Character Noémi Belyea

Noémi Belyea

High Queen of Pottaun
Jul 25, 2023
Galactic Credits

Full Name: Noémi Belyea-Le Lieur
Name: Noémi
Surname(s): Belyea-Le Lieur
Born: 850 AHW
Title(s): High Queen of Pottaun, Duchess fo Vuthonny
Appearance: Noémi Belyea is a striking lady in the years most women would consider middle age. The magic that flows in her veins helps to maintain a younger appearance. She has long flowing black hair and crystal-like violet eyes.
Magic Affinity: Extreme
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Biography: After many many years of effort Pottaun became a loosely held High Kingdom under the rule of Noémi’s father. As the High King attempted to secure his holdings his heir and daughter spent many years training her inherited magical abilities. Noémi was married off to a “normal” man in an effort to avoid more fighting within the kingdom. Unfortunately, marrying into House Le Lieur from Anjoin created a rivalry with the noble houses of Gascaunne who took up arms against the King.

During the battle to keep his holdings the High King was killed. Noémi was quickly named as High Queen succeeding her father, however she had never been trained in the workings of the military and left that to her husband. That was a very bad idea. Due to mismanagement of the military campaign Noémi’s husband was lost and Pottaun has returned to many self-ruled factions and Noémi and her family were forced to retreat to Vethonny where plans began to rebuild her father’s legacy.
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