Approved SS Nihilist (Destroyed)

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Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

Vehicle Name: Starborn Sect (SS) Nihilist
Vehicle Type: Battlecruiser
Vehicle Class: Resurgent-class Destroyer
Manufacturer: Starborn Sect
Affiliation: Starborn Sect
Crew/Passenger Capacity: Twenty Thousand (20,000) Crewmen - Fifty-Five Thousand (55,000) Additional Passengers
Length/Width/Height: 3,100 meters (Length), 1,550 meters (Width), 572 meters (Height)
Armor/Defenses: The SS Nihilist boasts a formidable armor and shield system designed to withstand the rigors of combat in the unforgiving expanse of space. Its composite durasteel hull provides enhanced durability and protection against enemy attacks and space debris, while reinforced bulkheads ensure structural integrity during the most intense engagements. Armored plating further fortifies key sections of the vessel, increasing resilience against targeted enemy fire. Complementing its robust armor, powerful deflector shields generate a protective energy barrier around the ship, deflecting enemy fire and absorbing energy-based attacks. Multi-layered shielding offers increased resilience and redundancy, while regenerative capabilities allow for continuous replenishment and repair, ensuring sustained protection throughout extended combat operations. Combined, these defensive systems make the SS Nihilist a formidable adversary, capable of withstanding enemy assaults and emerging victorious in the heat of battle.
Weapons Systems:

Primary Weapons
- Turbolaser Batteries: The SS Nihilist is equipped with a battery of turbolasers, capable of delivering devastating energy blasts at long range. These primary weapons serve as the dreadnought's main offensive armament, unleashing powerful volleys of energy upon enemy vessels to inflict significant damage.
- Ion Cannons: Alongside its turbolaser batteries, the battlecruiser features a complement of ion cannons designed to disable enemy ships’ systems and defenses with electromagnetic pulses. These ion cannons provide tactical versatility, allowing the SS Nihilist to neutralize enemy vessels and gain a strategic advantage in combat engagements.

Secondary Weapons:
- Concussion Missile Launchers: The SS Nihilist is armed with concussion missile launchers, capable of launching guided missiles at enemy targets with precision and accuracy. These secondary weapons complement the dreadnought's primary armament, providing additional firepower to overwhelm enemy defenses and inflict heavy damage upon hostile vessels.

Defensive Systems:
- Deflector Shields: The SS Nihilist is protected by powerful deflector shields that create a protective energy barrier around the vessel, deflecting enemy fire and absorbing energy-based attacks. These shields serve as the dreadnought's primary defensive mechanism, providing essential protection against enemy assaults.
- Reinforced Armor Plating: The dreadnought's hull is reinforced with durasteel plating and armored sections, providing enhanced resilience against enemy attacks and space debris. This reinforced armor plating offers additional protection to vital areas of the vessel, increasing overall defensive capabilities.
- Point-Defense Systems: Automated point-defense laser cannons are deployed throughout the SS Nihilist, providing close-range defense against enemy starfighters and projectiles. These point-defense systems intercept and destroy incoming threats, enhancing the dreadnought's survivability in combat engagements.
Propulsion/Power Source:

Propulsion System
- Sublight Engines: The SS Nihilist is equipped with powerful sublight engines that provide thrust for maneuvering and propulsion during normal space travel. These engines propel the battlecruiser through the void at sublight speeds, allowing it to navigate between star systems and engage in tactical maneuvers during combat.
- Hyperdrive: Integrated hyperdrive engines allow the SS Nihilist to travel through hyperspace, facilitating rapid interstellar travel between distant star systems. This hyperdrive technology enables the battlecruiser to traverse vast distances across the galaxy in relatively short amounts of time, making it a versatile and efficient vessel for long-range deployments and strategic operations.

Power Source:
- Fusion Reactors: The primary power source of the SS Nihilist consists of fusion reactors, which generate the immense energy required to power the battlecruiser's systems and propulsion mechanisms. These fusion reactors harness the energy released from nuclear fusion reactions, converting it into usable power to sustain the vessel's operations.
- Backup Power Systems: In addition to its primary fusion reactors, the SS Nihilist is equipped with backup power systems and auxiliary generators to ensure continued functionality in the event of primary reactor failure or damage sustained during combat. These backup systems provide essential power to critical systems, allowing the battlecruiser to maintain operational capabilities and defensive integrity even under duress.
Speed/Maneuverability: The maximum speed and maneuverability of the SS Nihilist, being a battlecruiser, are relatively moderate compared to smaller and more agile starships.

Maximum Speed: The battlecruiser's sublight engines allow it to achieve speeds of up to 60-70 MGLT (Megalight per Hour), which is typical for vessels of its size and class within the Star Wars universe. This speed enables the SS Nihilist to traverse space efficiently and engage in tactical maneuvers during combat engagements.

Maneuverability: Due to its massive size and heavy armor, the SS Nihilist’s maneuverability is somewhat limited. Its sheer bulk requires precise and calculated movements, and it may struggle to execute rapid evasive maneuvers or intricate flight patterns. However, the battlecruiser's advanced sensor arrays and targeting systems compensate for its lack of agility, allowing it to anticipate enemy movements and engage targets with precision and efficiency.
Special Features/Modifications:
- Holonet Relay Hub: The SS Nihilist is equipped with an advanced holonet relay hub, serving as a central communications hub for the Starborn Sect's operations. This specialized system enables the battlecruiser to establish secure and encrypted communication channels across vast distances, facilitating real-time coordination and information exchange between fleet assets, operatives, and command centers. The holonet relay hub ensures seamless communication and coordination within the Starborn Sect's network, enhancing operational efficiency and situational awareness during both peacetime operations and strategic engagements.

- Research and Development Labs: The SS Nihilist houses state-of-the-art research and development labs, dedicated to advancing technological innovation and scientific discovery within the Starborn Sect. These specialized facilities provide scientists, engineers, and researchers with access to cutting-edge equipment and resources to conduct experiments, analyze data, and develop new technologies in fields such as Sith alchemy, starship engineering, and advanced weaponry. The research and development labs serve as a hub of innovation and creativity, driving the advancement of the Starborn Sect's capabilities and ensuring its continued relevance and superiority in the ever-evolving landscape of the galaxy.

History/Background: The SS Nihilist, born in the shadow of its predecessor, the SS Dogma, emerged from the shipyards of the Starborn Sect in 21 ATC. Its creation was a testament to the sect's relentless pursuit of technological advancement and its desire to bolster the Migrant Fleet's military strength following the resounding success of the Dogma.

Sharing an identical design with the Dogma, the Nihilist was a formidable presence in the Fleet's arsenal. Its sleek lines and advanced weaponry mirrored those of its predecessor, instilling fear in the hearts of the Fleet's enemies and inspiring confidence among its allies.

Notable engagements in which the Nihilist played a pivotal role include the Battle of the Nebula and the Siege of Haven Prime. In both conflicts, the ship's superior firepower and strategic capabilities proved instrumental in securing victory for the Migrant Fleet, solidifying its reputation as a force to be reckoned with in the cosmos.

Despite its undeniable military prowess, the Nihilist's significance extends beyond its role as a warship. Like the Dogma before it, the Nihilist serves as a symbol of the Fleet's unity and resilience, inspiring loyalty and dedication among its crew and allies.

As the Migrant Fleet enters its second decade of existence, the SS Nihilist stands as a testament to the ingenuity and determination of the Starborn Sect and the Fleet as a whole. Its legacy serves as a reminder of the Fleet's unwavering commitment to its cause and its ability to overcome any challenge that lies ahead.

Variants/Upgrades: Starborn Sect (SS) Dogma
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