Approved Peasant Levy Infantry

Jul 26, 2023
Galactic Credits

Unit Name: Peasant Levy Infantry
Credits: On this page
Consolidation Thread: N/A
Unit Description: These are the dipshit peasants that can be conscripted to fill out the ranks of a lesser lords army at a moments notice. Pulled away from doing their dipshit peasant activities they are pressed into service as bodies to fill up the ranks with little to no training. It is all about numbers, though some might be lucky enough to get a shield provided by their lord, as well as a spear that is about it.

  • Main Stats
    • Armor: N/A
      • Gear: They might have a shield, but that is about it...
    • Speed: Low
    • Melee: Low
      • Weaponry: Dread I need your help here
    • Ranged: N/A
      • Weaponry: N/A
    • Morale: N/A
    • Size: High (50 members)
    • Number: Global
      • Recruitment & Replenishment: This boys live almost anywhere that you can find a lord ruling over people, and calling them up is as easy as a good round of conscription. Though this is usually only done in desperation or by the smallest kingdoms who need to fill up their numbers.
  • TvM Requirement: 2v4

Spoiler: Point Cost: 10


* Their main strength is just the sheer numbers of bodies they have that you can easily throw at an enemy with little training and little pay so that any low level lord can afford them

* They are easy to replace due to the fact that they don't require much training.


* They are not proper soldiers and can't do much on the battlefield.

* Anything else is better than them, and taking too many of them away from their other work just to be sacrificed in battle can break an economy.

Historical Information

There has been many times in war that it all became a rich man's war and a poor man's fight. These poor dipshits farmers are the embodiment of that in a nutshell. Their are times that they go out and fight for their people because they have no choice. Other times they will do so because they are the last line of defense for their poor land. Whatever their motivation these poor dipshit peasent always try their best in combat as they fall and die besides the people of their village for whatever the reason is that they find themselves on the battlefield.
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