Approved Sith Inquisitors

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Marcus Aumont

King Of Vampires
Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits
**Unit Name:** Sith Inquisitors

**Unit Type:** Interrogation and Manipulation Specialists

**Affiliation:** The Obsidian Court

**Unit Size:** 1

**Specialization:** Sith Inquisitors are masters of interrogation, manipulation, and uncovering hidden truths within Darth Malvus forces. They wield dark side powers to extract information, break wills, and maintain loyalty among the Obisidian Courts ranks.

- Interrogation Tools: Instruments for conducting mind probes, inducing fear, and extracting memories.
- Psychic Amplifiers: Devices or artifacts used to enhance psychic abilities, and dark side powers.
- Psychological Warefare Manuals: Compiled knowledge on fear tactics, mind manipulation, and interrogation strategies.
- Secure Detention Facilities: Facilities for holding and interrogating captured individuals, ensuring security and secrecy.

**Mission Profile:**
- Interrrogation Specialists: Extracting vital information from captured enemies, spies, or traitors.
- Loyalty Enforcement: Maintaining loyalty and obedience among Sith forces, detecting dissenters or potential threats.
- Psychological Operations: Spreading fear, confusion, and disinformation among enemy ranks.
- Counter-Espionage: Detecting enemy spies, double agents, and infiltrations within the Obsidian Court.

**Commanding Officer:** Darth Malvus

The history of Sith Inquisitors within The Obsidian Court, under the leadership of Darth Malvus, is characterized by their pivotal role in maintaining control, extracting information, and wielding dark side powers to further Sith ambitions. Here's an overview of their history within The Obsidian Court:

**Formation and Early Years:**
- The Sith Inquisitors within The Obsidian Court were initially recruited and trained by Darth Malvus to serve as specialists in interrogation, manipulation, and uncovering hidden truths.
- Their origins can be traced to various sources, including promising acolytes from Sith academies, talented Force-sensitive individuals discovered through Sith rituals, and experienced agents with skills in espionage and psychological warfare.

**Role in The Obsidian Court:**
1. **Interrogation and Manipulation:** Sith Inquisitors were tasked with interrogating captured enemies, extracting vital information, and maintaining loyalty among The Obsidian Court's ranks.
2. **Loyalty Enforcement:** They played a crucial role in detecting dissenters, spies, and potential threats within Sith territories, ensuring loyalty to Darth Malvus and The Obsidian Court's authority.
3. **Psychological Operations:** Sith Inquisitors were adept at spreading fear, confusion, and disinformation among enemy ranks, weakening morale and sowing discord.
4. **Dark Side Studies:** Some Sith Inquisitors delved into dark side rituals, artifacts, and forbidden knowledge to enhance their abilities and understanding of the Force.

**Key Events and Achievements:**
- Sith Inquisitors within The Obsidian Court were involved in numerous operations, including interrogations of captured Republic agents, Jedi prisoners, and rival Sith.
- They played a role in uncovering plots against Darth Malvus, exposing traitors within Sith ranks, and contributing to strategic victories through intelligence gathering and psychological warfare.
- Some Sith Inquisitors rose to prominence within The Obsidian Court, earning recognition for their loyalty, effectiveness, and mastery of dark side powers.

**Challenges and Conflicts:**
- Sith Inquisitors faced challenges such as internal power struggles, rivalries among Sith factions, and external threats from Republic forces, Jedi, and other galactic powers.
- Their loyalty to Darth Malvus and The Obsidian Court was tested during times of upheaval, political intrigue, and covert operations against rival Sith Lords or enemy factions.

- The legacy of Sith Inquisitors within The Obsidian Court is one of dark side mastery, loyalty to Darth Malvus, and contributions to Sith dominance within the Sith Empire.
- Their techniques, knowledge of dark side rituals, and effectiveness in psychological manipulation continue to shape The Obsidian Court's approach to maintaining control, extracting information, and wielding power in the galaxy.

Overall, Sith Inquisitors have played a crucial role in the history of The Obsidian Court, serving as enforcers of dark side authority, keepers of secrets, and agents of fear and manipulation in pursuit of Sith supremacy.
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