Guide Quick Guide in Logistics & Templates

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Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits
The Logistics allow writers to worldbuild and delve into detail in their storytelling by establishing items, lore, troops and other fascinating stuff in the Galaxy's histories and current setting. Although poetic liscence is always of the essence, there are times where disputes on output, specifics, or the very nature of certain elements in Roleplay are important to preserve balance as well as enough material for clarifications and insight.
This is where the Logistics come into play! By simply filling a specific template below, depending on what the writer wishes to create, a large variety of elements can be intergrated into the setting, as well as sold, should one seeks to become rich through trade instead of war!

Name: (Whats the name of this submission?)
Type: (What is this submission? An engine? A machine? A converter? A production? A protocol?)
Credits: (Any art, media, or other stuff used, make sure to have them propperly credited in here as a list! Artists deserve their praizes!)
Consolidation Thread: (If none is required, write NA)
Description: (How does this technology look like? Write few sentances here)

  • Main Stats
    • Defence: (Choose between: Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
      • Defensive Elements: (What are the defensive elements of this sub? Write them in list or text form here)
    • Offence: (Choose between: Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
      • Offensive Elements: (What are the offensive elements of this sub? Write them in list or text form here)
    • Durability: (Choose between: Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. This attribute shows how strong the tech is against odds, which can vary from weather and time attrition, to enemy attacks and exposure to electronic countermeasures.)
    • Scarcity: (Unique, Semi-Unique, Rare, Ucommon, Universal.
Points SpentRequirements
9-12Consolidation Thread (15+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)
13-16Consolidation Thread (20+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)

(Write two, or more, notable traits the sub has, which impact their performance in the field.)

(Write two, or more, notable flaws the sub has, which impact their performance in the field.)

Historical Information
(What is the history of this sub? When was it created? Any notable appearances in major events? Write those here)
Name: (Whats the name of this race thingie?)
Type: (Is this a population? A race? A group of people maybe!??)
Credits: (Any art, media, or other stuff used, make sure to have them propperly credited in here as a list! Artists deserve their praizes!)
Consolidation Thread: (If none is required, write NA)
Description: (Describe the overall appearance or characteristics of the race here)

  • Place of Origins: (Where do they originate from? A planet? A system? A cluster? A sector?)
  • Culture: (Are they nomadic? Semi-nomadic? Settler? Hermits? Write it here)
  • Traditions: (What are some customs of the race? Some habbits?)
  • Diet: (What do they eat?)

(Write two, or more, notable traits the sub has, which mark it out from the rest of the population.)

(Write two, or more, notable flaws the sub has, which mark it out from the rest of the population.)

Historical Information
(What is the history of this sub? Any notable appearances in major events? Write those here)
Name: (Whats the name of this astrographic element?)
Type: (Is this a planet? A moon? A star system? A cluster? A subsector?)
Credits: (Any art, media, or other stuff used, make sure to have them propperly credited in here as a list! Artists deserve their praizes!)
Consolidation Thread: (If none is required, write NA)
Description: (A short description of the Astrographic element. How does it look? What is it like? Where is it located?)

  • Location: (Where is the Astrographic element located? You can also provide a screenshot marking the position on the map here.)
  • Cluster Type: (Is it an Ion Storm? A nebula? A Star System?)
  • Star System: (You can copy this as many times as needed, if there are more than one Star Systems in this sub)
    • Star: (What type of star is it? A white dwarf? A red giant? A pulsar?)
      • Planet Name: (You can copy this depending on how many planets exist in the system)
        • Orbiting Elements: (Are there any Moons, space stations or other elements orbiting the planet? You can copy and paste this section depending on how many there are. Put NA if none is.)
        • Planetary Vergence: (What kind of Vergence does the planet have? Dark Side? Light Side? Neutral? Force Wound perhaps?)
          • Nexus Intensity: (Choose between: NA, Light, Medium, Strong, Powerful, Extreme)
        • Atmosphere Type: (What type of Atmosphere does the planet have?)
        • Gravity: (How strong is the planet's gravity?)
        • Climate: (What type of climate(s) exist on this planet?)
        • Terrain: (How does the planetary terrain look like?)
        • Point of Interest: (Any noteworthy settlements or other points of interest the planet may have? Write them here in a list or text.)

