Approved Operative Rhyssa Kyra


Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

Name: Rhyssa Kyra

Role: To serve as one of the operatives of the Starborn Sect.

- Physical Description: Rhyssa is a striking woman in her late twenties with a commanding presence. She has vibrant red hair, styled in loose waves that frame her face and cascade over her shoulders. Her eyes are a piercing blue, exuding both intensity and confidence. Her facial features are sharp and defined, adding to her formidable appearance.

She is dressed in a sleek, form-fitting black bodysuit with red accents that highlight her curves and emphasize her athletic build. The suit appears to be made from a high-tech, durable material, suggesting it is designed for both combat and protection. Additional red detailing on the suit provides a visually striking contrast and may serve as indicators of rank or affiliation. Her attire is completed with armored shoulder pads and gauntlets, further enhancing her battle-ready look.

Distinguishing features include her vivid red hair and the sharp, almost predatory look in her eyes, which hint at a fierce and determined personality. She carries herself with an air of authority and strength, marking her as a formidable figure in any setting.
- Equipment:

Primary Weapon:
- Double-Bladed Lightsaber: Customized with red blades, the hilt is designed for quick assembly and disassembly, facilitating easy concealment and rapid deployment in combat situations.

Secondary Weapon:
- Holdout Blaster: A compact, easily concealed blaster pistol for backup in situations where a lightsaber might attract too much attention.

- Lightweight Combat Armor: The bodysuit is made from advanced, lightweight materials that provide excellent mobility while offering substantial protection against blaster fire and melee attacks. It incorporates energy-dispersing layers to minimize damage from direct hits.

Stealth Gear:
- Cloaking Device: Personal cloaking technology that can render her invisible to both the naked eye and most sensors, allowing for infiltration and escape.
- Sound Dampeners: Built into her boots and gloves, these devices minimize noise, enhancing her stealth capabilities.

Utility Belt:
- Grappling Hook: A compact, high-tensile wire grappling hook for scaling walls or quick escapes.
- Smoke Grenades: For creating visual obstructions or disorienting opponents.
- Thermal Detonators: High-yield explosives for demolishing obstacles or dealing significant damage to enemy fortifications.
- Medkit: Basic medical supplies for field treatment of injuries.

- Encrypted Comlink: For secure communication with other operatives and command centers within the Starborn Sect.

Tech and Hacking Tools:
- Slicing Kit: Advanced tools for slicing into computer systems, bypassing security protocols, and gathering critical information.
- Data Spike: For quick and efficient data extraction from enemy terminals.

Additional Gear:
- Vision Enhancers: Built into her visor, providing enhanced vision modes such as night vision, thermal imaging, and HUD (Heads-Up Display) interface for tactical information.
- Breathing Apparatus: A compact rebreather for surviving in environments with limited or toxic air supply.

- History:

Homeworld and Childhood:
Rhyssa hails from the planet Velmor, located in the Mid Rim. Velmor is known for its lush forests, vast oceans, and ancient cities that blend seamlessly with the natural landscape. The planet's culture places a high value on honor, tradition, and martial prowess, making it a fertile ground for warriors and strategists.

From a young age, Rhyssa demonstrated an innate talent for agility and a keen intellect, but she had little formal training in martial arts. Instead, her early years were shaped by a fierce independence and an unquenchable curiosity. Growing up in a modest family, she learned to navigate the complexities of Velmor's society through wit and cunning, often relying on her sharp mind to overcome obstacles.

Early History with the Starborn Sect:
Rhyssa's life took a pivotal turn when she encountered Darth Fauste during one of Fauste's covert expeditions to Velmor, shortly after the initial formation of the Starborn Sect in 8 ATC. Impressed by Rhyssa's potential and her natural aptitude for subterfuge, Fauste offered her a place within the newly established Sect. Rhyssa eagerly accepted, seeing an opportunity to broaden her horizons and put her skills to greater use.

Under the tutelage of Darth Fauste, Rhyssa underwent intense and secretive training programs designed to forge elite operatives. It was during this time that she was introduced to Echani martial arts, a discipline that emphasized agility, precision, and hand-to-hand combat. Rhyssa's adaptability and determination allowed her to master these techniques quickly, integrating them seamlessly with her existing skills in stealth and strategy.

