Character Princess Poptalia

Mar 12, 2024
Galactic Credits
Full Name: Poptalia Sparklehoof
Name: Poptalia
Surname(s): Sparklehoof
Age: 180 (18 in human years)
Title(s): Princess of Aurahold
Nickname(s): Poppy (by friends and family)
Sex: Female
Appearance: Equine, 6 feet tall, lilac coat and horn, hot pink mane, silver tiara, baby blue eyes.
Magic Affinity: Extreme
  • Expert Diplomat - As a princess, Poptalia has expert knowledge on leadership, persuasion, diplomacy, and negotiations between parties.
  • Fire Magic - Poptalia is skilled with different forms of fire magic. Most used by shooting multiple bolts of fire at once.
  • Healing Magic - Poptalia can heal serious wounds and cure diseases. This can be amplified further to be akin to regeneration.
  • Holy Magic - Poptalia’s specialty is forms of holy and light magic. Most commonly, this is used as pillars of light or shoots small bolts of lights.
  • Immobilization Magic - Poptalia can use magic to stop a target from moving. However, this only works on humanoids and can only be used on one target.
  • Keen Intellect - Poptalia possesses immense knowledge of many aspects of magic, legends, religion, and politics.
  • Longevity - Being a unicorn, Poptalia has a longer lifespan compared to others. She ages about 10 years slower than humans and is more resistant to disease / poison. She still needs to eat, drink, sleep, etc.
  • Minor Telekinesis - Poptalia can lift up small objects with her mind and slightly push beings.
  • Minor Telepathy - Poptalia can communicate with someone mentally within a certain range and they can respond.
  • Sealing - Poptalia can seal away evil / supernatural entities. However, the stronger the opponent, the more magical power is needed to seal them.
  • Support Magic - Poptalia can use her magic to enhance herself or her allies.

  • Anti-Magic - Magic is Poptalia’s main fighting style so anyone with magic negating abilities could cause trouble.
  • Broken Horn - If Poptalia’s horn is broken, her magicial power is greatly diminished.
  • Dark Magic - As a light user, dark magic can be used to counter her.
  • Magic Overuse - If her magic is overused, Poptalia could become extraordinarily fatigued and will need to rest to regain her strength.
  • Water Magic - Depending on the strength, water magic could extinguish her fire magic.


Poptalia was born into the royal family of the kingdom of Aurahold. She was raised to be kind, intelligent and graceful. Her magicial knowledge is immense due to her families' lineage. While she is excited to become a ruler, she also wants to go on adventures and have fun with her friends.

(Fun Fact: Poptalia is a vegetarian!)
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