Approved Starborn Adepts

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Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

Unit Name: Starborn Adepts

Unit Type: Security, Defense

Affiliation: Starborn Sect

Unit Size: Five Thousand (5,000)

Role/Function: The primary role of the Dark Side Adepts within the Starborn Sect is to safeguard the Sect's interests and ensure the safety of its members at all costs. As masters of the dark side of the Force, Starborn Adepts possess formidable powers and abilities that make them formidable protectors and enforcers. Their responsibilities include:

- Protection of Leadership: Starborn Adepts are tasked with protecting the leadership of the Starborn Sect, including Sith Lords, Fleet Commanders, and key advisors, ensuring their safety in the face of external threats or internal dissent.

- Security of Assets: They are responsible for safeguarding the assets and resources of the Sect, including valuable artifacts, technological advancements, and sensitive information, both aboard the Migrant Fleet and at other locations controlled by the Sect.

- Defending Against Threats: Starborn Adepts are trained to identify and neutralize threats to the Sect's interests, including enemy infiltrators, rival Sith factions, and other hostile entities seeking to undermine or destroy the Sect.

- Enforcing Discipline: They enforce discipline and obedience among the Sect's members, ensuring that orders are carried out swiftly and efficiently, and dissent is quelled before it can escalate into open rebellion.

- Counterintelligence Operations: Starborn Adepts conduct counterintelligence operations to root out traitors and spies within the Sect's ranks, identifying and neutralizing threats before they can compromise the Sect's operations or expose its secrets.

In essence, the Starborn Adepts serve as the vanguard of the Sect's security apparatus, wielding their mastery of the dark side to protect and defend the interests of the Starborn Sect, both aboard the Migrant Fleet and in locations across the galaxy. Their unwavering loyalty and formidable abilities make them invaluable assets in the Sect's ongoing struggle for dominance and ascendance in the galaxy.

Equipment/Armament: The Dark Side Adepts of the Starborn Sect are equipped with a variety of weapons and protective gear suited to their role as defenders and enforcers of the Sect's interests. Here's an overview of their primary, secondary, and tertiary weapons, as well as their armor and protective gear:

Primary Weapon: Lightsaber
- The lightsaber is the primary weapon of Starborn Adepts, a symbol of their mastery of the Force and their commitment to the dark side.
- Crafted with a crimson blade, infused with the power of the dark side, their lightsabers are deadly weapons capable of cutting through virtually any material.
- Starborn Adepts are trained extensively in lightsaber combat, mastering various forms and techniques to become formidable duelists on the battlefield.

Secondary Weapon: Force-enhanced Strikes
- In close-quarters combat, Starborn Adepts can rely on their mastery of the Force to enhance their unarmed strikes.
- By channeling the dark side energy through their fists or feet, they can deliver devastating blows that can incapacitate or kill their opponents with brutal efficiency.

Tertiary Weapon: Force Abilities
- Starborn Adepts possess a wide array of Force abilities that serve as their tertiary weapons.
- These abilities include telekinesis, Force lightning, Force choke, and other dark side powers that they can unleash to devastating effect against their enemies.

Armor and Protective Gear:
- Starborn Adepts are typically equipped with lightweight, flexible armor designed to provide protection without hindering their agility or mobility.
- The armor is crafted from advanced materials resistant to blaster fire and lightsaber strikes, providing an additional layer of defense against physical and energy-based attacks.
- In addition to their armor, Starborn Adepts may wear cloaks or robes adorned with ancient Sith symbols, serving both as ceremonial attire and as a means of intimidation against their enemies.

Special Training/Skills: The training regimen of the Dark Side Adepts within the Starborn Sect is rigorous and comprehensive, designed to cultivate their innate connection to the dark side of the Force and unleash their full potential as masters of its power. From an early age, aspirants are selected based on their aptitude for the dark side and subjected to intense physical, mental, and spiritual training under the guidance of experienced Sith Lords and mentors. They undergo rigorous combat training in lightsaber combat, mastering various forms and techniques to become formidable duelists on the battlefield. In addition to their prowess in combat, Starborn Adepts are trained in a wide array of Force abilities, including telekinesis, Force lightning, and Force choke, which they wield with devastating effect against their enemies. Their training also emphasizes stealth, deception, and manipulation, honing their skills in infiltration, espionage, and subterfuge to navigate the shadows of the galaxy undetected. Through years of dedication and discipline, Starborn Adepts emerge as elite operatives and enforcers of the Sect's will, wielding their mastery of the dark side to defend its interests and strike fear into the hearts of its enemies with unwavering loyalty and ruthless efficiency.

Leadership/Command: Advisor Elysia Ren

History/Background: The history of the Dark Side Adepts within the Starborn Sect is a tale of unwavering loyalty, unparalleled devotion, and legendary sacrifice in service to the Sect's goals and ideals. Trained from a young age in the dark arts of the Force, Dark Side Adepts have played pivotal roles in the Sect's rise to power and dominance in the galaxy. From their earliest deployments to their most daring engagements, they have proven themselves as formidable warriors and enforcers, striking fear into the hearts of their enemies and ensuring the continued ascendancy of the Starborn Sect.

Notable engagements throughout their history include covert operations to eliminate high-value targets, sabotage enemy infrastructure, and defend the Sect's interests against rival Sith factions and external threats. Their mastery of the dark side has allowed them to turn the tide of battle in favor of the Sect, unleashing devastating Force powers and wielding deadly lightsabers with deadly efficiency on the battlefield.

One legendary Adept, whose name is whispered with reverence among the ranks of the Sect, met their end in a moment of unparalleled heroism during the Betrayal at Dathomir in 12 ATC. Tasked with protecting Darth Fauste, the revered leader of the Sect, from a treacherous ambush orchestrated by rival Sith Lords, this legendary Adept fought with unmatched courage and ferocity against overwhelming odds. Despite facing insurmountable opposition, they refused to yield, holding the line against waves of enemy attackers to buy precious time for Darth Fauste to escape. In the end, they sacrificed their own life to ensure the safety of their Sith Lord, leaving behind a legacy of valor and sacrifice that would inspire future generations of Starborn Adepts to follow in their footsteps.

Through their unwavering dedication and selfless sacrifice, the Dark Side Adepts of the Starborn Sect have cemented their place in history as legendary warriors and guardians of the dark side, forever remembered for their service and devotion to the Sect's cause.
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