Rise to Prominence:
Rhyssa's ascent to the position of top operative was marked by several key events:

The Assassination of Lord Veldar (10 ATC): Early in her career, Rhyssa was tasked with infiltrating the stronghold of Lord Veldar, a rival Sith Lord who had slandered Darth Fauste's name. Using her unparalleled stealth abilities and newly acquired combat prowess, Rhyssa eliminated Veldar and his key lieutenants, sending a clear message to any who would dare oppose the Starborn Sect.

The Acquisition of the Migrant Fleet (17 ATC): Rhyssa played a crucial role in the covert operations that led to the acquisition of the Migrant Fleet. She orchestrated the infiltration and sabotage of enemy defenses, ensuring the fleet's smooth capture with minimal losses. Her efforts not only secured a critical asset for the Sect but also cemented her reputation as an indispensable operative.

The Infiltration of the Obsidian Court (20 ATC): In one of her most daring missions, Rhyssa successfully infiltrated the Obsidian Court, the stronghold of their greatest rival, Darth Malvus. Disguised as a loyal follower, she gathered invaluable intelligence that enabled the Starborn Sect to thwart several of Malvus's schemes and strike devastating blows against his forces.

Relationship with Darth Fauste:
Throughout her career, Rhyssa maintained a close and complex relationship with Darth Fauste. The two shared a mutual respect and understanding, their bond forged in the fires of countless battles and covert operations. Fauste saw in Rhyssa a reflection of her own insatiable curiosity and drive for perfection, while Rhyssa viewed Fauste as both a mentor and a formidable leader.

Rhyssa's loyalty to Fauste was unwavering, and she often served as the Sith Lord's personal agent, executing missions of the utmost importance and secrecy. Her success in these endeavors earned her the title of top operative, a position she held with pride and dedication.

As the galaxy teetered on the brink of another Galactic War, Rhyssa remained ever vigilant, ready to carry out Darth Fauste's will and protect the interests of the Starborn Sect with ruthless efficiency.
- Motivations: Rhyssa's motivations are deeply intertwined with her loyalty to Darth Fauste and her commitment to the Starborn Sect. Having risen from a modest background on Velmor to become the Sect's top operative, she is driven by a desire to prove her worth and maintain the hard-earned respect of her peers and her mentor. Her primary goal is to ensure the success and dominance of the Starborn Sect in the galaxy, executing missions with precision and efficiency to achieve this end. She harbors a strong desire for personal growth, constantly seeking to refine her skills and expand her knowledge, much like her mentor, Darth Fauste. Despite her outward confidence and competence, Rhyssa harbors a deep-seated fear of failure—specifically, the fear of letting down Fauste and the Sect she holds in such high esteem. This fear fuels her relentless pursuit of perfection, pushing her to take on increasingly dangerous missions and challenges. Rhyssa also fears the loss of her identity and purpose, knowing that her entire existence is built around her role within the Starborn Sect. This duality of ambition and fear drives her every action, forging her into a formidable and unwavering force within the galaxy.

- Traits: Rhyssa is a complex and multifaceted individual, characterized by her calm demeanor and unwavering focus. Her attitude is one of quiet confidence; she speaks rarely but with purpose, each word carefully chosen to convey precise meaning. This reserved nature often leads others to underestimate her, a mistake she has frequently turned to her advantage. Rhyssa's temperament is disciplined and controlled, a testament to her rigorous training under Darth Fauste. She exudes a steely determination and resilience, undeterred by the challenges and dangers she faces. Her loyalty to the Starborn Sect and Darth Fauste is unshakable, and she approaches her missions with a meticulous and strategic mindset. Beneath her stoic exterior lies a fierce intensity, driven by her personal ambitions and the weight of her fears. She can be ruthless and relentless when necessary, yet she also possesses a deep sense of honor and commitment to her comrades. Despite her formidable exterior, Rhyssa is not without moments of introspection and vulnerability, which she guards closely, revealing them only to those she trusts implicitly.
- Interactions: Rhyssa interacts with others in a manner that reflects her disciplined and strategic nature. She is respectful and courteous, often observing and listening more than speaking. This reserved approach allows her to gauge the intentions and strengths of those around her, making her an adept judge of character. Within the Starborn Sect, Rhyssa is highly respected by her peers and subordinates alike. She commands authority with quiet confidence, leading by example and earning loyalty through her competence and fairness. Her relationship with Darth Fauste is one of mutual respect and deep loyalty, with Rhyssa viewing Fauste as both a mentor and a figure of inspiration.

