Approved Netherdrive Engines


Staff member
Jul 19, 2023
Galactic Credits

  • Intent: To create a theme-specific equilevant of the Hyperdrive for the Athysian League
  • Image Source: Credit
  • Manufacturer: Athysian Hegenika Forges
  • Affiliation: @Desmundor Alcademon @Empor
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: NA
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Material: Alchemized Aluminium, Alchemized Iron, Alchemical Red Crystal (Black-Cored)
  • Dark Side Infused Drive
  • Ghost Ship. The Netherdrive allows the host vessel to perform interstellar travel through the Netherworld. This causes the vessel to deform in the shadow realm, becoming completely undetectable by electronic means.
  • Ethereal Transmutation. The warships entering the Netherworld cannot be held back by gravity wells, or be forced out of it through ordinary systems such as EMP.
  • Pact Magic. The Netherdrive, in order to operate, requires rites and the guiding hand of Death Priests, capable to drive the ship through the Netherworld, without being lost in the black realm. If the Death Priests fail to cast the protection spells upon the crew and ship, then there is high chance that the crew and ship alike are infested by Shadows, which will create abominable mutations on both hull and flesh, rendering the whole ship a Death Ship. A cursed, irreversibly lost ship.
  • Great Black Tide. The Netherdrive-powered fleets may be complely undetectible by electronic means, in opposition to a hyperdrive-powered ship, however, any Force Sensitive that is near to the planet, or the route a ship goes through or to, through the Nether, can sense an unnaturally strong darkness coming. The more the ships, the more the impact this Great Black Tide causes to the Force Sensitives, being felt as a deathly cold sensation through the Force, becoming more and more harsh against the sensor, the close the ship(s) get.
  • Force Essense. The ships that utilize Netherdrive engines are travelling through arcane means, rather than actual technology. Should these ships are exposed to Force Nullifying fields, however, they are unable to jump into the Netherworld, which can effectivelly trap the ship from escaping.
  • Broken Essense. Contact with Light Side energy directly at the Netherdrive causes the machine to break, which effectivelly renders the whole vessel unable to engage the Netherworld, until it is repaired. Repairing such engines takes a great deal of time.

A cursed Death Ship emerging in realspace, tainted by the Nether's corruption. According to the Athysian Mythos, such warships operate as pirates, driven by the scent of living essense in the Nether. When catching a ship in the Nether, they engage it, forcing it to exit into realspace, before attacking, to drain all life from the crew onboard. (Credit)
The highly superstitious peoples of Athysia have long history with Pact Magic and summoning rituals. When it came to interstellar travels, the Athysians looked to the Death Gods of Athysia for guidance through the thick blackness of the void. According to them, the Death Lords are summoning the guiding hand of their grim patron to guide the Athysian ships through the endless cosmic seas. With such engines in their arshenal, the Athysian Raider Fleets can sail through the deep void undetectable while they draw close to their targets.
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