Approved Starborn Acolytes

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Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

Unit Name: Starborn Acolytes

Unit Type: Frontline Fighters

Affiliation: Starborn Sect

Unit Size: Five Thousand (5,000)

On the battlefield, Sith Acolytes of the Starborn Sect (Starborn Acolytes) serve as versatile and formidable combatants, blending their mastery of the dark side with martial prowess to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies.

- Frontline Warriors: Starborn Acolytes are often deployed on the frontline of battle, where their skills in lightsaber combat and mastery of the dark side make them formidable adversaries. They charge into the fray with an aura of menace, using their aggression and ferocity to overwhelm enemy forces.

- Force Channelers: Starborn Acolytes harness the power of the dark side of the Force to devastating effect on the battlefield. They unleash torrents of Force lightning, chokehold their enemies with telekinetic grips, and manipulate the battlefield with waves of dark energy, sowing chaos and destruction among their foes.

- Agents of Fear: Starborn Acolytes are masters of psychological warfare, instilling fear and despair in their enemies with their menacing presence and displays of dark power. They inspire terror among enemy ranks, breaking their morale and weakening their resolve to resist.

- Assassins and Infiltrators: In addition to their role on the frontline, Starborn Acolytes excel as assassins and infiltrators behind enemy lines. They use their stealth and deception to slip past enemy defenses, targeting high-value targets and striking with lethal precision before vanishing into the shadows once more.

- Leadership and Command: Some Starborn Acolytes rise to positions of leadership on the battlefield, commanding squads of troops and coordinating tactical maneuvers with strategic acumen. They inspire loyalty and obedience among their followers, leading by example and instilling a sense of ruthless determination to achieve victory at any cost.

Overall, Sith Acolytes of the Starborn Sect play a crucial role on the battlefield, combining their mastery of the dark side with martial skill and tactical cunning to dominate their enemies and further the Sect's goals.

A Starborn Acolyte is equipped with a combination of primary and secondary weapons, as well as specialized armor and protection suited for their role on the battlefield:

Primary Weapon: Lightsaber
- The lightsaber is the iconic weapon of the Starborn Acolyte, representing their mastery of the dark side of the Force and their dedication to the Sith Order.
- Crafted with a blood-red kyber crystal, the Starborn Acolyte's lightsaber emits a crimson blade that symbolizes their allegiance to the dark side.
- In combat, the lightsaber is wielded with deadly precision and ferocity, capable of cutting through virtually any material and deflecting blaster bolts with ease.
- Starborn Acolytes are trained in various lightsaber combat forms, honing their skills to become formidable duelists and warriors on the battlefield.

Secondary Weapon: Force Pikes or Vibroblades
- In addition to their lightsaber, Starborn Acolytes may wield secondary weapons such as force pikes or vibroblades for close-quarters combat.
- Force pikes are polearm weapons that can deliver powerful energy-based strikes, capable of piercing armor and disrupting enemy defenses.
- Vibroblades are melee weapons equipped with vibrating blades that increase their cutting power, making them deadly in the hands of a skilled Starborn Acolyte.

Armor and Protection: Sith Robes and Battle Armor
- Starborn Acolytes typically wear dark, flowing robes adorned with Starborn insignia and Echani symbols, serving as a symbol of their allegiance to the dark side and their status within the Starborn hierarchy.
- Beneath their robes, Starborn Acolytes may wear lightweight battle armor or body suits made from durasteel or cortosis weave, providing protection against blaster fire, melee attacks, and other hazards of combat.
- The armor is designed to be flexible and lightweight, allowing for ease of movement and agility on the battlefield while still offering sufficient protection against enemy threats.

Special Training/Skills:
Sith Acolytes of the Starborn Sect undergo specialized training and develop unique skills and abilities that set them apart as formidable warriors and agents of the dark side. Here are some of the key aspects of their training and abilities:

- Mastery of the Dark Side: Starborn Acolytes are trained in the ways of the dark side of the Force, harnessing its power to augment their physical abilities, manipulate their surroundings, and unleash devastating attacks against their enemies. They learn to tap into their inner rage, fear, and hatred to fuel their powers, embracing the raw, primal energy of the dark side to achieve their goals.

- Lightsaber Combat: Starborn Acolytes are trained extensively in lightsaber combat, mastering various forms and techniques to become deadly duelists on the battlefield. They learn to wield their lightsabers with precision and ferocity, deflecting blaster bolts, disarming opponents, and delivering lethal strikes with deadly efficiency.

- Telekinesis: Starborn Acolytes develop proficiency in telekinesis, the ability to manipulate objects and exert force using the power of the Force. They can hurl objects at enemies, immobilize opponents with telekinetic grips, and manipulate their surroundings to gain tactical advantages on the battlefield.

- Force Lightning: Mastery of Force lightning is a hallmark of Starborn Acolytes, allowing them to unleash torrents of crackling energy that sear and electrocute their enemies. They can channel the power of the dark side through their fingertips, unleashing devastating blasts of lightning that can incapacitate or kill even the most heavily armored foes.

- Mind Manipulation: Starborn Acolytes possess the ability to manipulate the minds of others, using techniques such as mind trickery, mental domination, and fear projection to manipulate their enemies and bend them to their will. They can instill terror, confusion, and despair in their foes, weakening their resolve and making them susceptible to manipulation and control.

- Stealth and Subterfuge: Starborn Acolytes are skilled in the arts of stealth and subterfuge, able to move unseen and unheard through enemy territory, infiltrate secure locations, and gather intelligence without detection. They utilize their training in deception and disguise to blend in with their surroundings and conceal their true intentions from their enemies.

Leadership/Command: Champion Kaelen Drayven

- Founding of the Starborn Sect (8 ATC): Darth Fauste establishes the Starborn Sect, attracting followers who share her vision of enlightenment through the pursuit of knowledge and power.

- Early Expansion (8-15 ATC): Sith Acolytes are recruited and trained, serving as the vanguard of the Sect's expansion across the galaxy. They conquer worlds, defeat rival Sith factions, and establish the Sect's dominance in key sectors.

- Conflict and Advancement (15-20 ATC): Starborn Acolytes play pivotal roles in various conflicts and conquests, making significant advancements in dark side knowledge and martial prowess. They uncover ancient artifacts, develop new Force abilities, and refine their skills in lightsaber combat.

- Consolidation of Power (20-25 ATC): With the Sect's influence firmly established, Starborn Acolytes focus on consolidating power and solidifying their control over conquered territories. They quell rebellions, root out dissent, and enforce the will of the Sect's leadership with ruthless efficiency.

- Legacy and Influence (25-27 ATC): The legacy of the Starborn Sect's Sith Acolytes continues to grow, shaping the course of galactic history and leaving a lasting impact on the Sith Order. They are revered as pioneers of dark side knowledge and feared as agents of chaos and destruction, embodying the Sect's dedication to the pursuit of dominance and ascendance through the dark side of the Force.

Overall, the history of the Starborn Sect's Sith Acolytes during this timeframe is marked by rapid expansion, conflict, and consolidation of power as they lay the foundation for the Sect's enduring influence in the galaxy.
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