In terms of relationships, Rhyssa forms alliances based on trust and shared goals. She values competence and reliability, often aligning herself with individuals who demonstrate these traits. Despite her reserved nature, she has a close-knit circle of comrades within the Sect, bonded through shared experiences and mutual respect. Conflicts with Rhyssa are rare but formidable; she approaches them with a calm and calculated mindset, preferring to outmaneuver her adversaries rather than engage in open confrontation.

Outside the Starborn Sect, Rhyssa is seen as a formidable and enigmatic figure. Her reputation as a top operative precedes her, creating a mix of fear and respect among those who know of her. She handles external interactions with the same strategic precision, forming alliances that benefit the Sect and navigating conflicts with a keen understanding of political and tactical implications. Rhyssa's interactions are always underpinned by her ultimate loyalty to Darth Fauste and the Starborn Sect, making her a steadfast and invaluable asset to their cause.

- Skills:

Stealth and Infiltration: Rhyssa is a master of stealth, able to move unseen and unheard through enemy territory. Her training in covert operations allows her to infiltrate heavily guarded facilities and gather intelligence without detection.

Martial Arts Proficiency: Trained in Echani martial arts, Rhyssa is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant. Her agility, precision, and quick reflexes make her a formidable opponent in close-quarters combat.

Tactical Planning and Strategy: Rhyssa's sharp intellect and strategic acumen enable her to devise complex plans and anticipate her adversaries' movements. She excels in assessing battlefield situations and adapting her tactics accordingly to achieve her objectives.

Espionage and Intelligence Gathering: As a top operative of the Starborn Sect, Rhyssa is well-versed in espionage techniques and information gathering. She is adept at infiltration, interrogation, and decryption, allowing her to uncover valuable secrets and disrupt enemy operations.

Sabotage and Assassination: Rhyssa is skilled in the art of sabotage, capable of disabling enemy defenses and infrastructure to pave the way for infiltration or extraction. She is also a proficient assassin, able to eliminate high-value targets with precision and discretion.

Adaptability and Resourcefulness: Rhyssa thrives in unpredictable situations, able to think on her feet and adapt to changing circumstances. She is resourceful and creative, often finding innovative solutions to overcome obstacles and achieve her objectives.

Leadership and Command: While primarily operating as a lone agent, Rhyssa has demonstrated leadership qualities when leading small teams or coordinating with fellow operatives. Her clear communication and decisive leadership style inspire confidence and foster cooperation among her peers.

- Weaknesses:

Overconfidence: Rhyssa's skill and success in her missions could lead to overconfidence, causing her to underestimate her opponents or overlook potential threats.

Emotional Attachments: Despite her disciplined demeanor, Rhyssa may have emotional attachments or vulnerabilities that adversaries could exploit, especially concerning her relationship with Darth Fauste or her past.

Physical Limitations: While highly trained in combat, Rhyssa is still susceptible to physical injury and fatigue, particularly in prolonged engagements or under overwhelming odds.

Reliance on Secrecy: Rhyssa's effectiveness relies heavily on maintaining secrecy and operating covertly. If her cover is compromised or her actions become known to her enemies, it could severely hamper her ability to carry out missions.

Limited Force Sensitivity: While Rhyssa may possess some degree of Force sensitivity, it is likely not as pronounced as that of a full-fledged Sith or Jedi. This limitation could make her vulnerable to Force-based attacks or manipulation by stronger Force users.

Trust Issues: Rhyssa's secretive nature and the nature of her work may lead to trust issues, both with allies and within her own organization. This could potentially hinder her ability to collaborate effectively with others or receive assistance when needed.

Moral Dilemmas: Despite her loyalty to the Starborn Sect and Darth Fauste, Rhyssa may encounter moral dilemmas or conflicts of conscience during her missions, especially if ordered to carry out actions that go against her own principles or beliefs.

Isolation: Rhyssa's solitary nature and commitment to her work may result in isolation from others, making her vulnerable to feelings of loneliness or alienation, which could affect her mental state and decision-making abilities over time.

- Allies: Lyanna Starborn - Darth Fauste, Starborn Sect
- Enemies/Rivals: Darth Malvus, the Obsidian Court, Law Enforcement, Public and Private Security
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