Character Nepheli Nephandi Tzunidahr

Nepheli N. Tzunidahr

Marcus’ Missed Opportunity
Jul 23, 2023
Galactic Credits
Full Name: Nepheli Nephandi Tzunidahr
Name: Nepheli
Surname(s): Tzunidahr
Age: Two-Hundred Thirty-Seven (237), Born 685 AWH
Title(s): Dhampir
Nickname(s): Neph
Sex: Female
Appearance: Image Above
Magic Affinity: Potent
  • Enhanced Strength - Being half Abhartach, Nepheli possesses a strength rivaling their own. She is capable of lifting a small carriage.
  • Enhanced Speed - Nepheli possesses a speed rivaling the peak of Human performance. Ideal for bursts of movement in the middle of battle.
  • Limited Immortality - Being a Dhampir, Nepheli is immune to the passage of time and most diseases. She can still killed in battle, through mystical means, and illnesses that are specific to her species.
  • Silver - While not lethal, silver will gradually weaken her until she is no better than a normal Human with training.
  • Holy Element - Holy magic will usually deal twice as much damage to her. It can turn a small injury into a potentially fatal wound.
  • Unquenchable Thirst - Being half Abhartach, Nepheli suffers from the same thirst as they do. She can survive on animal blood or regular Human food, though neither will be as nutritious as Human blood.
  • Brute Force - While incredibly strong, other races can overpower her in raw strength. Being as petite as she is, brute force can deal a lot of damage .
  • Beheading - Nepheli can not heal a severed head.
Early Life
Nepheli Nephandi Tzunidahr was born in 685 AWH, to the nomadic Nephandi tribe. The Nephandi were a traveling caravan, known for their fierce independence and deep knowledge of survival. Nepheli's parents, caravan leaders of the tribe, instilled in her the importance of self-reliance and resilience. By the age of sixteen, she had mastered the arts of combat and survival, often besting her peers in both skill and cunning. However, her heart yearned for more than the constant cycle of travel and struggle; she was captivated by the legends of ancient powers and mythical beings.

Quest for Power
At sixteen, Nepheli left her tribe, driven by a burning curiosity and ambition. For five years, she traveled through lands both familiar and strange, seeking out ancient tomes, mystical mentors, and hidden relics. She uncovered tales of Tharizdun, a primordial entity of immense power, imprisoned yet always whispering promises of strength to those who dared listen. Nepheli, unafraid and determined, spent months preparing for a ritual that would transform her destiny.

In 706 AWH, at the age of twenty-one, she performed the perilous ritual, striking a contract with Tharizdun. The ritual was grueling, testing her will and endurance to their limits. When it was done, Nepheli was no longer wholly human; she had become a Dhampir, a being caught between the worlds of the living and the undead, gifted with agelessness and the dark gifts of her new nature.

Rise in the Night Court
For decades, Nepheli wandered as a Dhampir, honing her new abilities and gathering influence. Her travels eventually led her to the Kingdom of Abhartach, ruled by the enigmatic and powerful King Marcus Aumont. Marcus, intrigued by Nepheli's power and ambition, invited her into his Night Court, a hidden society of vampires, Dhampirs, and other nocturnal beings. Under Marcus's tutelage, Nepheli rose quickly through the ranks, earning the respect and admiration of the Night Court's members.

By 885 AWH, Nepheli and Marcus had grown close, their bond transcending mere political alliance. Their union resulted in the birth of a son, Darius Nephandi Aumont, a unique blend of their formidable lineages. Nepheli, now a Duchess of the Night Court, was known not only for her power but also for her kindness and wisdom. She became a beloved figure, often mediating disputes and offering guidance to younger members of the court.

Key Events
The Battle of Bloodmoon Glen (732 AWH): Soon after becoming a Dhampir, Nepheli defended a small village from a marauding band of undead. Her prowess in combat and strategic acumen turned the tide, earning her a reputation as a fierce protector of the innocent.

The Pact of Shadows (780 AWH): Nepheli brokered a crucial alliance between the Night Court and the Shadow Elves of the Umbral Forest. This alliance provided the Night Court with new allies and access to ancient elven magic, solidifying her status as a key diplomat.

The Silver Veil Crisis (841 AWH): A rival faction within the Night Court attempted to overthrow Marcus. Nepheli, with her strategic genius and loyal followers, quashed the rebellion, ensuring the stability of Marcus's reign and further cementing her position as Duchess.

The Birth of Darius (885 AWH): The birth of her son marked a new chapter in Nepheli's life. She balanced her duties as a mother and a leader, teaching Darius the values of strength, compassion, and wisdom. Darius grew to become a formidable figure in his own right, destined to play a significant role in the Night Court's future.

Over her long life, Nepheli Nephandi Tzunidahr has become a legend in her own right. Her journey from a human child of the Nephandi tribe to a powerful and respected Dhampir Duchess is a tale of ambition, resilience, and transformation. Her influence continues to shape the Night Court and the world beyond, her legacy carried forward by her son and those who follow in her footsteps.
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