Work in Progress Sicarius Hekate- Darth Enchantress

May 13, 2024
Galactic Credits
**Profile Name:** Sicarius Hekate

**Alias/Nickname:** Darth Echantress

**Species:** Half-Nightsiser Half Zabrak

**Gender:** Female

**Age:** 22

**Homeworld:** Dathomir

**Affiliation:** Sith


**Appearance:** Lithe, yet athletic, her body’s been not only trained, but bred and enhanced with Dark side magic, by her tribe on Dathomir. One that was further enhance by Sith alchemists within the empire. While she has a few scars they are faded to be all but unnoticeable, although someone close enough or inspecting her would certainly find them.

**Personality:** Passion, Power and Pain.

Passion-Sicarius is an intensely focused person constantly studying and expanding her knowledge Of the force of the scientists. The Occult Sciences are her passion, but she fuels it with killing as well.

Power- Power is her drive to become a powerful Sith Sorceress with her own fortress, menagerie and fiefdom to rule.

Pain- Sicarius enjoys pain her own or others she is fascinated by it. Although she doesn’t damage her body she enjoys a good electric bath current running through her nervous system. To her killing is a waste of pain that could be inflicted.


Born to a Dathomir tribe. Taught at a young age, Power is everything, the strongest not only survive, although that was a priority. The strongest rule, they exhibit power, destroy the weak, enslave the useful. Sicarius was trained to one day be a tribute to the Dathomirs allies in the Sith. A tradition going back centuries. Sith had been using Dathomirians as a crop for useful Sith Apprentices. Most such apprentices were only useful in part because they were expendable. Powerful warriors, assassins even combat leaders, sooner or later most Dathomirian Sith would outlive there usefulness or become too powerful so had to be dealth with as potential rivals.

Sicarius had learnt this history and recognising this potential even probability that she would be one of these. In anticipation of this she became the most savage yet intelligent acolyte she could. Combining Witch magic with sith alchemy made her useful in expanding the knowledge of the Sith, while also providing something unique that could not easily be replaced. Sicarius became valuable enough to be tolerated yet obedient enough not to be considered a rival.

These days Sicarius is chafing at these restrictions, but recognises she is not ready to launch her career within the Sith. Not yet she needs allies, servants, to serve her mission and goal. Sicarius wants to achieve the rank of Darth desperately and is currently weighing her options on which Sith Faction to join and back to achieve her goals.

+ Dark Knowledge- Sith Alchemy and Sorcery are her game she wants to expand her knowledge and power by companing it with gene splicing and biological experiments combining. Science with Sith Sorcery.

+Duelist- Sicarius enjoys the dance of combat, from her love of dancing and is proficient in melee combat. She prefers using her force abilities combined with hand to hand but she knows how to use one.

**Equipment/Gear:** Lightwhip

**Ship/Vehicle:** [If applicable, provide details about your character's ship or preferred mode of transportation]

**Goals/Objectives:** To become a powerful Sith Lady. In truth her dreams are fairly modest for a Sith her own Moon filled with her sith mutants, spawn, artifacts and a fiefdom to rule. A steady stream of subjects for her menagerie
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