Approved SS Apex

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Lyanna Starborn

Darth Fauste - Sith Lord of the Starborn Sect
May 10, 2024
Galactic Credits

Vehicle Name: Starborn Sect (SS) Apex

Vehicle Type: Battlecruiser
Vehicle Class: Vanguard-class Destroyer
Manufacturer: Starborn Sect
Affiliation: Starborn Sect

Crew/Passenger Capacity: Thirty Thousand (30,000) Crewmen - Seventy Thousand (70,000) Additional Passengers
Length/Width/Height: 3,500 meters (Length), 1,800 meters (Width), 600 meters (Height)

The SS Apex is designed with state-of-the-art armor and shielding systems, making it a formidable asset in space combat. Its hull is composed of reinforced duraplast, an advanced material offering superior resistance to energy and projectile attacks. Layered armor plating is applied to critical areas, reducing vulnerability to targeted strikes. Advanced deflector shields project a multi-layered protective field around the ship, capable of withstanding sustained enemy fire and mitigating damage from high-impact collisions. Redundant shield generators ensure continued protection, while regenerative technology enables rapid repair of shield integrity during prolonged engagements. The combined defense systems of the SS Apex make it exceptionally resilient, capable of enduring and outlasting enemy assaults.

Weapons Systems:

Primary Weapons:
- Heavy Turbolaser Batteries: Equipped with upgraded heavy turbolaser batteries, the SS Apex can deliver devastating energy volleys at long ranges, inflicting substantial damage on enemy capital ships. These batteries serve as its primary offensive armament.
- Advanced Ion Cannons: The battlecruiser features advanced ion cannons capable of generating high-intensity electromagnetic pulses. These cannons can disable enemy shields and disrupt systems, providing tactical advantages during engagements.

Secondary Weapons:
- Mag-Pulse Launchers: The SS Apex is armed with mag-pulse launchers, which can launch magnetic pulses to disrupt enemy sensors and targeting systems, reducing their accuracy and effectiveness in combat.
- Plasma Torpedo Tubes: These tubes are designed to launch high-yield plasma torpedoes that can penetrate enemy defenses, causing catastrophic damage upon impact.

Defensive Systems:
- Refractive Deflector Shields: These specialized shields not only deflect enemy fire but also dissipate energy attacks across their surface, reducing the damage taken.
- Titanium-Reinforced Plating: Upgraded titanium-reinforced plating strengthens the critical areas of the ship, adding another layer of defense.
- Point-Defense Network: A comprehensive network of point-defense laser turrets provides coverage against enemy fighters, bombers, and incoming missiles, intercepting threats before they can reach the hull.

Propulsion/Power Source:

Propulsion System:
- Upgraded Sublight Engines: The SS Apex is equipped with high-performance sublight engines, providing enhanced thrust for greater speed and maneuverability. This enables the battlecruiser to maneuver effectively in combat and cover vast distances during normal space travel.
- Advanced Hyperdrive: Featuring a high-efficiency hyperdrive system, the SS Apex can traverse hyperspace at exceptional speeds, facilitating rapid response and deployment across the galaxy.

Power Source:
- Quantum Fusion Reactors: The primary power source is a series of cutting-edge quantum fusion reactors that provide an immense energy output, sustaining the ship's systems, weaponry, and propulsion. These reactors are highly efficient, ensuring continuous operation during extended missions.
- Auxiliary Power Matrix: The SS Apex is fitted with an auxiliary power matrix to maintain essential functions in case of reactor failure or damage, ensuring sustained operation even under duress.

- Maximum Speed: The upgraded sublight engines allow the SS Apex to achieve speeds of up to 75-85 MGLT, slightly higher than its predecessor, making it one of the faster ships in its class.
- Maneuverability: While its size still limits its agility, advanced thruster arrays and control systems provide improved maneuverability compared to older models, allowing for more precise movements in battle.

Special Features/Modifications:
- Galactic Comms Relay: The SS Apex features a state-of-the-art galactic comms relay, allowing secure, encrypted communication over vast distances, maintaining constant coordination between the Starborn Sect and allied fleets.
- Experimental Research Labs: The ship is equipped with experimental labs for cutting-edge research in areas like starship engineering, Sith alchemy, and bioweapon development. These labs help maintain the Starborn Sect's technological edge.

The SS Apex was commissioned in the aftermath of the destruction of the SS Nihilist during a protracted and fierce battle between the Migrant Fleet and the Athysian Raider Fleet, led by the notorious warlord Desmundor Alcademon, in 27 ATC. The loss of the Nihilist, a key asset in the Starborn Sect’s military fleet, was a significant blow to their combat capabilities and morale. In response, the Starborn Sect quickly initiated the construction of a new, more advanced battlecruiser to replace the fallen ship and bolster their strength against future threats.

The SS Apex emerged from the shipyards as the answer to this need, incorporating cutting-edge technology and improved design elements based on the lessons learned from the Nihilist’s demise. While the Apex represents the pinnacle of the Sect’s current shipbuilding capabilities, it has yet to prove itself in battle, having been newly completed and still awaiting its first major engagement.

For now, the SS Apex stands as a symbol of renewal and determination for the Starborn Sect, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead and establish its own legacy among the stars.
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