Approved SS Machiavellian


Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

Vehicle Name: Starborn Sect (SS) Machiavellian
Vehicle Type: Heavy Cruiser
Vehicle Class: Subjugator-class Dreadnought
Manufacturer: Starborn Sect
Affiliation: Starborn Sect - Migrant Fleet
Crew/Passenger Capacity: Twenty-Five Thousand (25,000) Crewmen - Additional Thirty Thousand (30,000) Passengers
Length/Width/Height: 4,972 meters (Length), 2,486 meters (Width), 1,657 meters (Height)
Armor/Defenses: The SS Machiavellian, an imposing dreadnought of the Starborn Sect, is a formidable force equipped with a robust array of armor, shields, and defensive capabilities. Its durasteel hull, reinforced with thick armor plating and reinforced bulkheads, provides exceptional protection against enemy attacks and space hazards. Enhanced by powerful deflector shields, the dreadnought boasts multi-layered shielding with regenerative capabilities, ensuring continuous protection during prolonged engagements. Additionally, long-range ion cannons, point defense systems, and electronic countermeasures further bolster its defensive prowess, enabling it to withstand enemy assaults with resilience and adaptability. Despite its immense size, the SS Machiavellian retains a degree of maneuverability, allowing it to navigate the battlefield strategically and emerge victorious in combat engagements, asserting the dominance of the Starborn Sect across the galaxy.
Weapons Systems:

Primary Weapons
- Heavy Turbolaser Batteries: Capable of devastating enemy capital ships with powerful energy blasts.
- Long-Range Ion Cannons: Used to disable enemy ships' systems and defenses with electromagnetic pulses.
- Point-Defense Laser Cannons: Automated systems designed to intercept and destroy incoming enemy projectiles and starfighters.

Secondary Weapons:
- TIE Fighters and Interceptors: Squadrons of sleek starfighters launched from hangar bays within the dreadnought's hull, serving as its first line of defense and intercepting enemy threats.
- Concussion Missile Launchers: Equipped to launch guided concussion missiles at enemy targets, inflicting significant damage upon impact.
- Heavy Turbolasers: Secondary turbolaser batteries designed to provide additional firepower and support during combat engagements.

Defensive Systems:
- Deflector Shields: Powerful shields creating a protective barrier around the dreadnought, deflecting enemy fire and absorbing energy-based attacks.
- Reinforced Armor Plating: Thick armor plating reinforcing the durasteel hull, providing additional protection against enemy fire and physical damage.
- Point-Defense Systems: Automated laser cannons and missile launchers deployed throughout the dreadnought, intercepting and destroying incoming enemy projectiles and starfighters.
- Electronic Countermeasures: Advanced systems disrupting enemy targeting systems, jamming communications, and deceiving enemy sensors to enhance the dreadnought's survivability in combat.
Propulsion/Power Source:

Propulsion System
- Sublight Engines: The dreadnought is equipped with powerful sublight engines, capable of propelling it through space at impressive speeds. These engines provide the primary means of propulsion for navigating between star systems and engaging in tactical maneuvers during combat.
- Hyperdrive: Integrated hyperdrive engines allow the dreadnought to travel vast distances across the galaxy in relatively short amounts of time. This enables rapid deployment to distant locations and facilitates strategic mobility during military operations.

Power Source:
- Hypermatter Reactor: The SS Machiavellian is powered by a hypermatter reactor, an advanced energy generation system that converts hypermatter into usable energy. This reactor provides the immense power necessary to sustain the dreadnought's propulsion systems, weapons, shields, and other onboard systems.
- Backup Power Systems: Redundant power systems and backup generators ensure continued functionality in the event of primary reactor failure or damage sustained during combat. These backup systems provide essential power to critical systems, allowing the dreadnought to maintain operational capabilities and defensive integrity even under duress.
Speed/Maneuverability: Sixty to Seventy Megalight per Hour (60-70 MGLT). The SS Machiavellian, while formidable in its size and firepower, is not known for its speed or maneuverability due to its massive size and heavy armor. Its maximum speed in space is relatively modest compared to smaller and more agile starships, primarily due to the immense mass it must propel through the void. While equipped with powerful sublight engines and a hyperdrive for interstellar travel, the dreadnought's speed is optimized for long-range deployments and strategic maneuvering rather than swift tactical engagements.

