Approved Peasant Levy Longbowmen

Jul 26, 2023
Galactic Credits

Unit Name: Peasant Levy Longbowmen
Credits: Link
Consolidation Thread: N/A
Unit Description: These are the dipshit peasants that can be conscripted to fill out the ranks of a lesser lords army at a moments notice. Pulled away from doing their dipshit peasant activities they are pressed into service as bodies to fill up the ranks with little to no training. These unlike the others are equipped with bow that most of them already have, and they are really only effective in mass fire, and like their sword boy counterparts are only useful in mass numbers.

  • Main Stats
    • Armour: N/A
      • Gear: N/A
    • Speed: Low
    • Melee: N/A
      • Weaponry: N/A
    • Ranged: Low
      • Weaponry: Longbow... duh
    • Morale: N/A
    • Size: High (50 members)
    • Number: Global
      • Recruitment & Replenishment: This boys live almost anywhere that you can find a lord ruling over people, and calling them up is as easy as a good round of conscription. Though this is usually only done in desperation or by the smallest kingdoms who need to fill up their numbers.
  • TvM Requirement: 2v4

Spoiler: Point Cost: 10


* Because of their high numbers they are able to provide a high amount of fire, but that doesn't exactly mean they will be able to hit anything if you ask them shoot as things by themselves

* A lot of these men have learned how to shoot their bow from going out to hunt and even own their own so no need to equip or train them, and it makes conscription easier.

* On a lucky day. You know once in a blue moon. You know a one time historical event. They might be able to wipe out half the French nobility in one afternoon. I bet King Henry The Vth would love that.


* Low morale given their situations that they are put in and that they are stand in for more well trained troops.

* Low armor because they are not provided with the best equipment. These boys are just a stop gap measure.

Historical Information

There has been many times in war that it all became a rich man's war and a poor man's fight. These poor dipshits farmers are the embodiment of that in a nutshell. Their are times that they go out and fight for their people because they have no choice. Other times they will do so because they are the last line of defense for their poor land. Whatever their motivation these poor dipshit peasent always try their best in combat as they fall and die besides the people of their village for whatever the reason is that they find themselves on the battlefield. The only different between these and the other guys is that these guys use bows and at one point in history may have wiped out half the Nobility in one afternoon... who knows.
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