Approved Silver Sparrow- Hornet Class Courier

May 11, 2024
Galactic Credits

**Vehicle Name:** Silver Sparrow

**Vehicle Type:** Transport

**Vehicle Class:** Courier

**Manufacturer:** Corellian Engineerin Corporation

**Affiliation:** James Antilles

**Crew/Passenger Capacity:** 3

**Length/Height/Width:** 138x90x27

**Armor/Defenses:** Standard X-Wing "Defender" deflector shield projector

**Weapons Systems:**
- [Primary Weapon]: 2 Blaster cannons
- [Secondary Weapons]: Two Proton Torpedos
- [Defensive Systems]: Scrambler- Scrambles tractor beams and radar sweeps temporarily

**Propulsion/Power Source:** Cannibalised Twin Ion Engines technically making her a TIE

**Speed/Maneuverability:** High- Class 1.0 Hyperdrive, 1000 kph and 80 MGLT

**Special Features/Modifications:**
- [Special Feature 1]:Twin Ion Engine- Reconfigured for speed.
- [Special Feature 2]: Shields from a standard X-Wing
Silver Sparrow also sacrificed weapon systems and two escape pods for extra maneuverability

**Purpose/Role:** To deliver goods fast and through blockades to get to where they’re going

Bought on Corellia. James reconfigured the Courier to make it even faster. a Fast hard drive and reconfigured Twin Ion Engine's. James also removed two escape pods and sacrificed weaponry. Shielding is that of a standard X-Wing. It's built for speed pure and simple.

**Notable Pilots/Operators:** Jimmy Slinger

**Variants/Upgrades:** NA
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