Approved Starborn Assassins

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Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

Unit Name: Starborn Assassins

Unit Type: Search and Destroy, Assassination

Affiliation: Starborn Sect

Unit Size: Two Thousand (2,000)

Specialization: The assassins of the Starborn Sect are a formidable force, trained in the art of silent death and covert operations. Masters of stealth and infiltration, they move unseen and unheard through enemy territory, striking with lethal precision to eliminate high-value targets designated by the Sect's leadership. Their training in close-quarters combat and assassination techniques allows them to dispatch adversaries swiftly and silently, whether through garroting, poison application, or silent blade work. In addition to their prowess in combat, assassins are skilled in disguise and deception, able to assume false identities and blend seamlessly into their surroundings to evade detection and approach their targets unnoticed. Tasked with missions of sabotage, subterfuge, and target elimination, assassins play a critical role in furthering the goals of the Sect, weakening enemy factions, disrupting their operations, and ensuring the continued dominance and ascendance of the Starborn Sect in the galaxy. They are also responsible for weeding out traitors in the ranks.

The assassins of the Starborn Sect are equipped with a combination of specialized weapons, gear, and stealth technology tailored to their role as silent killers and covert operatives.

Primary Weapons:
- Their primary weapons of choice are typically silent and deadly, such as vibroblades, poisoned darts, or specialized silenced blasters.
- Vibroblades are favored for their ability to deliver swift and lethal strikes in close-quarters combat, while poisoned darts provide a silent means of dispatching targets from a distance.
- Silenced blasters are used for ranged engagements, allowing assassins to eliminate targets without alerting nearby enemies to their presence.

Specialized Gear:
- Assassins are equipped with lightweight and flexible armor designed to provide protection without compromising mobility.
- Their armor may be augmented with advanced stealth technology, including camouflage systems and sound-dampening materials, to enhance their ability to move unseen and unheard through enemy territory.
- In addition to their armor, assassins may carry a variety of tools and equipment tailored to their mission objectives, such as lockpicks, surveillance devices, and explosive charges.

Stealth Technology:
- Stealth technology plays a crucial role in the arsenal of assassins, allowing them to evade detection and approach their targets undetected.
- Integrated cloaking devices render assassins virtually invisible to conventional sensors and surveillance systems, allowing them to move freely through enemy territory without being detected.
- Sound-suppression technology dampens the sound of their movements, ensuring that they can move silently and unheard as they stalk their prey.

Mission Profile:
The typical mission profile for assassins of the Starborn Sect involves conducting covert operations to eliminate high-value targets, sow chaos among enemy ranks, and further the goals of the Sect through clandestine means. Their missions are characterized by meticulous planning, stealthy infiltration, and swift, decisive action. Here's an overview of their typical mission profile, including objectives and tactics:

- Target Elimination: The primary objective of assassins is to eliminate high-value targets designated by the Sect's leadership. These targets may include political leaders, military commanders, or individuals deemed threats to the Sect's interests.
- Sabotage and Disruption: In addition to target elimination, assassins may be tasked with conducting missions of sabotage and disruption to weaken enemy factions and undermine their operations. This could involve destroying critical infrastructure, sabotaging supply lines, or spreading disinformation to sow confusion and discord among enemy ranks.
- Extraction of Assets: Assassins may also be deployed to intercept and extract valuable assets or individuals targeted by the Sect. This could include defectors, informants, or captured enemy personnel with knowledge vital to the Sect's interests.
- Counterintelligence Operations: Finally, assassins may conduct counterintelligence operations to identify and neutralize traitors or infiltrators within the Sect's ranks, safeguarding the Sect's secrets and preserving its operational security.

- Stealth and Infiltration: Assassins rely on stealth and infiltration to approach their targets undetected. They utilize their mastery of disguise, deception, and silent movement to bypass enemy defenses and reach their objectives without alerting nearby adversaries.
- Covert Elimination: Once in position, assassins strike swiftly and decisively, using their specialized weapons and techniques to eliminate their targets with lethal precision. They may employ poisoned darts, silenced blasters, or vibroblades to dispatch their adversaries silently and without leaving a trace.
- Evasion and Extraction: After completing their mission objectives, assassins prioritize evasion and extraction to avoid detection and escape from enemy territory. They utilize their stealth technology and knowledge of the terrain to disappear into the shadows, evading pursuit and returning safely to base to report their success.

Commanding Officer: Darth Fauste

History/Background: The history of the Starborn Sect's Assassins is shrouded in darkness and whispers of silent death. From their inception, these elite operatives have been the unseen hands that shape the fate of the galaxy, striking fear into the hearts of their enemies and leaving a trail of blood and devastation in their wake. Deployed to the farthest reaches of the galaxy, Assassins have conducted missions of assassination, sabotage, and subterfuge with ruthless efficiency, eliminating high-value targets and sowing chaos among enemy ranks with chilling precision. Notable deployments include infiltrating heavily fortified strongholds to eliminate political leaders, sabotaging key infrastructure to cripple enemy factions, and extracting valuable assets or individuals from hostile territory. Their successes are whispered in the shadows, their deeds recounted in hushed tones as tales of terror and dread. With each mission, the Assassins further solidify the Sect's reputation as a force to be reckoned with, striking fear into the hearts of their enemies and ensuring the continued dominance of the Starborn Sect in the galaxy.
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