Approved Obsidian Champions

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Staff member
Sep 18, 2023
Galactic Credits


Credit: Image 1

Unit Name: Obsidian Champions

Unit Type: Heavy Infantry

Affiliation: The Cha Kale System

Unit Size: 20 - 40

Role/Function: The Champions are the core of any invasion force, both in and out of their home they do the majority of the killing.​

Obsidian Champions are towering, hulking figures covered in heavy, chitinous armour that appears to be a fusion of dark magic and biological material. Their armour is jagged and layered, giving them an almost indestructible appearance, with ominous glowing runes etched into the plates. Their faces are often hidden behind terrifying helms, with only their glowing eyes visible through the slits. Armed with massive, cleaver-like energy swords and shields crackling with dark energy, Obsidian Champions exude an aura of dread and raw power as they march relentlessly toward their foes, embodying the brutal and relentless nature of the Kuonjan might.

  • Primary Weapon: Cleaver-like energy sword capable of slicing through most defences, comes in both two-handed and one-handed forms
  • Secondary Weapons: Energy Shield, Laser Cannons for ranged support
  • Armor/Protection: Heavy chitinous armour reinforced with Kuonjan alchemy, providing exceptional protection against blasters and other sources​

Special Training/Skills:
Enhanced strength, endurance, and an unbreakable bond to the Hive’s will, allowing them to regenerate and tap into dark powers in combat.

Tzar Araks, the Two-Faced Sword of Esthorhiel

With the rise of any nation, warriors are a necessity, and when it came to the rise of Esthorhiel its inhabitants quickly rose up to the role of warriors. From young up the Kuonjans of Esthorhiel are thought to fight with blades in hand. Some are better than others and those are rewarded with better treatment. This has created the social pressure to be the best, which in turn bred a race of battle-hardened insectoids craving a chance to prove their might. The Obsidian Champions are the chosen Kuonjan who are allowed to represent their people and families in combat.
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