In terms of maneuverability, the SS Machiavellian is limited by its size and bulk, making it less nimble and responsive compared to smaller vessels. Its sheer mass requires precise and calculated movements, and it may struggle to execute rapid evasive maneuvers or intricate flight patterns. However, despite these limitations, the dreadnought's advanced sensor arrays and targeting systems allow it to compensate for its lack of agility by anticipating enemy movements and engaging targets with precision and efficiency.

Overall, while the SS Machiavellian may not excel in speed or maneuverability, its sheer firepower, defensive capabilities, and strategic significance make it a formidable presence on the battlefield, capable of holding its own against even the most determined adversaries.
Special Features/Modifications:
- Shadow Veil Generator: The SS Machiavellian features a unique Shadow Veil Generator, a specialized defensive system that creates an ethereal veil of darkness around the dreadnought, obscuring it from visual and sensor detection. This Shadow Veil Generator serves as an additional layer of defense, providing the dreadnought with enhanced protection against enemy targeting systems and making it more difficult for adversaries to accurately track and engage it in combat. The Shadow Veil Generator can be deployed strategically during battle, providing the SS Machiavellian with a temporary cloak of darkness to confuse and confound enemy forces.

- Gravity Well Projectors: The SS Machiavellian is equipped with advanced gravity well projectors, allowing it to generate powerful gravitational fields capable of disrupting enemy hyperspace travel and preventing enemy ships from escaping into lightspeed. These gravity well projectors serve as an effective countermeasure against fleeing adversaries, trapping them within the dreadnought's sphere of influence and ensuring their capture or destruction. By manipulating gravity to their advantage, the SS Machiavellian can exert control over the battlefield and dictate the flow of engagements, making it a formidable force to be reckoned with in strategic confrontations.

History/Background: The SS Machiavellian holds a storied history as the inaugural vessel of the Migrant Fleet, a testament to the ingenuity and ambition of Darth Fauste, the Sith Lord of the Starborn Sect. Designed by Darth Fauste herself, drawing upon a fusion of Echani martial philosophy and Sith engineering principles, the dreadnought was envisioned as the cornerstone of the Starborn Sect's military might and the vanguard of its expansionist ambitions.

Development of the SS Machiavellian was a monumental undertaking, requiring the combined efforts of the Starborn Sect's finest engineers, technicians, and craftsmen. Construction took place within the clandestine shipyards of the Sect, hidden away from prying eyes and rival factions, ensuring the dreadnought's secrecy and security during its formative stages. Incorporating cutting-edge technology and Sith alchemy, the dreadnought's design pushed the boundaries of conventional starship construction, resulting in a vessel of unparalleled power and menace.

Following its completion, the SS Machiavellian embarked on its maiden voyage, marking the dawn of a new era for the Starborn Sect and the Migrant Fleet. Its first notable engagement came during the Siege of Taris, where it played a pivotal role in the Starborn Sect's campaign to seize control of the strategically vital world. Tasked with spearheading the assault on the planet's defenses, the dreadnought's formidable firepower and advanced systems shattered enemy fortifications, paving the way for the Sect's ground forces to secure victory. The success of the Siege of Taris established the SS Machiavellian as a symbol of Sith supremacy and heralded its role as the flagship of the Migrant Fleet, instilling fear in its enemies and inspiring unwavering loyalty among its allies.

Throughout its service, the SS Machiavellian has participated in numerous campaigns and battles, cementing its legacy as a symbol of Sith power and dominance. Its significance extends beyond mere military might, serving as a beacon of hope and unity for the disparate factions of the Migrant Fleet, rallying them under the banner of Darth Fauste's vision and inspiring unwavering loyalty and devotion among its crew.

Today, the SS Machiavellian remains the pride of the Migrant Fleet, a testament to the ambition and perseverance of the Starborn Sect. Its imposing presence serves as a constant reminder of the Sect's supremacy in the galaxy, instilling fear in its enemies and inspiring awe in its allies. As the flagship of Darth Fauste's armada, the SS Machiavellian stands as a testament to her leadership and the indomitable spirit of the Starborn Sect, destined to carve its name into the annals of galactic history for generations to come.
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