(Write two, or more, notable traits the sub has.)

(Write two, or more, notable flaws the sub has.)

Historical Information
(What is the history of this sub? Write those here)
Name: (Whats the name of the NPC?)
Credits: (Any art, media, or other stuff used, make sure to have them propperly credited in here as a list! Artists deserve their praizes!)
Consolidation Thread: (If none is required, write NA)
Appearance: (How does the NPC look like? Write few sentances here)
Character: (How is the NPCs attitude? How do they behave? Are they evil? Selfish? Obidient?)

  • Main Stats
    • Armour: (Choose between: Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
      • Gear: (Write the gear the NPC uses here, either in the form of list or few sentances)
    • Speed: (Choose between: Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
      • Weaponry: (Write the offensive weapons or abilities the NPC uses here, either in the form of list or few sentances)
    • Morale: (Choose between: Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
    • Force Sensitivity: (Choose between: None (Non Force Sensitive), Average (Only Force sense), High (Very limited abilities, ritualistic), Very High (Considerable ability in the Force), Extreme (Powerful Sorcerer))
  • Affiliation: (Who is this NPC affiliated with? Where and who can recruit them?)
Depending the points spent across the Main Stats of a Submission, the requirements for creation change. The more elite a NPC is, the higher the requirements for a Consolidation Thread in which the existence of the NPC is addressed and introduced in a narrative manner.
Points SpentRequirements
9-12Consolidation Thread (15+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)
13-16Consolidation Thread (20+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)
(Write two, or more, notable traits the NPC has, which impact their performance in the field.)

(Write two, or more, notable flaws the NPC has, which impact their performance in the field.)

Historical Information
(What is the history of the NPC? Any notable appearances in major events? Write those here)
Name: (Whats the name of the Force Discipline?)
Credits: (Any art, media, or other stuff used, make sure to have them propperly credited in here as a list! Artists deserve their praizes!)
Consolidation Thread: (If none is required, write NA)
Description: (A brief description of the Skill's nature, and practice.)

  • Requirements: (What is required for someone to use this skill? Are there terrain or location requirements? Are there psychological or ideological requirements perhaps?)
  • Effect: (What effect does the Discipline yield? Is it a mind shielding skill? Chain effect like lightning? Transparrent Force ability like Telekinisis?)
  • Usage: (What is the Force Discipline used for? Is it a combat skill? Is it a passive skill?)
  • Variants: (Are there any variations of the Discipline? If not, put NA, otherwise list or describe them here)
(Write two or more Strengths that characterise the Force Discipline)

(Write two or more Weaknesses that characterise the Force Discipline)

Historical Information
(What is the history of this Discipline? Any notable practitioners? Write those here)
Unit Name: (Whats the name of the Unit?)
Credits: (Any art, media, or other stuff used, make sure to have them propperly credited in here as a list! Artists deserve their praizes!)
Consolidation Thread: (If none is required, write NA)
Unit Description: (How does the unit look like? Write few sentances here)

  • Armour: (Choose between: Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
    • Gear: (Write the gear the unit uses here, either in the form of list or few sentances)
  • Speed: (Choose between: Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
  • Melee: (Choose between: Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
    • Weaponry: (Write the offensive weapons or abilities the unit uses here, either in the form of list or few sentances)
  • Ranged: (Choose between: NA, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
    • Weaponry: (Write the ranged weapons or abilities the unit uses here, either in the form of list or few sentances. If this unit has no Ranged weapons available, you can put NA.)
  • Morale: (Choose between: Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
  • Size: (Choose between: Low (4-12 members), Average (13-25 members), High (26-50 members), Very High (51-75 members), Extreme (76-100 members))
  • Rarity: (Choose how many of this type of units exist: Unique, Semi-Unique (Just a handful), Rare, Uncommon, Common)
    • Recruitment & Replenishment: (Where can this type of unit be recruited from? Are they able to train additional troops? Are they only raised from specific places?)

