of their Sith masters.
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