Message Spy Reports From Among The Natives

Jul 23, 2023
Galactic Credits

To Your Esteemed Highness,

As our spies have spread throughout the province of Deiswyn, we have found both a mix of Stragga’s tribes as well as those who have decided to stand against their ilk in a tangled web. Several of my agents have reached out and I believe that we will soon have a formidable ‘fifth column’. Whom I believe can both be used as cannon fodder and make us seem like heroes with proper timing of our aid. The main area of contention will come if we try to force the villages of Dellin or Osran.

These are inhabited by tribesmen of little civility who know the swamps of the local area well. They are capable of standing neck deep in them for days on end, and unlike the mountain tribes of Vestvinfol have nothing to offer us. No, I foresee them causing many problems in the future if we don’t find a way to burn them out of their lands, they might even choose to ally with Stragga. I have passed on the details to Marie who will be sending along a detailed plan of how to take the province with minimal losses.

From Foma Kunznetsov,
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