Depending the points spent across the Main Stats of a Submission, the requirements for creation change. The more elite a Unit is, the higher the requirements for a Consolidation Thread in which the existence of the unit is addressed and introduced in a narrative manner.

Points SpentRequirements
16-25Consolidation Thread (15+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)
26-30Consolidation Thread (20+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)
31-33Consolidation Thread (30+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)

(Write two, or more, notable traits the unit has, which impact their performance in the field.)

(Write two, or more, notable flaws the unit has, which impact their performance in the field.)

Historical Information
(What is the history of the unit? Any notable appearances in major events? Write those here)
Name: (Whats the name of this vehicle?)
Credits: (Any art, media, or other stuff used, make sure to have them propperly credited in here as a list! Artists deserve their praizes!)
Consolidation Thread: (If none is required, write NA)
Description: (How does the vehicle look like? Write few sentances here)

  • Type: (Keep the appropriate category and delete the rest)
    • Land Vehicle: (Choose from: Personal Vehicle, Light Vehicle, Medium Vehicle, Heavy Vehicle, Super Heavy, Command Vehicle, Platform)
      • Dimensions: (Write the dimensions of the craft)
      • Crew: (How many crew members are required to operate this vehicle?)
    • Vessel: (Choose from: Starfighter, Corvette, Support Ship, Destroyer, Cruiser, Capital Ship, Space Station)
      • Dimensions: (Write the dimensions of the craft)
      • Crew: (How many crew members are required to operate this vessel?)

  • Durability: (Choose from: Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
  • Speed: (Choose from: Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
  • Defensive Capabilities: (Choose from: Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
    • Gear (List or describe the defensive elements of the vehicle)
  • Offensive Capabilities: (Choose from: Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
    • Armaments: (List or describe the defensive elements of the vehicle)
  • Scarcity: (Unique, Semi-Unique (Just a handful), Rare, Uncommon, Common)
    • Manufacturer: (What States, Organizations, or characters produce this vehicle?)
  • Cargo Capacity: (Choose from: NA, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme)
    • (List the cargo/passengers onboard the vessel/vehicle here)
Depending the points spent across the Main Stats of a Submission, the requirements for creation change. The more elite a vehicle is, the higher the requirements for a Consolidation Thread in which the existence of the vehicle is addressed and introduced in a narrative manner.
Points SpentRequirements
13-15Consolidation Thread (15+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)
16-18Consolidation Thread (20+ Posts, 200+ Words Per Post)
Each vessel/vehicle has the ability to carry cargo. That cargo can be from resources unitized or bulk, to passengers such as civilians or even troop units.
To express how much cargo can be stowed in a Vessel, the Type of the Vessel and its Cargo Capacity are taken into consideration, based on the below table. The shown number shows the total Attribute Points of the cargo (Be it Units, or Vessels/Vehicles alike).
Vessel Cargo CapacityStarfighterCorvetteSupport ShipDestroyerCruiserCapital ShipSpace Station
Very High1240400160320480800

Vehicle Cargo CapacityPersonal VehicleLight VehicleMedium VehicleHeavy VehicleSuper Heavy VehicleCommand VehiclePlatorm
Very High142530506075600
Please remember to add the total attribute points of the carried cargo for easier cross reference during approval!
(Write two, or more, notable traits the sumbission has.)

(Write two, or more, notable flaws the submission has.)

Historical Information
(What is the history of this submission? Any notable appearances in major events? Write those here)
Name: (Whats the name of this lore thingie-thing??)
Type: (Is this a manuscript? A Holocron? A data archive? A religious script? A history record? Notes of a crazy scientist who died on Ziost?)
Credits: (Any art, media, or other stuff used, make sure to have them propperly credited in here as a list! Artists deserve their praizes!)
Consolidation Thread: (If none is required, write NA)
Description: (An abstract of what this entry is about with just few sentances.)

Basic Information
Author(s): (Who or What wrote or created this piece of Lore?)
Related Parties: (Are there any specific cultures, Races, factions or so that are related to this entry?)
Publication: (When was this piece of Lore published, written, or take place?)

Historical Information
(What is the history of this sub? Any notable appearances in major events? Write those here)
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